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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. A blonde goes into a coffee shop and notices there's a "peel and win" sticker on her coffee cup.

    So she peels it off and starts screaming, "I've won a motorhome!

    I've won a motorhome!"

    The waitress says, "That's impossible. The biggest prize is a free Lunch.?"

    But the blonde keeps on screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!"

    Finally, the manager comes over and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken.

    You couldn't have possibly won a motorhome because we didn't have that as a prize.

    The blonde says, "No, it's not a mistake. I've won a motorhome!"

    And she hands the ticket to the manager and HE reads...

    "W I N A B A G E L"

  2. My husband and I were talking about it. He suggested, "why not the lung cancer ribbon slanted with tread marks after it ---Written under it --Racing or Speeding towards a cure"? Something that could easily be seen at fast speeds.



  3. As a teacher of middle school children for ten years, I totally agree with the previous solutions. Children are very resilient and handle a whole lot more that we often think they can. I always think honesty is the best policy and it also makes themnappreciate you more as a parent. With all of my students that have suffered losses and dealt with travesty, the ones that had forthcoming parents were more prepared and could gradually deal with the issues rather than everything happening "all at once".

    Hope this helps!!


  4. Funny you should ask.

    I have e-mailed and faxed information to the local station. Have not received anything yet.

    Clear Channel has been very supportive in promoting this on their radio statio websites.

    They are as follows:

    www.rock103.com (look under Memphis, then community)

    www.am107wdia.com (events/community)

    www.wrecradio.com (events/community calendar)

    www.am990.com (community events)

    Who knows what will turn up next!!!

    GOd BLess!!


  5. A man walked into the Women's Department of Macy's in New York City. He told the Sales lady, "I would like a Baptist bra for my wife, size 36B".

    With a quizzical look, the saleslady asked, "What kind of bra?"

    He repeated, "A Baptist bra. She said to tell you that she wanted a Baptist bra and that you would know what she wanted."

    "Ah, now I remember," Said the saleslady, "we don't get as many requests for them as we used to. Mostly our customers lately want the Catholic bra or the Salvation Army bra, or the Presbyterian type".

    Confused and a little flustered, the man asked, "So what are the differences?"

    The lady responded, "Well, it's really quite simple.

    The Catholic type supports the masses,

    The Salvation Army lifts up the fallen,

    The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright."

    He mused at that for a moment and then asked, "So, what is the Baptist type for?"

    "They", she replied, "make mountains out of molehills".

    And, if you need more information here's some more:

    Have you ever wandered why bras are lettered A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, H and how the letters are actually used to define bra sizes? Well, if you have ever wondered, but couldn't figure it out, here's the code:

    A. Almost Boobs

    B. Barely Boobs

    C. Can't Complain

    D. Dang!

    DD. Double Dang!

    E. Enormous

    F. Fake

    G. Get a reduction

    H. Help Me, I've fallen and can't get up.....


  6. Hey Linda,

    You stay positive!! When I was first diagnosed, one thing that stuck in my head that someone told me was this::

    There is no cancer, no matter what stage, no matter how advanced, that has not been cured at some point!!!

    I can't remember who said it---Maybe the Richard Bloch Foundation.

    I have never forgotten that and it's always given me HOPE!!!!



  7. Here is my prayer:

    Dear Lord,

    As we come together here as a family,

    I pray that you give us comfort on the recent losses that we are enduring.

    I ask that you give us peace for we are so sad.

    We know that with you we can find peace

    We know with you we can find comfort.

    We ask that you open our hearts and minds and give us strength to always remember the positive influence that our loved ones had on us.

    We know that we have many angels watching over us and what a blessing knowing that we are never alone.

    Please continue to give us your shield of protection.

    We know that "through you all things are possible and that we can do all things through the strength you give us".

    In Jesus heavenly and gracious name!!


    A friend of mine--Donna P.--sent this to me.

    I thought it was very special.

    Donna is 33 and has cancer of unknown primary--we met having chemo together. However, she is currently in treatment. She has such a positive outlook and true concern for others.

    This Too Shall Pass...

    If I can endure for this minute

    Whatever is happening to me,

    No matter how heavy my heart is

    Or how dark the moment may be-

    If i can remain calm and quiet

    With all the world crashing about me,

    Secure in the knowledge that GOD loves me

    When everyone else seems to doubt me-

    If I can keep on believing

    What I know in my heart to be true,

    That darkness will fade with the morning

    And that this will pass away, too-

    Then nothing in life can defeat me

    For as long as this knowledge remains

    I can suffer whatever is happening

    For I know that GOD will break all of the chains

    That are binding me tight in the darkness

    And trying to fill me with fear-

    For there is no night without dawning

    And I know that my morning is near.

