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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Where are you located? Maybe it would be possible to go to a comprehensive care center and get them to send a treatment recipe to whatever oncologist you are going to use. Don't sell yourself short. The best treatment, I feel, is vital to success. You have to believe you are getting the best treatment. 2nd opinions are a must. In other words, do it right the first time--you don't want to have go backwards with treatment. Good Luck with everything and I'll be praying for you!!!

    Sorry to be so abrupt but when I was first dx. there were some things that should have done but we didn't know any better. I don't want to see anyone make the same mistakes because it is all so overwhelming.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  2. Hey MJB,

    Have you checked on SS disability. I truly hate to see anyone suffering with finances when you have so much other stuff to worry about. Also, check with a nearby church about providing supportive services (food, transportation, support). Even if you don't attend, I know there will be people there that will jump at the chance to help.



  3. My last chemo treatment was Taxotere a 21 day cycle. The very last treatment my counts dropped tremendously and I got pneumonia. Please keep a close eye on any change in body temperature. At the slightest sign of fever, I would call the doctor. Dehydration was a major problem for me as well. I would have to go to the clinic to get fluids. Taxotere kept me stable and I am still stable. This is 5 months later. Hope this helps!



  4. Hey everyone!!

    A little update.

    Dad's surgery went really well. They did find cancer in one of the polyps but they were able to remove all of it. Fortunately, Lymph nodes were o.k.

    He is recovering wonderfully!!

    My mom had her biopsy of her throat and she gets her results today. I am sitting on pins and needles. Please pray for her today. We are hoping everything will be okay. The comforting news is that the doc that did the biopsy said that 9 out of 10 times thyroid nodules were benign.

    Thanks to everyone for your prayers.



  5. Hey everyone!!

    I was just wondering if there might be any fundraisers close to Memphis, Tennessee. I have postponed my fundraiser till February due to Hurricane Katrina.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  6. I would definately get a second opinion. I did alot of things wrong when I was first diagnosed because I didn't know any better. It's very important that treatment and procedures are done right the first time. I even got a third opinion. I know you and your brother are overwhelmed with so much right now but you need confidence in your doctor and the treatment protocol. Good Luck and my prayers are with you.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  7. I don't like it either. It seems so shallow for someone to ask that and quite embarassing to me. After all, it was not something I was proud of. Afterall, it wasn't a crime and I was predisposed to it very early from commercials, family, boyfriends. Heck, almost everyone that was important in my life smoked. My onc at M.D. Anderson said smoking did not cause my cancer. She said it was bad luck. Bad Luck is right. Nobody knows what causes it for sure. They just have ideas. There are so many things we are in contact with our whole life that causes cancer in some form or another. Hello----it could be genetic. Give me a break. People that are ignorant, you can help them understand. But people that are stupid only help themselves.



  8. I can only imagine how overwhelmed you must feel. Keep strong and maybe try to find an outlet that you are really interested in. Try doing that one night a week or so.(Bowling, Working out, Church actvities). Everyone needs to have some down time. Especially caregivers!!! My husband works on cars on the side (for fun- he's restoring a '76 corvette stingray). It gets to be a little costly but he loves it and gets much gratification from it. I think it is wonderful that he can do that. Find something that you love or can learn to love and go for it.

    Hope this helps!



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