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Everything posted by LouT

  1. Minh, Oh wow...another complication. Okay, it appears that "trapped lung" is the inability of the lung to expand properly against the chest wall. I'm assuming that whatever they do will be with the purpose of releasing tissue so it can expand properly as it should. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Know that we are pulling for you. Lou
  2. Minh, You have had a tough time of it for sure. My hope is that you are able to recover and go back to work...I hope the pulmonologist can help you with your breathing, as I believe it is from more than the lung cancer (effusion, Covid, etc.). Lou
  3. Justin, Making progress like that is great news!...congratulations and take time to enjoy it. Lou
  4. Justin That is a question I have no experience with, but like you, I'll be watching for the replies Lou
  5. Justin, Scanziety is so real and damned uncomfortable. Please try and do anything that can get your mind of it whenever you can. All digits are crossed for you and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to hearing good news on your scans. Lou
  6. Minh, In my case it took about 2-3 months before I got back to a lower heart rate. Even after I didn't stay as low as I used to pre-surgery, but it was very respectable heart rate. Lou
  7. Minh, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I am glad that they were able to get the fluid drained. That's good to have done and behind you. I can't comment on what is keeping your heart rate high. After my lobectomy my heart rate was high for weeks afterward. In my case the surgeon (thoracic surgeon specializing in heart and lung) told me that it can happen sometimes after thoracic surgery, especially involving the lungs. I expressed how frightened I was to have a high rate for so long (like you it was a touch over 100) and he told me that since I had no underlying cardiac issues my heart can take the extra beats as he's had patients that went through this for months without damage. I was glad to hear this because I was afraid to do my walking and workouts for the same reason as you; overworking my heart. But over time my heart rate did go down and stabilize. I'm not saying that you have the same situation, but just letting you know that you need to let them find out what the cause is so they can correct it and try to stay calm as possible. ER docs deal with the immediate and are not going to do what a cardiologist will do for you. Once you get to a cardiologist they can figure out what the cause is and address it for you. Please hang in there and try not to be afraid...that only releases more epinephrine and raises heart rate. You're in my thoughts. Lou
  8. Lizzy, I read your whole post and couldn't be more impressed with all you've been through and the phenomenal headset you are bringing to this journey. It will serve you well! Thank you so much for posting your update. Now you have us all watching and waiting for your scan results. Please let us know once they're done. Lou
  9. Minh, So sorry to hear this. It seems that when it rains it pours, doesn't it? My hope is that your covid is Omicron (much less severe) and that you recover quickly and completely. Has your doctor discussed monoclonal therapy with you? I know someone who is immune-compromised (kidney transplant recipient) and she got the antibodies and said that it was a game changer for her. Please check into this. Lou
  10. Lizzy, You are going through some comprehensive treatment and I'm so glad to hear that you are not having severe reactions to the chemo or radiation. I look forward to hearing the results of your MRI/CT. Keep going as you're doing great. Lou
  11. Justin, I think asking is always a good choice for anything we'd like more information on. Lou
  12. Lizzy, Glad to hear that you are now on "the treatment trail" as it's the only way to get this thing under control. Others here have had the"gamma knife" therapy and will give you better insight than I can on results, side-effects, etc. But for my part, my fingers and toes are crossed for a good outcome from the chemotherapy. BTW, I'm just starting to learn Fur Elise (a simplified version) so your cartoon was doubly timely. Stay strong and keep in touch here, we love to hear from you. Lou
  13. Justin, It's good news to hear any tumor shrinking. Hang in there as so far the result sure seems positive. Lou
  14. Lizzy, I don't know anybody here who hasn't gone through the sea of emotions that you describe. Please give yourself some grace. Others don't know what to do, they can become uncomfortable and either respond by overtalking or not talking at all. So, give them some grace as well. And there are enough survivors here for me to tell you that your life is NOT OVER!!! And I think you are super for going back to get a degree. I've often thought of taking a course or two, but I'm too set in my ways to change my life for a "study life" and focused on music. So, instead of college I'm learning to play the piano. At 71 I doubt I'll become a virtuoso but I'm having fun and learning to play pretty quickly. So you keep all your dreams in hand...you're not near done writing your story yet. Lou
  15. Lizzy, Welcome to our forum. We're sorry you need to be here but glad you found us. Let's start at the top; you'll find a lot of survivors here who were diagnosed at different stages in their Lung Cancer (LC) journey and we've learned that LC is not the death sentence it was years ago. Many here treat it as any chronic disease and are doing well. I also would like you to take a few minutes to read a short blog titled, "10 Steps to Surviving Lung Cancer; by a Survivor", it can be found here. We hope that you'll stick around and keep us updated on your progress and please feel free to ask any questions you may have here. There is a great breadth of experience in our group and folks are always willing to help you. So, stay strong and know that you're not alone. Lou
  16. Lisa, Thanks for a timely and important message . I can only say; "Yes", to all the above. I have scaled back on FB (except for 2 support pages) because the jokes are old, the kitten videos are now boring and the illusion that "everybody else has a happier life than mine" has grown pretty tiresome. Too bad we can't get the younger folks to understand the illusion of these boards. Yes, they can have value connecting people, but no, they are not a "reality based" view of the world. Lou
  17. Justin, Sorry to hear about the side-effects. Please always remember to keep your medical team updated on the effects you feel as there are often things that can be done to ease the symptoms. BTW, if you share some of them here you'll likely find folks who have also experienced them and can offer some tips and tricks on easing them. Lou
  18. Justin, I'll join my Lungevity sister in wishing you "Good Luck" and please follow some of the recommendations you read about or even find on our forums. But always be willing to share symptoms with your medical team so they know what is going on. All digits will be crossed for you. Lou
  19. Joana, You’re welcome and I can only say being an overachiever got me into a lot of trouble during my recovery and I hope you don’t fall prey to the same temptation. Lou
  20. Thanks for the update Justin. Once we get our treatment plans there is always some reduction in anxiety. I believe it is mostly because we know that "someone is coming to kill off those little sucker cancer cells". Keep us updated and ask questions as needed. Good luck buddy. Lou
  21. Justin, As you're hearing here on the forum, you cannot be a "passenger" on your treatment train, but rather a partner of the team. So you should always ask when you can expect a result or other information and then (as others have already said) follow up to ensure you get it in a timely manner. Waiting is never fun, but even less fun when you are concerned about your health so please establish yourself as the "customer" early on. Lou
  22. LouT

    Patti B

    Alishan, I just saw your post here. I'm glad that you found our site and forum. Please tell me what is going on with you and how we can help you. Lou
  23. Cancer surely has a way of reducing our tolerance for most things; least of all patience. Lou
  24. Excellent news...stay strong and enjoy every day. Lou
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