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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Hey Fay,

    I thought of you when I read this:

    The Bible teaches that you don't determine a person's greatness by the value of their wealth but by the wealth of their values. Rick Warren

    You are a great person Fay!!



  2. Hey Missy,

    Thanks for keeping us informed. I will keep your mom in my prayers.



    "Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

    Romans 15:4

  3. Well, the event is getting very close. 2 weeks away

    Please pray that it all goes well. I am so scared that I have forgotten someone or something.

    I want to personally invite all of my lchelp family to attend if you can. Memphis, Tn March 4th. The best time to be at the event (since it is from 9-5) would be around 11:00-12:30 and 3:00 - 5:00.

    If you are interested in attending, let me know and I can try to work out hotel, or maybe get a discount. I can ask anyone for just about anything now. They can only say "no". I have learned that through this fundraiser.

    Finally---here it is:

    There are 13 middle and high concert bands competing and 49 soloists.

    Memphis Originals Cafe will have an area set-up for acoustical instruments. There will be music everywhere. (guitarists, celtic harpists, wind players, volalists)

    Two families will be present to give the award for their loved one to the winning school/student. I love this--this will mean so much to the kids.

    I was able to get the building and insurance permit through the school system. (saved us $1500.00) This is now a sanctioned Memphis City School Event as well as being sanctioned through the Arkansas Activities Association.

    This is unbelievable!!!!!!!! We have been truly blessed. Thanks to all of you that have helped along the way. Your generosity will be noted in the program.

    Hope to see you there. But if you are not, you will be in spirit!!!!

    GOD IS GOOD!!!

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