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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. I think the more you overcome the stronger you become.

    - My mamaw passed as I watched her take her last breath from cancer that started in her gall bladder.

    - My step-mother was killed in a tractor accident.

    - My good friend and co-worker, Cassandra, died of ovarian cancer at age 32.

    - My little boy was in NICU for eight days after he was born with a very severe respiratory infection.

    - My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    - My FIL passed away from heart failure.

    - My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer.



  2. Hey everyone,

    I had my follow-up scan yesterday and the good news is that everything is still stable except for the radiation pneumonitus. It has improved so NO MORE STEROIDS!! I am so excited. Other good news- Fox 13 here in Memphis and my hometown newspaper are doing a segment on Lung Cancer Awareness. I am so excited about getting the word out. On another note, I have decided to not do the silent auction. That is really not my cup of tea. Instead I am going to host a middle school and high school band contest (concert festival) in early March. This will be the first Lung Cancer fundraiser that Memphis has had, that I am aware of. I know it will be a huge success. We are going to call it---- "Playing for a Cure". Any ideas to help with making this event a success, please p.m. me . I am very open to suggestions.

    Thanks everyone and God Bless!!!


  3. Hi All!!

    With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been thinking of the many things I have to be thankful for in my life.

    +My family, Finding God, My Friends, and my friends at Lchelp.

    You are wonderful.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and God BLess!!!


  4. I love my port!! I had only local anesthesia when they put it in. I recommend regular anesthesia if you can get it. The local made it a little uncomfortable but bearable. Good Luck!



  5. Too cute Leslie!!

    My husband says they are my care for others, my finishing what I started, that I am a great mother (he is so sweet) and wonderful wife.

    Very organized, Giving, Compassionate, Responsible and Happy.

    I never knew he thought so highly of me.

    God BLess!!!


  6. Christy,

    I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. Many prayers coming your way!!!

    "God, it has been said, does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters. Where nobody suffers, nobody cares." W. T. Purkiser



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