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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. First of all, I want to thank everyone for your support in making this event the success that it was. I can't describe the amount of joy I experienced seeing it all come together. WOW! We had over 2000 people pass through the halls of the school. The stories really touched alot of people. There was one lady that came to me crying because she has been suffering from a cough and she was so scared. I was able to talk with her and put her mind at ease. She is going to a pulmonologist next week. Many kids came to me to let me know how much they enjoyed the stories and couldn't believe what these people have gone through! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Awareness achieved. I also wanted to add that the highlight of the day for me was to meet Beth and Lynda. What awesome people!!!! You two have really made it all worthwhile for me. I truly hope that I will see you again soon!!!!!! My oncologist and his nurse attended and were completely floored. They had no idea of what to expect. The pharmaceutical representative from Genentech also came and we put him to work (HAHA). He also thought it was awesome. The Memphis Commercial Appeal had a very nice write-up in the Sunday paper which circulates all over Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas.

    Not one person had a negative thing to say about the event. That is amazing. We definately have a few kinks to work out for next year, but next year will be bigger and better. As soon as I get a date, I will let all of you know. Maybe if I get on it soon enough, I can work out hotel accomadations for everyone!!!!

    Iis always amazing to see so many kids come together and perform. The bands were great and the solo judges said they were very impressed with the solo performances. All of the band directors said they would be attending again next year!

    We raised around 1000.00 this day which brings the total to around $7000.00 in cash and about $3000.00 in other contributions. We were also able to cut our overhead about $3000.00. Very soon, I will be having a thank you note party with the volunteer staff so we can prepare the programs to be sent out.

    Thanks again!!!!



    Thanks again and as soon as I have pictures I will post!!!!!

  2. Dear Nancy,

    Please know that I will be praying for you.

    "May the GOd of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Ramans 15:13



  3. Connie,

    I qualified for disability. If you look on the Social Security website, there is information about qualifications.

    IIIB is characterized as inoperable and incurable.

    Was automatic.



  4. Hey BIll,

    My pharmacist recommended Lantiseptic

    I have to ask the pharmace to order it for me. It has helped tremendously with my dry skin and my son's dry skin on his leg's and bottom.

    Has anyone tried Boudreaux's Butt Paste? No kidding.

    I have heard good things about it. Embarassed to ask for it.

    God Bless!!


  5. My symptoms:



    Weight Loss ---liked that one (Funny, I thought I finally found a diet that worked)

    Nagging cough with plegm

    I will pray for positive results for you!!!



  6. I also had problems with that and still do to some extent. I think mine is caused from the Tarceva. I did have a colonoscopy and they found a polyp, but besides that all was good.

    Good luck with your problem. When in preparation for the colonoscopy, I took the visicol tablets. I have heard this was better than the stuff you have to drink. No doubt, it cleans you out.


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