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Everything posted by kimblanchard

  1. Connie, I too understand what it means to be a perfect fit with your mate. Although my husband and I were married before, we have been married to each other for 18 years and feel so lucky to have found each other. Please take time for yourself - to grieve and feel lonely - but also to feel thankful for the love that came your way. Come back here and let us help you when you are able. Blessings to you, Peg
  2. Dave, There is nothing so precious as a newborn baby to remind us of God's grace. Blessings to you, Peg
  3. Laurie, Such good news about your Mom returning to work. So many people are unable to work with this terrible disease. I know my husband would really love to be able to be productive again - and really plans on doing just that! I am cheering for your mom's continued success!! Peg
  4. kimblanchard


    I LOVE to hear good news like this! Wonderful.
  5. Oh boy - Let me at 'em - Grrrr Let me at 'em..... I'm not on medication like Deb - so I think I would like to break a few heads...forget the legs! I'm glad to know Mike and I are not alone...and that I'm not alone in my frustrations of having to hear that over and over again! But - I'll have to admit - Last time we saw the oncologist he did say it was a miracle that Mike was still with us....but why oh why did he have to say it like he was "defeated" or "proved wrong"? Wouldn't you think that they would LIKE to have a success now and then? I think the next time I hear "it's incurable" I'm going to say - Then you aren't a very good doctor are you? Cuz you are all right....Why seek out a "specialist" in the field of oncology if all they do is "throw in the towel"? Love and hugs, The cowardly lion
  6. kimblanchard

    Hair loss

    When I lost my hair, I thought it was the end of the world. I did the wig and turban thing and that helped. I never thought about losing my eyebrows, eyelashes, leg hair, nose hair, etc. The funny thing is I only lost one of my eyebrows. Did I look silly. Bald and one eyebrow. And you gals know that when you pencil in an entire eyebrow it definitely looks different than a real one. You just have to laugh. Good Luck and God Bless Sue M
  7. Mary I'll be praying for your sister and you that all turns out good for her. This ugly stuff has a way of hitting us all up along side of the head. I want to tell you that you did insert some humor in your posting as I got a good chuckle out of you calling the doctor's personality "pond scum". I am still laughing on that. Good Luck and God Bless Sue M
  8. Belated Birthday wishes comin at cha! Peg
  9. kimblanchard


    This is a wonderful day brighener! Thanks for sharing your good news and enjoy your weekend! Peg
  10. Hi Don and Lucie, Great news!!! My husband Bill is on zomeda for bone mets. Have they considered this? Blessings to you both, Peg
  11. Estelle, That IS good news! Thanks for sharing! Peg
  12. Hi Linda, First of all there is a real and present "condition" of cancer treatment. It is called chemo "fog". The fact that nothing tastes right or the same to her is COMPLETELY normal. The fact that she seems a little confused is normal. Mike is younger (52) and his short term memory is shot. Some days are better than others. Today he was going to call our eye doctor to set up an appointment...again! LOL He had totally forgotten he did it yesterday! The reason her doctors don't notice the difference is more that they are expecting her to be fatigued. I don't think what you are seeing is lethargy, it's fatigue. Just make sure that they are checking her blood every 7 to 10 days between chemo's. They can give her shots to increase her hemoglobin and her white cell counts that will help with the fatigue. Sleeping is good. Chemo therapy destroys GOOD cells along with the bad. And when human's sleep, our bodies rebuild our cells. Try to encourage your mom to eat anything...ice cream, shakes, soup, whatever you can get down her. Don't be worry about nutrition...as long as she will EAT it! What you are experiencing is normal. Take a deep breath and know that this too shall pass. She is only 5 days out from chemo if I've read your posts correctly. Her appetite may get better as the days progress. Love and hugs,
  13. Carleen, I agree with everything everyone else said...Ask questions, take notes, demand answers.... And don't believe what you read on the web! The statistics and the odds don't factor in the human spirit and the fact each person is different! It will get better. The first few weeks are lost in a blur of pain, anxiety and confusion. You will level out....and you can feel a little bit in control when you start into a routine of treatments, doctor visits etc. Come back here often...we KNOW what you are going through. Other's may think they are being helpful but too many times, they are either way off the mark in their remarks or they are too negative. They say misery loves company - but I believe SURVIVORS are warriors and warriors are an army. And you know how people who are walking the same path can become close? This is one of the best groups of people I have ever met. You will sometimes get information, sometimes advice, but you will always get ENCOURAGEMENT. Love and hugs,
  14. Shordy, So glad to hear the good news about your dad! Blessings to you, Peg
  15. Mary, With my husband, whole brain radiation was done first before the radiosurgery directly to the brain tumor. The procedure was quite successful and reduced the tumor to less than half the original size. Blessings to you, Peg
  16. I am so sorry you are going through this. When things get really stressed with my husband I just take control and tell him "This is what we are going to do!" He gets angry for awhile but then accepts it and even though he won't admit it - I think he is glad to see me taking control. God bless you and give you the strength you need to do what must be done. Peg
  17. Tammy I'm a IVB survivor with no surgery. My upper right lobe tumor was so close to the breathing tubes that I had radiation to shrink it back for possible surgery. When the surgeon opened to remove upper lobe he found a spot on my lower right lobe which tested malignant. Therefore, he said my cancer was on the move. Many months of chemo, lots of side effects from the cure, but, I'm still here. Currently in remission for over one year. Good Luck and God Bless Sue M
  18. John, Question for you: Bill's cancer is undifferentiated according to the oncologist. Beyond finding that it is adenocarcinoma, what do I need to find out? Thanks in advance for your always very educated response, Peg
  19. Hi Dave Yes - Mike was on Topotecan for three series. It was administered for five days - every fourth week. It was the line of chemo used when we got the "clear cat scan" on the liver in July of 2002. It's a good one....not too terribly hard with side effects...at least it was better than the Cisplatin (that stuff was HARD on Mike). Hugs,
  20. Ouch Deb....a double whammy....but you are SO right.... You can lament about all you don't have....or sing praises for all the things you have. I'll be praying for you and your parents in the days to come. I know I have had similar thoughts about Mike since his diagnosis. There is an old saying - "I would rather have loved and lost than to have never loved at all"..... Mike may leave me a young widow...But we have had almost 32 years of marriage and I HAVE BEEN LOVED. What a blessing that has been. Hugs to you Deb and to your parents,
  21. Cathy, I will send up a prayer for you right now.................. Also, the PET test is a good indicator but not conclusive. It showed activity in my husband's neck and foot and nothing was found in those locations. So I will think positive thoughts for you. Blessings, Peg
  22. kimblanchard

    Great news

    Rosanne and Gianni, This is just the best news!!!!! Thanks for updating us. Blessings to you both, Peg
  23. kimblanchard

    For Sandy

    Sandy, You just hang in there girl.....And remember....even with all the technology in the world and the wonderful machines we have....sometimes the film is just plain "bad"! Praying that it's nothing and you will have a clear "scan"! Love and hugs,
  24. Lynn I read your post with amazement! Your father had SCLC with mets to the liver and he survived 20 years?? Please - please - tell me....what did they treat him with the first time? What are they treating him with this time? Where did he receive treatment? Did they do anything different for the liver mets? I would be THRILLED beyond measure if God would see fit to give my Mike another 20 years.... Love and hugs,
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