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Everything posted by lenr8

  1. This should go in the good news section. I always like to hear it when cancer is losing!
  2. Fellow Hoosier Hope your trip th indy went well. Do you know of Hope Lodge in indy? It s a free place for Cancer pts to stay when in town for treatment. Let us know how it goes!
  3. Fellow Hoosier Hope your trip to indy went well. If you've never to the Cheesecake Factory go there for donner its good. It s off 86th st in Carmel at the keystone croosing mall!
  4. Ray I know what you mean. It makes it seem very personal. Those brain mets could have been there when they found the adrenal mets. When they found my brain met they were only making sure I didn't have any symptoms. i had a gamma knife procedure which is less invasive than surgery and equally effective. I went to work the next day. Make sure to ask your DR about that. Don't give up we're pulling for you.
  5. I know how you feel about lurch. I was pulled from a trial before I started it because I had a brain met and then my insurance wouldn't pay for that dr anymore becuase I cldn't be in the trial, so I had to find a new one so I could get started with chemo. At least there are options. Hang in there!
  6. Hey guys i've been reading the boards but not posting. Sometimes Ireally don't know what to say to anyone. I am getting CT scans of my head and chest tomorrow. I've only had two rounds of chemo so far so I hope that means he is being aggressive. i haven't really been worrying about them. there is nothing I can do about what they show. I fight the battle everday with exercise and nutrition and a good attitude so all i can do is hope things are OK. I won't find out til next week what they show so no point is worryng all week. I'm thinking of everyone in their fight everyday.
  7. lenr8

    Tired feeling?

    Jay I agree with Norme to exercise even if you are very tired. You will feel better after. Don't over due it, just walk briskly and lift some weights. Sometimes I dread starting to exercise but when I am done I feel better overall and usually not as tired as before I started.
  8. Aspiration pneumonia means that he breathed the contents of his stomache into lungs, ie:aspiration. the material from his lungs caused an infection in his lungs ie: pneumonia. The antibiotics they gave him killed the infection and therefore should not return. The xanax did not really cause the pnuemonia it was the vomit.
  9. lenr8


    Your sons attitude is what is killing that cancer so let him do his work, don't worry he sounds like he has it under control
  10. I'm with Peg definitely look into radiafrequency ablation. Never stop fighting
  11. sending prayers for family. I get so up set at this diseses. Any thing you need plaese ask for.
  12. I am 31 years old stage four met to brain and liver. I comtine to work and exercise. Normalcy is wha you need in your life as hard as that is right no. I have two small children to raise and no time for cancer. Please for gve this post I am nder the Influence of ambien, but definitely evercise
  13. lenr8

    some good news

    Ray that is good news. I just started my first treatment of my second cycle today. Feel really good and am going to work tomorrow. Blood counts stayed WNL. Been atching my diet to help those. After ths cycle will get a chest and brain CT to see what progrss I have made. There is no other option than progress. I've been thimking of having a little fun with the chemo nurses andgetting diffierent shirts printed up for everyday of chemo. IE CANCER SUCKS t-shirt. The the other day maybe have a shirt that says Kickin Cancer A**. It could be kinda fun, it gets a little boring during chemo
  14. lenr8

    Prayers please

    We'll be praying for you!
  15. lenr8

    Fighting on!

    There is only one option against cancer and that is fight
  16. lenr8

    Gamma knife

    Well of course I worked and felt good but my forehead swelled up pretty good for the rest of the day. Kinda have a neandrathal look about me but it covers up with a hat. If that is the worst side effect you'll never hear me complain. Back to running and lifting weights since I'm almost done with the decradron. The decadron was the worst part of this I had to take so much of it Everyday that I wasn't normal.
  17. lenr8

    Gamma knife

    Hey everyone I did the gamma knife today for my one brain met. I didn't find anymore today so that was good news. Not too unbearable and I'm going back to work tomorrow. The Dr. said to rest but I'm not tired and I don't want to stay home. I usually listen except when he tells me to limit my activity. Go back in three months for check up. Do another round of chemo next week. Feel good. It looks like the posts have gotten slightly better. Thank goodness I'm thinking of everyone all the time.
  19. You deserve to do anythimg you want to do after all those rounds of chemo. CONGRATULATIONS!
  20. It seems like the posts this weekend were very rough. I don't really know what to say this disaese is a monster. I was able to have an enjoyable weekend. I worked one day, I am a paramedic and it was pretty quiet. On Saturday we had my kids birthday party. We put them together because they are only three days apart. Luke is 7 now and Logan is 2. They had a blast. Lot's of toys and swimming and cake. I watched them all day knowing I would be here for them forever this can't beat me. I am the luckiest man alive because of my family and I'm not leaving. I hope everyone who had a bad weekend this week will take a deep breath and try( I know its nearly impossible) to find something comforting. Please don't let it take over your mind
  21. A normal dayis a great day!
  22. lenr8

    Brain metasis

    Iam havong gamma knife on kuly 10 the for a single braon met. The Dr's at IU explained to that the gamma knife is equally as effective as surgery with less risk and effects of surgery. I did see 2 neurosurgeons that day, all agreed on the gamma knife. Nothing about this is easy but seems to be easeier that surgery. Whole brain radiation will be the worst part to me. They said that there is a high re-occurrenceo f mets but to the brain agian but can also be re treated with gamma knife which is a one day event and will be causht earlier because theythen scan sooner. And they did tell me after whole brain it breaks the blood-brain barrier
  23. lenr8

    A Downer of a Weekend

    Dave Try to hold your chin up! Just try to think of the beating the cancer cells are taking. Use visualization to see them taking it worse than you are. You know you are tougher than this cancer. Since I have started chemo I have noticed the effects too and I know it is very frustrating to have to go through, I had to get my attitude in check last night because I was letting everything and worrying take over but we have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move on past this you can do it!
  24. What is PCI?. I have a brain met also does it have something to do with that?
  25. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and many more to come. Thanks for always being supportive to me
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