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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. That is so unbelievable. What that little girl has been through really makes issues seem so small. Thank so much for showing this. What an inspiration Samantha is!!!

    God Bless!!!!


  2. ***Laughter is spontaneous, healing and miraculous. Apply liberally daily****

    "A patient walked into the doctor's office. He had a carrot sticking out of one of his ears; a stick of celery was protruding from the other ear; and a small tomato was evident in one of his nostrils. "What's my problem?" asked the patient. "Well, for one thing," replied the doctor, "I can tell just by looking at you, you're not eating right."

    Hope it gets a giggle.

  3. The question came up about where to send donations.

    E-mail me at Jyoung20@midsouth.com and I will send you all of the information about the event.

    Update: The Memphis Original Cafe is offering a private recording opportunity for the winners of the solo division. The Playing for a Cure campaign will have a website in about a week.

    I will continue to keep you posted on new developments.

    Thanks for all of your help!!


  4. Thanks everyone for the support. I got another e-mail from that company. I have determined they are crazy and I don't have time to mess with them. If you are interested in making a donation, you can pm me and I will e-mail everything to you!!!!

    God Bless All of You!!!!


  5. Hey Everyone!!

    The event is scheduled for March 4th.

    Here's an update:

    A music cafe is going to donate a award to the winners of the solo competition. They will be able to record their solo in an actual recording studio and cut a cd. How exciting!!!! Another thing----I will have a website in a few days.

    Here is a list of donation opportunities if you are interested:


    ****All checks should be made payable to the LUNGevity Foundation and the name of the business should be listed in the memo area at the bottom of the check.

    You can help save the lives of your family, friends and neighbors that are suffering from Lung Cancer. To help the Playing for a Cure competition and the LUNGevity Foundation find a cure, you can:

    1. Give a tax deductible donation.

    2. Donate professional services, such as marketing expertise, printing services or promotional items.

    3. Make a tribute in honor or in memory of a loved one. This will be an undisclosed amount. Give what you can.


    Please add your address to the post. You choose the amount you would like to donate

    *Memorials may be given in memory of:

    Family members




    *Honorariums may be given in honor of:




    Guest Speakers


    Loved ones


    4. Sponsorships

    $5000.00 or more---Angel Conductor

    $2500.00 or more---Maestro

    $1000.00 or more---Platinum Whole Note

    $500.00 or more---Platinum Half Note

    $250.00 or more----Gold Quarter Note

    $100.00 or more ----Silver Eighth Note

    $50.00 or more------Bronze Sixteenth Note

    *In appreciation for your support all sponsorships will be advertised in the program, printed on shirts for the event and listed on the website. The advertisements will be viewed by everyone at the event as well as all visitors to our personal website. Program copies will be given to each band and sent to Lung Cancer survivors participating nationally.

    5. Purchase an ad in our contest program:

    ---- Quarter page $50.00

    ---- Half page $100.00

    ---- Full page $200.00

    6. Paper, food or any other concession products.

    *Any way you would like to help would be greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible.

    *All donations should be received by February 17th so programs and t-shirts can be designed and printed.

    I also want to thank Becky for all of her help!!!!



  6. I hope everything goes well with your visit. I will continue to pray for you and your mom.

    Here are some suggestions on movies:


    History of the World Part 1


    Something about Mary

    Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

    Legally Blonde 1 and 2

    Books: Bible

    Daisy Fae and the Miracle Man

    Crossword Puzzles

    The GRITS guide to life (Girls

    Raised in the South)

    Hope this helps!

    God BLess!!


  7. Hey guys,

    Sorry I'm so late getting to the pub. The directions became somewhat skewed after that last "Long Island Iced Tea" with five straws. I couldn't decide which one to drink from, they were all so tasty. I am thrilled to find the pub is open for business. I used to be a bartender so I will be happy to help with the special tinctures. HEHE


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