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  1. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LeeLee1908 in The most recent scan report is in   
    "1. Stable posttreatment changes in right lower lung.
    2. No adenopathy or recurrent disease.
    I had two fabulous weeks in Italy, now a report of no recurrent disease. What else matters? 
    Brain check-up next month. 
    Hope you're all having some nice moments in your days. 
  2. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from tgif i guess in The most recent scan report is in   
    "1. Stable posttreatment changes in right lower lung.
    2. No adenopathy or recurrent disease.
    I had two fabulous weeks in Italy, now a report of no recurrent disease. What else matters? 
    Brain check-up next month. 
    Hope you're all having some nice moments in your days. 
  3. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from catlady91 in The most recent scan report is in   
    "1. Stable posttreatment changes in right lower lung.
    2. No adenopathy or recurrent disease.
    I had two fabulous weeks in Italy, now a report of no recurrent disease. What else matters? 
    Brain check-up next month. 
    Hope you're all having some nice moments in your days. 
  4. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from BridgetO in The most recent scan report is in   
    "1. Stable posttreatment changes in right lower lung.
    2. No adenopathy or recurrent disease.
    I had two fabulous weeks in Italy, now a report of no recurrent disease. What else matters? 
    Brain check-up next month. 
    Hope you're all having some nice moments in your days. 
  5. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from wendybird in Looking for hope   
    Hi Karyn, 
    I'm sorry your friend's comment was distressing for you. People mean well but sometimes the things they say are unintentionally hurtful or upsetting. I'm also sorry you are coping with so much. I'm also Stage 4 adenocarcinoma, but have no experience with the infusion combo you're experiencing.  
    The  prognosis area of lung cancer has been turned on its head by recent results of research, so I have not found it beneficial to my mental health to pay attention to the survival stats. Not when I have friends in my local cancer group who have been living with Stage 4 lung cancer for 10, 12, 16 years, others who have lived for 10+ with one lung, etc. And these are people with active, meaningful lives. Terminal? Well, everyone is, when you get right down to it. We're just aware of it, more than the average person.
    I'm not sure what your friend was getting at, but it seems that adopting a mindset that you're terminal is going to make you miserable. When people tell me I'm so brave or whatever else, I have a choice to buy in to their thinking or not. I think people say stuff like that because they're scared and on some level want to distance themselves from me. Last week, one person told me I had courage. We're good friends, so I could be frank. That was ridiculous, I told him, like I'm not going to do tests or have treatment plans? It doesn't take courage to do that, just common sense. What takes courage for me right now is to build a meaningful life within the parameters I currently have. So, what do I want? Yikes! In my book, that's a question that needs some courage to answer. It's certainly not one I expected at this point in my life. 
    I'm glad you found us, Karyn. 
  6. Like
    Karen_L reacted to LouT in The most recent scan report is in   
    That is great news and the Italy trip also sounds wonderful.  Congratulations.
  7. Like
    Karen_L reacted to Tom Galli in The most recent scan report is in   
    How about that! Karen got a clean scan. La Dolce Vida!
    Stay the course.
  8. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in New and confused, afraid...   
    Welcome to your new community. It feels scary alone to hear the diagnosis, then scary alone as you wait for your treatment plan. It's better to go through it with people who have been there. We have, we're here. We're glad you are too. Please keep us posted. And, please consider writing more! 
  9. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from catlady91 in My first ever surgery!!   
    I don’t envy you the steroids part, but full remission— what lovely words! It’s a trade off I’d make in a heartbeat. I’m glad you’re going to see family, too. Sounds like you are prepared in all the ways you can be. Have you any idea of what the recovery period will be like?
  10. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in My first ever surgery!!   
    I don’t envy you the steroids part, but full remission— what lovely words! It’s a trade off I’d make in a heartbeat. I’m glad you’re going to see family, too. Sounds like you are prepared in all the ways you can be. Have you any idea of what the recovery period will be like?
  11. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from catlady91 in It's been a minute...   
    How wonderful that you're going on that cruise! I hope you and your NED lungs enjoy every second. 
  12. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from catlady91 in My first ever surgery!!   
    Best of luck, Rikke. The outcomes sound exciting!
  13. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Update- all is good 👍   
    That was thoughtful of you, catlady91. I, too, think of Justin. I'm so happy to hear about your mom's current status. Despite the slow -normal-wear and tear on the body, she sounds in remarkable condition. I'm glad she gets to enjoy a little traveling. I hope you're feeling some relief, too. 
  14. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in It's been a minute...   
    How wonderful that you're going on that cruise! I hope you and your NED lungs enjoy every second. 
  15. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from catlady91 in Update- all is good 👍   
    That was thoughtful of you, catlady91. I, too, think of Justin. I'm so happy to hear about your mom's current status. Despite the slow -normal-wear and tear on the body, she sounds in remarkable condition. I'm glad she gets to enjoy a little traveling. I hope you're feeling some relief, too. 
  16. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in It's been a minute...   
    How wonderful that you're going on that cruise! I hope you and your NED lungs enjoy every second. 
  17. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Update- all is good 👍   
    That was thoughtful of you, catlady91. I, too, think of Justin. I'm so happy to hear about your mom's current status. Despite the slow -normal-wear and tear on the body, she sounds in remarkable condition. I'm glad she gets to enjoy a little traveling. I hope you're feeling some relief, too. 
  18. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in My first ever surgery!!   
    Oh, h3ll. What a disappointment; what a stupid development; what a bunch of new complexities to muddle through. I’m so sorry, Rikke. It sounds like you are thinking clearly about options despite the upset. I hope the way becomes clear for you.
  19. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from BridgetO in My first ever surgery!!   
    Oh, h3ll. What a disappointment; what a stupid development; what a bunch of new complexities to muddle through. I’m so sorry, Rikke. It sounds like you are thinking clearly about options despite the upset. I hope the way becomes clear for you.
  20. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in My first ever surgery!!   
    Oh, h3ll. What a disappointment; what a stupid development; what a bunch of new complexities to muddle through. I’m so sorry, Rikke. It sounds like you are thinking clearly about options despite the upset. I hope the way becomes clear for you.
  21. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Kim_F in Question about type of surveillance scans after treatment begins   
    I have had regular brain MRIs (every 6 months?)from the start. I developed a brain met which had NO neurologic symptoms. I was treated with gamma knife, and since then have been MRI-d every 2 months. With my last MRI, I graduated to every 3 months. I’d hazard a guess that your oncologist may be a generalist, i.e., not a lung cancer specialist?
    My radiation oncologist went to bat for me with insurance for a more advanced method she preferred. Your doctor, or someone on their staff should do the same for you. 
    It’s good you’re heading to MD Anderson.
    Hang in. 
  22. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in My first ever surgery!!   
    Best of luck, Rikke. The outcomes sound exciting!
  23. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Question about type of surveillance scans after treatment begins   
    I have had regular brain MRIs (every 6 months?)from the start. I developed a brain met which had NO neurologic symptoms. I was treated with gamma knife, and since then have been MRI-d every 2 months. With my last MRI, I graduated to every 3 months. I’d hazard a guess that your oncologist may be a generalist, i.e., not a lung cancer specialist?
    My radiation oncologist went to bat for me with insurance for a more advanced method she preferred. Your doctor, or someone on their staff should do the same for you. 
    It’s good you’re heading to MD Anderson.
    Hang in. 
  24. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from RJN in My first ever surgery!!   
    Best of luck, Rikke. The outcomes sound exciting!
  25. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in My first ever surgery!!   
    Best of luck, Rikke. The outcomes sound exciting!
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