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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Awww Damn Becky I am so sorry to hear this. This economy just sucks and it HAS to get better soon!!!! Thinking of you and wishing I could do or say more to help Hugs Chris xoxo
  2. ((((Rob)))) It sounds like the doctors are very, very optimistic that the gamma knife will be successful. I will be thinking of you and praying that all goes well and smoothly! Your wonderful, positive attitude will only help, too. Will be waiting to see your post in the GOOD NEWS soon! Hugs Christine
  3. Alyssa Read through the small cell forum as well as the GOOD NEWS. I think you will find a lot of great information as well as a large dose of HOPE in those places. This is a very, very intense time with having just learned about the diagnosis etc. There is so much going on, so much information being tossed at you that it is just overwhelming. Please get a notebook or a small student organizer and write everything down. Questions for the dr's, their answers, test times, dates and results as well as asking for copies of EVERYTHING so you will have them for future reference or second opinions. (We are all for second opinions here!) Don't be afraid to ask questions. You are the best advocate for your Mom and knowledge is power! As I mentioned before, keep posting and let us know how we can help! Hugs to you Christine
  4. Alyssa Hello and welcome to the family! I am so sorry you have reason to be here but I am so glad you have posted so we can help! I agree that the lung doctor has to go!!!! Nobody can accurately predict how long your Mom has!! Don't pay any attention to the statistics! Your Mom is an individual and will respond uniquely to the treatments. We have members on this site who were diagnosed 12+ years ago and are still here and still living active and relatively healthy lives. Please give us more information about the type of lung cancer your Mom has as well as her treatments in order to give us all a better idea of what's going on. We are here for you and will continue to be here. Just let us know how we can help and know that there is always someone here to offer advice, information, support and HOPE... Warmly Christine
  5. Thanks Ned My new lap top has Windows Movie Maker on it and I just "discovered" it over the past week. It's got all kinds of neat features to edit the transition from pic to pic and the credit pages etc. Lots of fun! It's quite simple to use too which is a nice bonus for me lol Chris
  6. Hi I had promised to share some pics of the ice storm we had last month. Here is a link to a video I put together for youtube. Christine
  7. (((Tracy))) Thank you for posting and introducing yourself to us. I am so very sorry for your loss and as has been said repeatedly, Don was an amazing human being. We are all so fortunate to have known him in whatever way we did and his legacy will live on, not only through you and the rest of his family, but through his many selfless contributions to this site as well. Hug those babies for us and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and we will be here if you need us. Hugs to you Christine
  8. MsC1210


    Hi Rose and welcome to the "family" As Randy said, I am sorry you had reason to find a site like this but so glad you joined us. This site is a great source of support and information and I am sure you will find many warm and caring people to help you. Please let us know how we can help you AND your daughter and know that we will do our best! Warmly, Christine
  9. Hello and welcome to the family. I am seconding what Nick said about a second opinion! I do not have lung cancer but was a caregiver on 2 occasions now and I agree that saying none of what you have are symptoms of lung cancer. I certainly AM glad you have been persistant in asking for more tests! Please keep us posted and let us know what you find out. I am so sorry you are going through this but so glad you've found us and posted! We will be here for you! Warmly Christine
  10. Denise I am really not sure what to think. Is your father in law on any new meds at all? That is the only thing that came to mind when I read your post.. Please keep us posted and I am sure someone else will be along with hopefully more information for you. Hugs Christine
