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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Dear Lord,

    Please allow Bill to have the strength to attend his daughter's wedding. I know this means a whole lot to him and I know with your help nothing is impossible. I pray that you will watch over him and put your shield of protection around him and his family. Thank you for being such a caring and loving GOD and thank you for Bill.

    In Jesus' name


  2. We decided to go with LUV YA LUNGS!!! We are planning on having the fundraiser in January and we are gonig to have a silent auction. If any of you have anything you would like to donate or any suggestions, I am open to all. I am so excited about this. This will be the first Lung Cancer fundraiser Memphis has had(to my knowledge). I decided to wait until January because of the hurricance diaster. All of the proceeds will go to the Lungevity Foundation for Lung Cancer research.

    Living life,


  3. I am a professional musician. I play the sax and quite a few other instruments. I anxiously awaiting the time where I can have the lung capacity that I used to have.

    I also like to play pool. I played amateur tournaments all over the country but decided that teaching music was a much more stable career.

    Living life,


    Living life,


  4. Hey everyone!!

    Just wanted to let you know that I had my 3 month scans yesterday and everything is still stable. Thank goodness for Tarceva!! But, the best news is that a close friend of mine who also has lung cancer had her scan yesterday and she has shown improvement. Her original prognosis was not good so we are so thankful that the clinical trial is working. What a great day!!

    Living life,


  5. I was always told that keeping your weight was very important to your health during treatment and afterwards. I understand totally where you are coming from. I could not eat and ended up losing quite a bit of weight. Keep a close eye on it and don't lose to much. Upon my own decision, I got a feeding tube during treatment. It was a very painless procedure getting it put in but not coming out. It saved my life. I ended up keeping the tube in for about three months. This may not be the situation you are in. Also, there is a medication that you can take that will increase your appetite. Your oncologist should be familiar with it.

    Hope this helps!

    I went from a size 12 to a size 3. Fortunately and unfortunately, I'm back in a size 10.

    Living life,


  6. Kathy,

    I'm praying for you right now. I hope that it turns out to be nothing of significance. I have had quite a few lumps removed and they were all benign cysts. I have been pretty lumpy all of my life. It would be kind of stupid to say don't worry, but at least try to put it on the back burner until you get your results. Life is too short to spend it worrying.


  7. I truly hope that Tarceva works with your mom. It has been a wonder drug for me. Alot less side effects that the Taxotere and I feel like a normal person again. Keep us posted on her response.

    Good Luck!

    Living Life,


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