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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Good news!! No cancer has been found in any of the samples from my dad's biopsy. He will have to have a colon resection of about 12 inches but no cancer.

    We are so relieved!!!

    Thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!

    GOD BLESS!!!!


  2. My hubby and I would go to a little Island off the coast of Belize called San Pedros. I went there once and it's the most beautiful place I have ever seen. We will stay at the Belizian Yacht Club and visit the Mayan Ruins. Who knows what else.



  3. Where to begin--

    The last year has been devastating in my family. It seems that as soon as we deal with one issue something else arises.

    Three weeks ago, my FIL passed away.

    Today, we find out the results from my dad's colonoscopy. (they found 15 polyps, one pre-cancerous lesion and we are waiting for the biopsy report)

    My mom is going to need surgery for a goiter possible caused by her breast cancer medication (she was dx in January)

    There are many other things that have happened but I won't go into details.

    My husband asked if GOD was testing us. I said, "I don't know". But, we are always being tested by the devil. Keeping the faith and prayer will give us a stronger family bond.

    I'm sorry about venting but I needed to get these things off of my chest and I knew you would listen.

    Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you so much.

    God Bless!!


  4. Leslie,

    You are one of the most positive and upbeat people I have ever met. You SOOOOOO deserve this trip. As a matter of fact, I couldnt think of anyone more deserving. You are a special gift from GOD. I am so thankful I have had the opportunity to read your posts and be encouraged by your positive outlook on life. Thank you for that!!!

    I pray that you will have a positive and unforgettable 2 weeks.



  5. Kim,

    I'm so sorry you are having to deal with doctors like that. It's truly a shame considering everything you and your mom are already having to go through. I know you will find one that cares- Keep searching. Ask for a recommendation from the onc. I agree with you, if you can't breathe it's an emergency. I wouldn't hesitate to go--please don't let the pulmonologist make you gun-shy about going if you feel it's necessary.

    Those docs are there to help you. Frankly, I would have to give that particular pulmonologist a little piece of my mind. I can't believe he would deny seeing a patient!!!! That blows me away.

    GOD BLESS!!!!


  6. Thank you all so much for the happy birthdays!! Ryan has decided he wants a cuckoo clock for his birthday. I am excited about getting him a gift that he can value his whole life. Spare no expense for quality. I was somewhat amazed when he told me he wanted that. I thought it might be Hot Wheels, Thomas, or Spiderman. Anyway, thanks again for your continued support. Ryan and I will read these together tomorrow and I'll let you know his reactions.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  7. I am so excited. My little one is about to be three. Less than a year ago, I wasn't sure I would be here for that. Thanks to GOD and my doctors, I'm here and can't wait for that party. My mother says I spoil him rotten---she's right. He may be spoiled but he has a caring little heart. It's tremendously hard to instill empathy into a two year, but he has sure got it. What more could a mother ask for!!!

    Thanks for listening,


    Living Life,


  8. Natalie and Joyce,

    Thank you so much. You have been very helpful. I have spoken with Joel at Lungevity and we will be sending all donated money to that foundation. We decided to wait until January because of the Hurricane disaster down here. I am going to start next with making sure I have all of the legalities worked out. (Bonding issues, taxes, start-up money)

    Any ideas on this?



  9. So Sorry that life has gotten so difficult for you. Those are wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing those with us. You and your family are in my prayers.

    GOD BLESS!!!


  10. Parers to your MIL. Tarceva has worked great for me and for that I am very thankful. Had my second scan and everything is still stable (6 months so far). I pray that it works for her.


    Living life, Jamie

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