  8. First of all--- Thanks to all of you for helping me "keep going". Also, thanks for everything you have contributing. This is turning into quite an event!!! I can promise you that our "lung cancer family here" will be recognized and promoted to all attending students, parents, visitors, survivors, caregivers,principals, school administrators,teachers and anyone else that may be present.

    I also wanted to personally invite any of you to the event. Also, we have room for many awards (memorials and honorariums) if this is of interest. I will be sending programs to all lung cancer survivors or family members involved.

    I f you are interested, you can pm me and I will get back with you ASAP!!!

    Here is an update on the progress of the event:

    The participating groups are from the Memphis, Mississippi, Dyer County and the Jackson area. We are anticipating at least 1500 people in attendance. There are families coming from all over the country to present awards in honor of their lost loved ones. We will have a power point presentation during the awards ceremony so the person the award is in honor of can be viewed by all the students from a huge screen on the stage. . Also, we will briefly talk about that person and their contributions. We are going to have survivor stories posted all over the school to be viewed by the attendants. At this time, I have about 25 stories---I could use many more. If you haven't been contacted about your story, please forgive me. If you would like your story submitted, please let me know!!!! This will be a positive experience and I know the kids will be proud they are involved in it.

    My contribution to lung cancer society and to music students:

    I am hosting this event in the hopes that we can instill empathy in our children towards people with this disease, help with the much needed funding for lung cancer research, honor many people affected by lung cancer, help promote the musical talents of our youth, and make our communities aware that this disease does NOT discriminate (It doesn’t care who your are, how old you are, your socio-economic background, what color you are, your gender, what you do for a living, etc.) It’s time that Lung cancer gets in the spotlight and the negative stigma that accompanies it forgotten!! Too many people are dying from this disease and the survival rates are scary!!!!!

    We have 16 bands confirmed verbally (deadline not until Feb. 4th) and about 40 soloists.

    The Memphis Sound Drum Corp will be hosting a brass and percussion clinic for the kids.

    Judges will have a clinic for the woodwinds and strings students as well.

    The band judges will be hosting a question and answer session for the directors during this time. (This will all happen right after lunch and during the clinic for the kids).

    The Memphis Originals Café (Mo’s) will be setting up a studio for the winning soloist to record their performance and take a copy home with them.

    We are trying to put something together with the Orpheum Theatre (Kind of like an American Idol for instrumentalists) to go around to the schools and promote a shortened version of a Broadway musical.

    Amro music is donating trophies for the winning bands and soloists.

    I am personally giving three $100.00 cash prizes to the winning soloists.

    Fear Nothing Music Gear will be providing event staff t-shirts with sponsorships listed and setting up a booth.

    Our website is working and all sponsorships, memorials, and honorariums will be noted there as well. (WWW.LUNGEVITY.ORG/PLAYINGFORACURE)

    Absolutely Perfect Photography will have a studio set-up for group pictures with the foundation getting the profit.

    We will also have individual and small group photos available for purchase.

    Pin-mart is donating a 100 pins (angel playing a horn (our logo)) to be given to the winning bands and students.

    Troop 240 Boy scouts will be handling parking and concessions.

    We will be selling lung cancer awareness jewelry at the event as well as face painting.

    We have a graphic artist and printing service that have donated their services.

    I have a group of 4 women that are my “power four” that are helping me along the way.

    We have been accepted by the Arkansas Activities Association. So, Arkansas bands and groups can attend.

    I have contacted all of the state band organizations including Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama about invitations.

    The event has been promoted on most statewide band websites and message boards.

    Everyone gets a program with the sponsorships listed as well as the schools participating.

    Anne McGinty and John Edmondson (nationally renowned composers) will be donating autographed music and monetary donations as awards to the winning groups.

    The Mimi Farina (Joan Baez's sister) national website will be offering an award to a recognized soloist in memory of Mimi Farina (passed away from Lung cancer)

    www.lchelp.org has made a contribution (support group to the stars of lung cancer).

    The Jesse Owens (olympic champion)national website will be donating awards for two students in memory of Jesse Owens (passed away from lung cancer)

    Gould’s Day Spa and Salon will be giving a spa package to a winning band director from the Memphis Area.

