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Everything posted by rayroy

  1. I hope lucie gets better soon. Remember that things will get better soon, just never give up. Hope you both have a great weekend!
  2. We had the same options 6 weeks ago. We decided hospice was thre best for now while we searched for other treatments. At least with hospice he can get all his meds on time and he doesnt have to go to the ER again. I have searched for some clinical trials and some look promising. In the meantime we are giving dad a lot of supplements like l-arginine and genestein. He also drinks noni juice and try to eat as much as he can. I dont know about iressa, i know there is some side effects, let us know if it is working for you all. Bottom line is not to give up. Good things can still happen. Even when things look bad they can still turn around.
  3. Dont throw in the towel just yet. Look up at clinical trials and other alternative treatments. My dad has been on hospice for the past 7 weeks. During this time we have looked at other options, although we havent found any clinical trials yet, we are still giving additional supplements. good luck
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. You did what you can do so please don't be down on yourself. Your mom did all she could do as well. I am 30, almost your age and its hardto lose our parents when we are still so young. However, keep her in your lasting memories and in your heart. I feel she is still inside you no matter what!
  5. Thanks Marlon My email is raysensei27@aol.com. Thanks for your info on pleural effusion. I hope the docs can see him as soon as early next week. Take it easy!
  6. Thanks Marlon, please send me your pleural effusion research. I talked with an oncologist 2 weeks ago and he said that the fluid can be drained if his fluid was "free-flowing". Dad did have a surgery in November but it apparently failed, the oncologist said it works maybe 60 percent of the time. The main concern is dads breathing problems and also I am sure if the effusion expands to both lungs he will simply drown in his own fluid, am I right or wrong in assuming this about a pleural effusion? With all surgeries there is risk, but if what will kill my dad is the pleural effusion we have to seek help for this, if he gets it drained he will experience relief maybe for a month, but it maybe better than having him suffer. Currently the old man can walk around the house, but at times is short of breath. He seems to want to do less and this because of the fluid build up. The main problem now is dads hmo. Next Monday he will go back to medicare, after that he can be looked at by university facilities or better oncology groups. This is hard, because nobody in my family(there are 7 siblings) is seeking extra help on his illness. To make it worse one of my brothers doesnt believe that standard medicine will work at all. So if I take Dad to an oncologist my brother feels its awaste of time and that he will just get toxic drugs that will destroy his body more than help. He believes tea and noni juice is all he needs. However, there is no follow up to see if this works. To me it hasnt much. Well, enough babbling, thanks for your input Marlon and do please send me any info you got on pleural effusion. ray
  7. For me an dmy family, it has for the most part brought us together. Mom and dad(moslty mom) has arguements. They have disappeared. My older brother who is very negative and used to yell at them, has toned down. The house is more calm. For me, I was in Japan in October when I heard of Dads dire predicament. I was shocked,stunned, I was in utter disbelief. Dad was 77 but appeared and acted very healthy. I visited dad twice in December,stayed almost for the whole month. My wife and I moved her permanently late March. We dont work, we live with them and help them. I have taken him to appointments and have done a lot of work to get answers and to look for other options. Everyday is a great day, I try to ask dad questions about is past, about his hometown in Mexico, how it was like living there? Etc. Some of my siblings dont ask dad too much about meaningful things, I dont know, maybe they dont feel as close to him. They are missing out because what dad has to say is worth a lot. I am a bit upset they are not around so much, I know they are busy, but they can visit more. I dont know, if they feel this is enough for them, then so be it! What works for me is being closer and being with them everyday. All I gotta say its up to the person to decide how close they wanna be, the less you see someone the less you see the pain and suffering. Good luck to us all!
  8. If dad has a pleural effusion, the doctors have said he has, should he get it drained? He has gotten it drained twice. The first time it took 2 days, the second time it was hard on him. It took 7 days or so. The oncologist has never mentioned that it should be drained. I assume it should be, of course I head that there is a risk of infection, but there would be great relief for my dad. He could breath easier. I will call the docs tomorrow to get the ball-rolling! ray
  9. Dad hasnt had chemo in 6 weeks. For the first 5 weeks without chemo he felt 50 percent better. The last week he has coughed more and has felt weaker in the legs. He was told a month ago from the oncologist that he would not give any more chemo. However yesterday he said that he can giv e him chemo but he wouldnt recommend it. Dad at this point doesnt want it. he has had 3 chemos before with little results. I am currently looking into clinical trials. One is with cyclophosphimade with cell vaccines. It is suppose dto boost the immune system with less side effects. I hope he can get into this. Dad has a pleural effusion in his right lung, but no doc has said to drain it. He got it drained once in Oct 2002, and he had a chest tube back in Nov 2002 but it didnt work. Do you think he can get it drained agian, so he can breathe better? All I know is to never give in and to give up! good luck to all! buena suerte! gambatte!
