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Everything posted by Bev'sSister

  1. OK...my siter talked to the radiologist today who said that they want her to have radiation after she finishes chemo. For those who did not read my previous post, her oncologist has told her that her recent PET was clear. He sees no cancer, yet wants to continue chemo for the full 6 months. I am not exactly sure when they want to start the radiation, I just know she said 26 times. I know very little about radiation, but am curious to know what he will be aiming for, if there is no cancer showing up on the pet. Could they be radiation where the tumors were? (From my limited understanding of this, she had 2 large tumors in one lung, lymph nodes and her thyroid were also affected.) Are the side effects of Radiation worse than Chemo, and is it REALLY necessary? Any advise or knowledge is greatly appreciated. I wish I were there with her to have more information, but my BIL goes to the Dr. with her and sometimes he is like talking to the Cookie Monster. But I love him.
  2. For you Jen, I hope it is warm. But you know, we all want it to snow here for Christmas or at least be cool. Have fun.
  3. Her doctor told her yesterday that there is nothing showing on the scans..NOWHERE..He was quite amazed himself and pretty much said the same thing as all of you have said about continuing the chemo regime. So, that is what she is doing. She talks to the radiologist today. Her Dr. told her 95% of the cancer was gone. I don't know where the 95% comes from, if he can'[t see anything on the scans, but that is what he said. She had mets to her thyroid and it is gone completely. I wish she could be 100% cured. I wish everyone could be. Never stop praying, because I know that it works. I have no doubt that Prayer is working for us.
  4. Thanks Don. I am thinking they are going to talk to her about (PCI) I am not sure if those are the right initials. But I am of the same mind as Don M on that. I don't believe in radiation as a preventive measure. I know a good percentage of patients have mets to the brain, but it seems somewhat barbaric to me to have this done in order not to have it done later. Maybe I don't understand it fully.
  5. I am not sure about the radiation. She sees the radiologist tomorrow, and my BIL said she is supposed to start radiation tomorrow. I hope you are right in saying she is on her way to remission. I prefer to believe that a miracle has occured. Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!
  6. My sister's Dr. told her today that the cancer has disappeared, as far as the PET scan goes. He told her that he knows better than that and he wants her to continue with the chemo (3 more rounds) and also he is going to start Radiation. Does that make sense to anyone? Will this be some sort of preventive radiation done? How do you radiate when you don't see any cancer to radiate? He did say the treatment is working remarkably well and he said he knows several patients that would love to see pet scans like hers. She is also taking chemo very well and her blood work has been coming back excellent. I want to get excited about this, but I don't understand why she has to continue to take these treatments. Can anyone clue me in on this?
  7. Bev'sSister


    I can say this site has been a Godsend for me. When my sister was diagnosed, I felt so helpless and lost. I had no idea what to expect, or what to do. I come to this site everyday and learn something new. I come here and get support and try to give support also. My sister doesn't really want to know everything, nor does my parents or other siblings, but I am the type that "has" to know. I am very grateful to have somewhere to go and be able to talk about it. My family and friends do not want to discuss it..AT ALL.
  8. I have posted this in updates, but I am so excited that I had to post here also. The radiologist said he doesn't see anything on her scan but a shadow, that he thinks may be due to the chemo treatments. Her oncologist hasn't seen the reports, probably sometime today he will. I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself. We have all prayed so hard, and I am so hoping this is a miracle. I know there is a high risk of re-occurance, but I have faith that things are going to be fine. That is hard to say. Merry Christmas to everyone!! I will post again when she talks to her Dr...Please keep us in your prayers that her cancer is gone.
  9. I am curious about those schedule shits. Just kidding..I couldn't help myself. Great news for you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
  10. My sister has SCLC-extensive. She was told that she has to wait 6 Mos. They told her it was a State Law. They also told her that it would not be retroactive. I am wondering if it is different for every state, or are they giving her the runaround. I hope you have better luck.
  11. That is wonerful news Jen. I am so happy for you and your family. Go and celebrate!!
  12. I am firm believer in positive thinking. I wish my sister would be more positive. She worries about everything..which is usually nothing. I kinda got on her case about that this weekend. She was so upset, because her step-son left a washcloth in the bathtub. She is a clean-freak, but I just can't imagine worrying about something so meaningless,especially if I had been diagnosed with lung cancer. I am going to print your post so she can read it. She has a tremendous faith in God, but is unable to totally let go and let GOD. To me, Fear is Faith turned inside out. When you believe in something,you should not have doubts. I just wish I knew how to get her to be more positive. Hopefully, your post will help her.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for your family to cope with this. I hate this mean and evil disease.
  14. Thanks. The results were sent to him, but she hasn't heard anything from him. She will not call him. She doesn't want to know anything, unless he tells her. I was just curious about it..wanting to be prepared for whatever may come.
  15. Does anyone know what this could mean? My sister just finished her 3rd round of Chemo. She also got the Neulesta(shot). Could the injection be the cause of her high WBC. She said it was at 19,000? Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Can this be caused by Neulesta(sp)? She is also having body aches. I was told this injection would cause flu-like symptoms, but wanted to be re-assured by someone who may have been through this. Thanks.
  17. I am so sorry to hear that your Mom passed. I kept up with your posts and was worried we haven't heard any more. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  18. I hope this works out for my sister too. She just does not want to hear about anything before it happens. She does not want to ask about the scan, because she thinks if she doesn't know anything..it will be better. I don't know..maybe she has a point. I have brought her books and brocheres on so many things, but she won't read them. So, I just keep praying things work out for her. Don, you probably wouldn't recognize Baton Rouge now. Since Katrina..lots has changed. Way too many people down here now.
  19. My sister started her 3rd round of chemo Monday. She had a bone scan done last Thursday and the Doctor has not said one word about the results. She said that he told her that if it was bad he would tell her immediately..So..I think it is good news. I wish I were there to ask him for sure, but I think my sister knows what she is doing. She loves her doctor and I have only heard good things about him. Thanks for being here and please pray with me that no news is good news. Bobby
  20. My sister has started her 3rd round of Chemo. Her blood work was good..and the long awaited tests results (bone scan) were clear. I am going to assume they were clear, because she said if the doctor doesn't say anything..she isn't going to ask anything. Well, he didn't say anything. I am going to take that as being good news. I wish I were there to ask him..but I guess my sister knows what she is doing. She loves her doctor..and I hear only good things about him. Please pray with me that no news is good news and thanks for being here.
  21. You are a much better woman that I am. I would have already set him straight. This is not your fault. I am sure he is angry and we all take out our frustrations on the ones we love the most, but there are things that can be done by him to control that. Is he taking any anti-depressants or anxiety meds? We can only imagine what he is going through, but I know he needs you and he needs to try and deal with this better. I hope things settle down for you. I wish I knew what to tell you to do, but I certainly think you need a break. Is there anyone who can relieve you for a day or so?
  22. My sister had a bone scan on Friday and as of last night, she had not heard from her Dr.....Could this be good?
  23. Thanks...I guess we will know soon enough. Will post her results when we get them. Please pray for her. Bobby
  24. My sister just finished her 2nd round of Chemo. She mentioned to the Dr. that she had pain in her back last night. He has scheduled her for a bone scan tomorrow. Does this necessarily mean that the cancer has spread to her bones?
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