    Slavehaven/Burkle House Museum will be dontaing passes to students (this was an Underground Railroad house)

    Holly will be donating "hand made"scarves to various female students participating.

    Other items donated (cologne, perfume, 100% silk tie, hotel stays, restaurant gift certificates, museum passes,movie passes, back packs, pins, and many other items

    More donations to come!!!!!

    All awards and trophies will be given in memory of people that have succumbed to or are suffering from this devastating disease. Ex. (http://laurianneshope.blogspot.com) (www.caringbridge.org/tn/jamie)

    Awards for Bands and Soloists

    Top Scoring Middle and High School Bands

    *****Trophy for the band, certificates and lapel pins with our "angel playing a horn logo" for the participating students.

    Top Scoring Soloists From Each Division

    ******Trophy, Certificate, "angel playing horn logo" lapel pin, $100.00 cash award and an opportunity to record their solo for a cd.

    Anne McGinty (nationally renown band composer)will offer various autographed musical selections for winning band groups.

    ***All Bands will receive adjudication tapes, copy of the program and rating sheets.

    ***All soloists will receive ratings sheets, participation certificate , copy of the program and an "angel playing a horn"lapel pin.

    Awards are in honor of :

    Jessee Dewey Award---$100.00 cash prize for beginning division soloist (1st place)(memory)

    Beth Yenney Award---$100.00cash prize for Middle Division soloist (1st place)(memory)

    Brian K Osberg----$100.00cash prize for High Division soloist (1st place)(memory)

    Donna Prevost Award---All divisions-solo trophy award (honor and Donna will be present at the event and recognized)

    Mark Anthony Mollica Award ---High Division Band trophy(memory)--(1st place)

    Laurianne’s Hope Award----Middle Division Band Trophy(memory)--1st place

    William Slovacek Award-----Beginning Division Trophy (memory)1st place

    Nancy Nissalke Award —2nd place gift bag for all divisions(memory)

    David Wayne Chapman Award to be given to a trumpet soloist (trumpet gift bag-musical supplies)

    Doris Green Hollo Award (muscial gift bag)

    Earl DeCoursey Award 3rd place soloist gift bags for all divisions

    James Ecker Award honor certificates for all participating bands

    Leslie Guilloz Award (pending approval) 2nd and 3rd place plaques for soloists in all divisions

    Awards are finalized!!!!

    The deadline for all sponsorships is February 17th.

    $1000.00 or more---Platinum Whole Note

    Dr. Pallera and family

    $500.00 or more---Platinum Half Note


    $250.00 or more---- Gold Quarter Note

    · Jon and Jamie Young

    · “SUSU” Dina

    . Amro Music

    $100.00 or more ----Silver Eighth Note

    · Allstate Ins.---Anthony (full)

    · Faith Christian Church

    · MidSouth Music

    · State Farm Insurance - Bill

    · Diana Young

    · “Beth” Bill's wife

    · Anne McGinty

    · “Katie”—lchelp.org

    . Kindermusik with Ann Durden

    $50.00 or more------Bronze Sixteenth Note

    · Amy Carr

    · Absolutely Perfect Photography

    · Fear Nothing Music Gear

    · Gould’s Salon

    . Memphis Zoo

    $25.00 or more ----- Band member

    · Reader’s Digest—Mack Rickman

    · Visions Hair and Nail Spa

    · Super King Buffet

    . Slavehaven/Burkle House

    . Rodelli Uomo

    . Memphis Fragrance

    . "Holly"

    . Deanna Cross

    . Malco

    . Bosco's Restaurant

    . Bread and Roses Foundation

    In memory of:

    Brian Osberg

    William Slovacek

    Nancy Nissalke

    Jessee Dewey

    Laurianne’s HOPE

    Mark Anthony Mollica

    Beth Yenney

    David Chapman

    Marilyn Murphy

    Mimi Farina

    Jesse Owens

    Joe Alameda

    In honor of:

    Donna Prevost

    Rachael Sensabaugh


    Jamie Young

    Jim Reid

    Larry Vincent

    Check out the post for the bands and soloists titles "Here we go". It's unbelievable!!!

    Thanks all!!!


    At this point, we have raised almost $6000.00. Not to mention what has come in through the website or what will be collected the day of the event. Our goal is 10,000.00. Our first year, I think that is awesome. Thanks to all of you that have contributed.

    We will be sending the message to about 700 students. If we reach one, it will be worth it.

    One day the stigma will be gone. No one should live in guilt. We should love and care for one another, no matter what the circumstances.

    GOD IS GOOD!!!


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