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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Hey Jessica,

    I also took Etoposide--but with Cisplatin. I think it is normally added to a platinum type drug. Also, chemo effects people differently so it's hard to say what you should expect. I would talk to the onc. about it. However, my side effects were nausea and fatigue mainly but I also had radiation during chemo. Very aggressive treatment.

    Hope this helps and prayers for you and your mom!!!

    God BLess!!


  2. 1. 6:00

    2. Pearls

    3. Larry the Cable Guy - Health Inspector (my husband's choice)

    4. Don't watch T.V.

    5. Cereal

    6. Diane

    7. Italian

    8. Chitterlings

    9. Barbeque

    10. Any Norah Jones

    11. Meatball

    12. Thieves

    13. Yoga pants

    14. Italy

    15. American Eagle

    16. Florida

    17. Mornings

    18. Grenada, Mississippi

    19. Tee-Ball

    20. MelaPower

    21. Don't drink soft drinks

    22. Morning person

    23. 8

    24. Yes

    25. Going to England in May on a geneology trip with my mom and sister.

    26. famous

    27. snickers

    28. Dressing up in my great-grandmother's dress and walking down the road and attending church.

    29. waitress, bartender, band director, lawn care specialist, route auditor for a garbage company

    30. Blue

    31. No

    32. Yes

    32. Yes.

    33. Yes

    34. Bacon Bits

    35. Saturday

    36.Macaroni Grill

    37. Calilillies

    38. Haagen-daz Coffee flavored

    39. Warner Brothers

    40. Sonic

    41. I have hardwood floors

    42. None

    43. Macy's

    54. Play games at Pogo.com

    55. About 9:30

    56. My husband

    57. Max and Ruby on Noggin

    58. Blue


    60. Chicken

  3. Sharon,

    That is wonderful news!! I am so happy that Tarceva is working for you. It has also worked really well for me and I have been on it since about April of last year also.

    Please keep us posted on your continued success!!!

    God Bless!!


  4. My supplements include:


    Shitake Mushroom

    Vitamin C

    Cod Liver Oil every other day

    I follow the Weight Watchers diet----strictly for eating right--I choose foods that are good for me(not processed). Mostly high fiber and organic. This diet really makes me aware of what I am putting in my body. I also work out at least three days a week (walking, upper body strength, cardiovascular)

  5. You can always encourage them to seek a second opinion. I would definately consider that option.

    **Just a helpful hint

    You may want to keep notepad handy to jot down any questions that you may have for the doctor.

    ---I always had a whole bunch of questions



  6. Carleen and Keith,

    Many prayers going up for you guys. Is there not a comprehensive cancer center close to you guys. I know your results would be much quicker. Possibly, the same day. Someone told me this a ehile back--I get my results the day I have scans. I can't imagine the amount of stress in having to wait a week.

    "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him."

    God Bless!!


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