  11. I love this idea!!!! Count me in!!!! YAY ANDREA!
  12. Hello Kelley and welcome to the "family" I am so very sorry about the loss of your grandmother (mom) and now the diagnosis for your Uncle. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You definitely found a wonderful spot for information and support. The members here are excellent sources of advice and will be more than happy to help in whatever ways they can Please keep posting and let us know how things are going and perhaps you could encourage your Uncle to come and read some of the posts if not join us himself? Sending you lots of hugs and prayers Christine
  13. ((((Norene)))) I know this is a very difficult thing to be dealing with but you are doing a great job of supporting your Mom. I think it is pretty acceptable and "normal" for Mom to be trying to make some plans. When Brad, my friend that died at 31 from LC was fighting, he took care to make all of the arrangements early on. It was one of his final gifts to those of us he left and one that meant so much as we knew things were done the way he wanted them to be. I am so glad you found this site and that we've been able to make this easier for you and help you feel better. Keep posting and we will keep reading and replying! Hugs Christine
  14. Hello Norene and welcome to the "family" As you can see already, there are some wonderful people here with some excellent advice! I'm so glad you found this site and you can lean on us here whenever you need to. Please keep posting and let us know how Mom is doing and we will do our best to help you! Warmly Christine
  15. Cancer patients' distress often unaddressed Last Updated: 2009-01-09 10:43:41 -0400 (Reuters Health) NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Only a minority of patients with advanced cancer are referred by their cancer doctor for specialized psychological care, even if they're clearly distressed, results of a study from Canada indicate. Among a group of 326 patients being treated in a comprehensive cancer center for advanced lung or gastrointestinal cancer, only one third were referred for psychosocial care to a social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist, Dr. Gary Rodin and colleagues report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. "Further, more than half of those with clinically significant levels of depression were not referred for psychosocial care of any kind throughout the course of their disease," Rodin told Reuters Health. "These findings are of concern because they demonstrate that the majority of cancer patients with advanced disease and clinically significant levels of depression may not be referred for psychosocial care, despite mounting evidence for its benefit," said Rodin, who is chief of the department of psychosocial oncology and palliative care at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. Patients who were unmarried and living alone were more likely to be referred, "which may be understandable in terms of their potentially greater social need and distress," Rodin reported. However, amongst those with elevated levels of distress, there was a remarkable age difference in referral rates, with all of the patients younger than 40 years old referred for psychosocial care compared with only 22 percent of those aged 70 or older. "The five-fold difference in referral rates between younger and older patients raises the possibility of age bias in the referral for psychosocial care," Rodin said. "These findings," he concludes, "draw attention to the need for routine screening for distress in cancer patients, for the institution of more routine mechanisms that integrate psychosocial care in cancer treatment settings and for further research to elucidate the potential barriers to psychosocial care in older cancer patients." SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, online December 28, 2008. Copyright © 2009 Reuters Limited.
  16. LOS ANGELES (Jan. 9) - Cheryl Holdridge, a popular Mouseketeer during the original run of 'The Mickey Mouse Club,' has died at age 64 after a two-year battle with lung cancer. Holdridge died Tuesday at her Santa Monica home, Doreen Tracey, another former Mouseketeer, told the Los Angeles Times......... http://www.popeater.com/television/arti ... ies/300017
  17. Amanda I was thinking of you all this morning as the weather channel was talking about the flooding there. I am so glad that things are improving. I continue to think of you and your family and hold you all in my prayers. Warmly Christine
  18. ((((Laura)))) My sincere and heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your Mother. I am so touched by your description of the last moments. What a true blessing you and your mom had in each other. Please keep posting and let us support you in the next days, weeks and beyond. Warmly Christine
  19. Teardrop I cannot add to the posts here but wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers as is your sister. Please let us know how things go. Hugs to you, Christine
  20. Carole.. You know you HAVE to post here after you make your version and let us know what you added/deleted and how it was!!!!!! Hugs Chris
  21. Tammy I am so sorry to hear Greg had such a bad night. I hope they can get things in control before Monday! Please keep us posted... Hugs Christine
  22. Carole SO GOOD TO SEE YOUR POSTS!!!! And I hope you enjoy this recipe. I had never had miso soup before until the local Chinese restaurant that I like so much had it on a lunch special. I've been hooked since then! It is one of those "feel better" things that definitely hits the spot when colds and allergies hit! Warmly Christine
  23. ((((Linda)))) Hoping the pneumonia is under control and you are feeling much better and soon!!! Hugs to you, Christine
  24. I am sorry I haven't been able to welcome all of the new members recently. I do, however want to take time right now to say hello to you all and welcome to the site! I am so sorry that you've had reason to find a site like this one but I do hope you will find support, information, warmth and compassion here as well as HOPE. The members here are great at sharing their knowledge and experiences wth this disease and I hope that each of you will find comfort in that. Sending my best wishes to you all and looking forward to getting to "know" you all better Warmly Christine
  25. Jude What a beautiful and touching obituary. A very special tribute to a very, very special man. Again, my sincere condolences to you and your family. Warmly Christine
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