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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Lillian,

    What a blessing you are for all of us. I'm so glad that your eyes are open to the beauty and love that surrounds our everyday life. I have also found my calling and as you know it's such a feeling of relief. You become very passionate and relentless about achieving your goals. I feel God has a special job for everyone. Whether it is witnessing, preaching, helping others, healing or something else. I found this poem and instantly thought of you.


    Remember when discouraged,

    And your cares are many,

    That if you love somebody,

    Your life counts for plenty.

    And is someone loves you,

    And you one life can touch

    With words or deeds of love,

    Then your life counts for much.

    If somebody loves you

    And if you dare invest

    Your love on just one life,

    Then you're a grand success.

    To love and to be loved

    By one friend or small child,

    And to know God loves you

    Makes your life worthwhile.

    Peter Tanksley



  2. Kelly,

    Sorry about the shingles. My mom had that once. It is very uncomfortable. She had to take a medication they prescrible to aids patients.

    I am so glad she had stable scans. I am a witness to the power of prayer. You are so right--it does work!!

    "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." Mark 11:24



  3. Here we go!!!!

    The "Playing for a Cure" Invitational Band and Classical Solo Competition is scheduled for March 4th 2006 at Wooddale Middle School in Memphis, Tennessee. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! This is going to be an awesome event. Not only will we be raising funds for research and lung cancer awareness we will also be promoting musical excellence in many, many children. I don't know what your plans are, but Memphis is a wonderful place to visit!!! Many wonderful things to see!!! If you want to contribute in any way please pm me. I am soooo open for help and advice!! This has been a huge undertaking but one that I feel is worthwhile!!

    P.S. The kids that I have talked to so far are beside themselves with the opportunity to perform a solo in a professional setting and for a wonderful cause.

    Hope to see you there!



  4. We usually have ham roll ups, cheese ball, ham, turkey and dressing, fried oysters, green bean casserole, corn casserole, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, Martha Washington Balls, Italian Cream Cake and pecan pie.

    I'm already hungry!!



  5. Lisa,

    Thanks so much!! You are so sweet. I have to say that my courage and strength comes from people like you and this board!! I will never take for granted the gifts that I have been given and the friendships I have made. I plan to live life and love life with God right there beside me. I try to make everyday seem like it won't end!! Never a wasted moment!!

    GOD BLESS!!!


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