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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. That was a good one Ann---

    Actually happened to my hubby in college. He had one you could see and couldn't hear and the other you could hear and couldn't see. He stacked them on top of one another to have a full t.v.

    ***You had to remove a toothpick for your wedding pictures.

    ***Your dad walks you to school because you are both in the same grade.

  2. I want to bring Snowflake. She is a "hoot". I bet she really tells it like it is when she has had some "toddy" for the "body". That would be a total of three seats. Close to the ground please--it's always a loooonnnnnggg way down.



  3. Great news!!

    I had my follow-up scans today. The results say that I am NED. Is that the same as stable or is it better? I am confused but happy.



  4. Hey Janet,

    I have been on Tarceva since April of last year and have had stable scans ever since. The only side effects I have had are very dry skin, a little acne, and occasion diarrhea. I feel so fortunate to have this drug as an option. Much easier than chemo. I actually feel normal.



  5. Ten million (Is this after taxes or before)


    500,000 to my momma

    500,000 to my daddy

    500,000 to lung cancer research

    500,000 to each my sisters (totaling 1.5 million)

    500,000 to my mother in law

    1 million in a trust for my son

    1 million to my church

    250,000 to my step brothers (totaling 500,000)

    250,000 to my brother and sis in law( totaling 500,000)

    Invest 1 million

    500,000 to my best friend

    100,000 to each of her family (totaling 300,000)

    1 million to me and my hubby

    500,000 to LCSC

    Start a private music school with the rest

  6. Cheryl,

    I am so sorry!!! Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.



    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified...for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

  7. Joe,

    I sure hope it's scar tissue too!! Maybe you could consult with your oncologist about the reading and he could validate or at least get another opinion. I truly believe in 2nd and 3rd opinions. Heck, I got 4 before I believed their cancer diagnosis was correct.

    WOW Andrea--that guy had some issues



  8. Hopefully, since they know what the problem is they can give him some relief. I am so sorry that he is having to go through this. Pneumonia alone will knock you on your tail. Let him know that we are praying for a quick recovery.



  9. Hey Trish,

    You have really hit the nail on the head. What to add? HMMMMMM

    Live everyday like there is no tommorrow. Remember what your priorities are in life. Remember that prayers can be answered. Learn to love your neighbor and be empathetic of them. Give to others and you have contributed to your own happiness. And finally through the words of Mother Teresa herself, "Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face; kindness in your eyes, and kindness in your smile."

    GOD BLESS MY LCSC family,


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