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Everything posted by MalouDP

  1. WOOOHOOO Donna Party time!! We need more of you here Congratulations!!!!! Love Malou
  2. Thank you all for your great support. It is such a blessing to have this board. I feel like I've known all of you in my entire life. This board is now a part of my family and I want to let you all know, that even though I don't post much, but for every post I read; I cry, I laugh, I pray, I smile,I wohoo, I praise God, and I grieved for those who is suffering and those who have left us. I love you all. I will keep you guys posted. Malou
  3. Congratulations Donna You are truly an inspiration. Malou
  4. Hello everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, been overwhelm lately. My husband Thomas last chemo treatment was cancelled due to low RBC. His had 3 transfusions so far in the past 4 months. Last week he has been sick with nausea and vomiting and stomach cramps and unable to keep anything down, turned yellow in the eyes and entire body, very dark urine. Took him to hospital and he was diagnosed with gallstones. Doc said just wait and see if it disappear on its own. Can’t recommend surgery due to his condition and small lung (wind) capacity. Was released home yesterday after 4 days in the hospital, still no appetite and still have nausea & vomiting and still dark urine. PET results on Nov 28, 2005 showed that he is no longer responding to CARBO/GEMZAR. Tumors are back all over with a vengeance but not in the liver and not in the kidneys. I am lost, stunned, and still shock as ever. We are supposed to meet with the Oncologist Monday to re group. Please keep him your prayers. Love to all. Malou
  5. MalouDP

    Joels Ct results

    Thank you Jesus We love NED. Keep NED coming Malou
  7. Nothing like a long term warranty. You're just a kid You'll be around the next 20 years. God Bless Malou
  8. Fred: Tell Kasey we love her very much and you for taking care of her..
  9. MalouDP


    Prayers and to Beth and her family.
  10. Thank you everyone for the best wishes and prayers. I am currently struggling between his care and work, but the strength of God keeps me going. My husband Thomas had his first treatment Friday, July 29, so far so good. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks again and God Bless Malou
  11. Hi Don: How were you handling Gemzar and Carbo? My husband is in the same cocktail which started today. I'm praying the side effects won't be that bad. He's already winded though he is not on oxygen. He can only walk very short distance and get short of breath. Please let me know. Thanks. Malou
  12. Hi Donna: No distant met,just one node but about 1 dozen of small new small growths on the left lung where the surgery was. The surgeon advised us to have chemo after the surgery since he did not get a clear margin due to the size and cannot do a complete lobectomy due to COPD, but the complications kept him from the hospital. I am horrified with every fiber in my body. How bad is chemo side effects nowadays? Thanks and God Bless Malou
  13. Hello everyone it is a blessing to have a support group like this. I have been reading this site for the past 30 days and it lifts my spirits up everyday. My husband is 62 years old and was diagnosed with NSCLC stage 1B on Jan 15, 2005. After numerous test we had a wedge resection on March 16, 2005. He ended up in the hospital for 3 months due to infections and recurrent sepsis. He was on the vent for 40 days. He finally got home from the hospital on June 6. Needless to say he missed all the plans for chemo prevention six weeks after the surgery. We went to see the Oncologist on June 15, and took another PET. He is now diagnosed with Stage IV with mets to one node. He is scheduled to start chemo today. Carbo and Gemzar. He also has COPD before we found out about the cancer. I am devastated but I am praising God that he has given him a chance to fight this beast. Thank you all for your love and support and God Bless. Malou
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