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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. I didn't have to drink the "go lightly". I had to take 28 Visicol tablets within about a four hour period. My sister told me to take a tape recorder with me to have for after the surgery. She said I would never believe the amount of gas a perosn has after one of those procedures. TOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!

  2. Hey Vicki,

    Some things that have helped me through this traumatic time in my life is having a positive attitude and putting alot of faith in GOD. This has helped me become mentally strong enough to win the war. Not to mention, the thought missing out on my two year old little boy growing up. This wasn't acceptable. So far every scan has showed progress so something is working. I have also tried some different herbal medicines and vitamins. I drink POM juice, multi vitamin, spirulina or chlorella. I am about to start taking AHCC which is a mushroom supplement. Whatever you decide to do, please talk to your onc. first because you don't want to take anything that would be counterproductive with your current treatment.

    P.S. Another thing I do is have fun. I got a new car, I quit working work, I teach kids private music lessons(for free), I direct a middle school jazz band, I'm working on a lung cancer fundraiser for January. I am doing all of this because I WANT TO not because I am made too. I am truly learning to understand how to be happy and what GOD intended life to be like. Boy am I lucky!!! Some people never know.

    Living Life,


  3. My friend called me yesterday and told me that all of her tumors had shrunk 20 percent. She was so excited. I thought Iwas going to cry.Iwas so happy.She is the most upbeat and positiveperson I have ever met. When I was finishing up chemo she came to my clinic from Louisiana with a very poor prognosis from her onc there (he said she had 9 months at best). I was introduced to her because she was only 32 and with me being 35 and going through alot of the same things the nurses thought we would click. We did and that was in April. We have stayed close ever since and will continue to stay that way as she conquers her disease.

    It has been quite amazing--all of the people that I met along this journey and I thank GOD for that. My life has changed because of it and continues to change everyday. T

  4. Hey Joyce,

    A silent auction is where you basically have many,many tables set up with the items donated and listings by each of who they are from. Registration is don when people enter --you have a starting time and a stopping time. Each person is given a number. They look through all of the items and find the ones they want to bid on and write down the price they want to bid on a bid sheet located in front of the item. They continually check back to see if they were outbid. If they were outbid they can bid again. When the time runs out the auction is over. That's basically it. Right now, I am in the process of trying to get bonding issues taken care of, vision statements, and my fabulous five people that are going to help me with this. I have two so I am looking for three more. I have my purpose lined up and everything that I am trying to accomplish through this fundraiser. We are also going to have live bands(high school concert or marching and junior high concert - maybe a jazz band), a blues guitarist, maybe some quartets, harpist, blue grass group and more. I am wanting this to be quite an event---I have found contacts with local radio and local television as well as a local cancer foundation to help. I am so excited about doing this I am about to burst--I'm so glad GOD led me in this direction. We are just getting started and have a long way to go. I am really not set up for getting donations yet----I will be soon. Anything you would like to donate, we would love to have. As soon as I get the bonding issue taken care of I will let you know.

    Living Life,


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