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Everything posted by eppie

  1. Welcome to the board. I am sorry about your mom.
  2. The tiny kitty passed away in my hands today....it really needed more that baby formula...I never saw it groom itself. oh well... My dad is doing better. He came out of surgery to patch the lung where it deflated....The talc procedure is bound to be extremely painful. That much is expected. I am flying down to Texas on Thursday but praying that hurricane goes some where other than Houston. NO offense but New Orleans is pretty much empty and trashed......that is not even funny but I do not relish the thought of evacuating someone with sandpaper in their lungs. I will just hope for the best. Power to all fighting the beast. Prayers to defeat the fears caused by pain and worry....there is beauty in this world. Eppie
  3. but then again I am a kitty magnet right now. First one cat showed up nd we adopted it. He's great and we love our Jack the River Cat. It's his wife and three kids that are a pain. And them someone dumped a kitten too small to be away from it's mama which we're babysitting until my MIL gets back from vacation. She's adopting that one. NO more cats or cancer for Eppie, Please.
  4. Wow, you lived in BAytown, too. I can't believe what a small world this is! Mom and Daddy will totally be amazed when I tell them about all my new cyber friends praying and wishing them well. The Buddhists have this concept of a prayer wheels spinning thousands of prayers into the universe. I like to think of the internet in the same manner: thousands of prayers and wishes for peace set loose into the cyberspace towards those who are in need. In my mind these prayers manifest themselves in the small acts of kindness just like the one you experienced, Darlene. Peace to all in pain and fear, love from Eppie
  5. Well, welcome to the Cancer boat, Darlene. Let me scootch over to make some room. Good story. I hope he loved the scallops. My daddy in BAytown is gonna get to have some carboplatin too. Looks like your Ronnie has had a tough time for a while.. I am sorry he's got LC. YOu just let us know what's going on. Autism conference? I teach Special Ed. in RI. See, we got another connection going on. You post again and let us know how he's doing. take care, hon. eppie
  6. They give me such a wonderful feeling. Connie B. wow! I want my dad, Lee to be in this club. I know he'll have to pay terrible dues....but hey! What a club. What a club to be in.....terrible but wonderful at the same time. kisses and hugs for all of ya'll
  7. Ry, I won't lie. I was hoping you'd reply. I read you profile and I had to smile Let me make my intentions clear Seeing your posts make me cheer There's hope! There is hope There is HOPE!
  8. Thanks Don. That helps. I will mosy over to those places when I know more about the kind of meds we'll be throwing at this bad cancer.
  9. I married a Rhode Island boy I met at UT in Austin. We lived in HOuston for 10 years and then made to move to RI in 1998. I mistakenly said FIL was dx in 1998 but it actually was 1999 now that I am thikning about it. He was dx. in Sept and passed away in Nov. We went up to Dana Farber to enroll in a taxotere study and they said if he's still around in two months...but he didn't last a week after that. stage 4 with brain mets. He only received radiation and high doses of decadron as a palliative and essentially wasted away quickly. died in his sleep at home. Hubs and I are both teachers. We have two children and live on the Narrow river not far from the Atlantic Ocean and NArragansett bay. It's a beautiful life. I love Texas but this is really the life for me. (Though I am known to whine about the snow and cold a little) I love the winter sports and summer boating seasons.
  10. THis is Eppie, I believe I used to post on this board like this 5 years ago when FIL had lung cancer and I found much solace and kind treatment fom the sweet souls here. Sadly enough, I have need of the positive energy and useful information from cyber friends. So I am back. My 63 y.o. dad in Baytown, Texas has nsclc stage IIIb t4n2-3 M1. Onc. says were going in with chemo only. HE is calling this a treatable disease. That is a bit different from what we heard in 1998 about lung cancer. I am praying he is correct. so on Mon. he is getting his catheter lines and the sand paper treament to patch the deflated portion of his lung caused by the pleural effusion. Then it is on to 2 times a week chemo treatments: carboplatin + taxol and whatever other concoction thrown in for good measure. Radiation tx will be added if the radiologist thinks it will be effective. I live in Rhode Island and will be flying our on Thursday for the weekend. WE'll have to see how this changes all of our lives. I am grateful to the positive energy of the onc. before we met him we thought all was lost. much love and cyber hugs to all on this message board, Eppie
  11. Hi! I am Eppie. My dad ws dx. yesterday with NSCLC IIIb T4 N-2-3 M1. I am glad to find such a vibrant community. It helps so much I know. We did lung cancer in 1998 when my Father in law was dx. stage iv with brain mets. That was my first intro to cancer forums. Then my favorite aunt had NHL and is now in remission. Forums helped guide our whole family. So here I am. I can't choose all the emoticons to express the emotions because that would be self indulgent. But I know I am with people who know what I feel and that is reassuring enough. I will post more soon. Thanks Eppie A Transplanted Texan in Rhode Island worried about Dad in Baytown Texas Much love to all my newly found friends here in cancer war.
  12. Just knowing there are fine folks like you, Don, living nearby who have seen this disease up close and know what the road looks like is plenty. maybe you can gide me as to whic forum/thread of this messsage board is best suited for finding out what twice a week chemo of carboplatin actaually is like and how it affects a person. I am sure worried how my Dad is gonna do on it. I guess I will know more once we're doing it next week. eppie
  13. THis is Eppie, I believe I used to post on this board 5 years ago when FIL had lung cancer and I found much solace and kind treatment fom the sweet souls here. Sadly enough, I have need of the positive energy and useful information from cyber friends. So I am back. My 64 y.o. dad in Baytown, Texas has nsclc stage iiib t4n2-3 M1. Onc. says were going in with chemo only. HE is calling this a treatable disease. That is a bit different from what we heard in 1998 about lung cancer. I am praying he is correct. so on Mon. he is getting his catheter lines and the sand paper treament to patch the deflated potion of his lung caused by the pleural effusion. Then it is on to 2 times a week chemo treatments: carboplatin + whatever other concoction thrown in for good measure. Radiation tx will be addded if the radiologist thinks it will be be effective. I live in Rhode Island and will be flying our on Thursday for the weekend. WE'll have to see how this changes all of our lives. I am grateful to the positive energy of the onc. before we met him we thought all was lost. much love and cyber hugs to all on this message board, Eppie
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