  10. I meant is cytoxin like chemo? I know the other supplements mike is taking is natural. I know of a clinical trial here in Los Angeles that uses cytoxin and another vaccien that boosts the immune system. Thanks!
  11. Dad has been off chemo for almost a month and he feels better. We are looking at other options(cell vaccines) that are not toxic. Currently dad is drinking noni juice, and herbal teas. He eats pretty well. He doesnt want chemo any more who could blame him. My friend who has done cancer research and works for a doctor said that I can try "heroic measure" using arginine 20mgs a day. He said some people with cancer had great responses. He also said that geninstein or (soy ??) can be good too! We have tried spes and some shark liver oil. Dads right lung is 90 percent covered with effusion, but left lung is good. Thanks for all your great input on the holistic approach. I am very receptive to it.
  12. Any bad side effects? Is it like chemo?
  13. THere is hope. Dad was told 3 weeks ago that he shouldnt get more chemo becasue it would do more harm than good. He gave me of no options but hospice. I didnt listen to him and now have an appointment with new oncologists this Thursday. You have to find new docs if they the current ones are not doing their job.
  14. have used spes, noni juice(expensive kind), squalamine, and will soon start on another supplement. Of course, good nutrition is essential.
  15. Da went to the ER last Sunday. Monday the oncologist gave up on Dad. The past 2 days he has been feeling better and has walked more and has gotten less tired. We are in the processing of getting other opinions and he is using the "alternative" method. Good news is , chemo is not harming him now! We are still in the game and waging a battle against the cancer. I know things may get bad, but for now must be glad that dad is okay for now! good luck to all, ray
  16. DAd has a collapsed right lung and needs help fast. We will talk with his doctor today. He took gemzar last week and felt real sick. thanks everbody
  17. any good or bad things from gemzar? Dad started on it last week, I think he should not get chemo this week if he is not healthy enough. I am worried about him, eventhough he says he will fight on. Any natural remedies for nausea??? thanks ray
  18. Dad has pain when he walks, little when he sits, none when he sleeps. The morphine made him dizzy, but thats a usual side effect. Today he will get pet scans or MRI? How soon are those results available? Any idea? I hope it hasnt spread at all or not too much. I am worried, but will try to help him as much as possible. We always try to remain positive, it lifts our mood. We will get cable in Spanish today so he can watch a variety of TV. I will keep u updated.
  19. My dad is now on gemzar for once a week. Does anyone know of any results of taking this? Dad did vomit today, I assume it is a side effect of this. Tomorrow he will get an a pet scan to check to see if it has spread. Dad got some morphine for his back pain, he got dizzy on it, but alleviated the pain. I just dont want him to take too much of it. Any alternatives to morphine? thanks and god bless us all!
  20. If you have advanced lung cancer, would anybody be willing to take one under their health insurance? Dad doesnt have private health insurance just the state insurance, so it may seem he has to stick with them. I want to know IF anybody can cover him and what it would cost per month?? thanks in advance ray
  21. hI, MY FATHER is worried about the future of the house that is paid off for. HE is getting medical or medicare which is goverment healthcare for those that are homeowners. Supposedely once my father and mother pass away, the state will wnat re-inbursement for all the money that they spent on health costs for my parents. They will take the house according to my dad. Therefore we have been thinking of chaging title of the house from my parents to my older sister. So in the future the state cant take it away. I am not sure of what is true and what is not. I guess I better go to an attorney to find out. ray
  22. It could be worse, stage 1v. I know things may sem very bad, but there is hope as long as there is life. Cherish the good days and try to overcome the bad ones. ITs better to be alive than not.
  23. Dont feel guilty you have done with you can. Everyone needs a break or you yourself may get sick and thats the last thing your mom needs. 2 weeks ago, I had symptoms of a heart attack, but doctors said it may be anxiety. I have no idea why I got those symptoms. Its natural to feel guilty because our loved ones are suffering, do what you can, but dont worry about taking a break. I hope your mom gets better. We all are trying to deal with things during these difficult times. I wish the best for you and everyone.
  24. Almost 4 months ago my dad was dx with inoperable lung cancer as well. He is currently okay and in good spirits. Eventhough, things may not seem good, there is always hope. Having hope lifts our mood. If your loved one is okay today, be happy about that. This website is great. No matter what out backgrounds are we are all in a similar situation. Good luck to you and everyone else!
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