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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. I am so glad you didn't listen. Also, happy to know that your family had the three years. In the scheme of things, famous or not, we are all on a level playing field. You were so right to continue seek opinions on prognosis and treatment. I think I have 4 opinions at last count. Because of this, hope prevails.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  2. Ginnie,

    Hang in there.

    Relaxing helped me through it (meditating, reading my Bible, praying, talking to friends, reading writing and/or finding my purpose (outside of my family) and submerging myself into it. Could be a hobby, activism, volunteering at the clinic, cultivating talents. Whatever makes you feel good.

    Hope this helps,

    God BLess!!


    "He who has a why to live, can bear with almost any how./" Victor Frankl

    "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12

  3. I'm totally confused also. My oncologist told me that the treatment protocol for NSCLC (squamous or adenocarinoma) is basically the same.

    Definately get a second opinion. Heck, I got a third and a fourth. Gave me more faith and trust in my doctor.



  4. Hey everyone,

    The band event is drawing near and I am so scared that I am missing something.

    The deadline for the performing groups is today!! I have had a great response. The donations keep coming in (monetary and material). At this point, we have raised $3000.00. But, it is still early and we have gifts coming in everyday. Not to mention, all of the gifts that have been donated. Or the donations sent via the website. Thanks to all.

    I am printing all of the survivor stories and pictures on beautiful stationary thatt resembles "heavan,clouds and peacefulness). All of the stories will be displayed on decorated music stands with big white ribbons. We will have all of the stories strategically located, so they will be read by the students. We will have professional an/or college level instrumental performers in the hallways so there will be music everywhere to hopefully highlight the area the stories are located. (lined up a celtic harpist, guitarist, string quartet, wind and brass soloists)-many will most likely be coming from the University of Memphis.

    These are the latest updates. If you still are interested in having your story posted, please let me know. These are the stories I have at this time.

    Dave's story

    Cathy's story

    Beth's story

    Crd. Tarowski's story

    Heather's story and picture

    Jim's story

    Kim and Mike's story

    Mandy's story

    Ry's story

    My New Normal's story

    Starr's story

    Brian Osberg's story and picture

    Donna G's story

    Jacquie's story

    Laurianne's story and picture

    Mark's story

    Connie's story

    Gail's story

    Jeffrey and Trish's story

    Kasey's story and picture

    Lucie's story

    Melanie's story

    Rich's story

    Sharon's story and picture

    This is what I have---

    *If I have forgetten your name or picture, please notify me adn I will fix it. I sincerely apologize if this is the case.

    *If you don't see your story and would like for us to use it, let me know. I would be very grateful.

    *If you see your story listed and don't want me to use it please let me know and I will honor your wishes.

    *If you would like to add pictures, please let me know where I can get those.

    Thanks everyone and God Bless!!!!



    I hope you are not finding my updates bothersome. I certainly don't want to upset anyone. Please let me know if this is the case. My purpose of the updates is to let you know what's going on and so I can keep all of my "ducks in a row".

  5. What about:

    parachute pants, MC Hammer pants, Tight-rolling jeans, Really tight jeans--(the tighter the better), you could buy Charles chips from the truck.

    BIG hair( the bigger the better).

    (The eighties were a big influence obviously)

  6. Along with what Ry said---you may want to check with your doc. on this one.

    If my tube ever got clogged--I would pour coca cola in it and it would unclog it. It did make the tube look brown (which was not very attractive) but it did work.

    I used sodas on a regular basis to keep it unclogged.

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