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Everything posted by Bev'sSister

  1. I can handle the dreams...I kinda like the dreams, actually. I had one the other night about eating crawfish, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. When I woke up, I was very satisfied. I did feel bad though, I thought I had cheated and was very relieved, when I realized it was a dream.
  2. They are insane! I told some of my co-workers about them and several of them are going to get the patch today..just for the dreams. (ha-ha) I think I will have to start taking it off at night too..the only thing I worry about is the craving for one in the morning. It is really tough with traffic down here since "KATRINA"..soooo, in order to keep my Road Rage down, I think it might be best, for a while anyway, if I make sure I have some nicotine in my system.
  3. At 7pm tonight, I will have made 10 days without smoking. I am so proud of myself. This is the first time I ever tried to quit..and it really hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong..it has its moments..but it is certainly do-able. Has anyone else ever used the Patch? It seems to be working very well..but boy..the dreams I am having! Anyone else have vivid dreams on the patch? I may just stay on it forever.
  4. Rochelle, I will add your Dad to my prayers. Try not to worry so much before you know anything..After all..Fear is Faith turned inside out. Trust God to make him well. Miracles happen all the time. I really feel like he is working on one for my sister. Please let us know and take care of yourself.
  5. Nick, that is such a sweet way to look at it. My parents are both still living, but sometimes, when I look at my daughters, I can see my Mom. Just the little things they do sometimes reminds me of my mother. So..I hope when the time is right, and you have your child, you too, will be able to see glimpses of your Mom. Good Luck to you and know that your Mom wants you to be happy.
  6. Thanks, Sue. That site has been mentioned a couple of times and I think I just may go there. I may actually be having hot flashes now. I want a cigarette..then again..I don't. I do not want to have to start over!! I am working on 5 days now. The weak moments seem to be more often now than in the 1st three days. I think my co-workers want to give me a cigarette. I am a little "testy".
  7. Bev'sSister


    Good News, indeed!! Have a great weekend! Barbara
  8. Well, hopefully, in a couple of months I will be well on my way to being an ex-smoker and I will be able to help you somewhat. Don't let one monkey stop your show though. If you really want to quit, find another way. Who knows, Chantix may not be your way either and that will have been two months gone by for nothing. I kept putting my quitting off too. There was always something..Holidays..work deadlines..til I finally accepted the fact that there is always going to be something to keep me from quitting. Anyway, Let me know if you decide to try it with something else or just wait for the Chantix.
  9. Bev'sSister

    Great news!

    Kevin, I will officially be quit for 3 days at 7:00 pm this evening. It has had its rough spots, but overall, not as bad as I thought. I think last night was the worst, and that was because I was just watching TV (LSU-Notre-Dame game) instead of doing something with my hands. Anyway, just wanted to say good luck to you. Are you using anything? I am on the patch.
  10. Bill, I really try not to be persuaded to change my behaviors, by those who would judge me, other than the ones I love. My kids,parents,siblings and close friends were the only ones whose "looks" actually bothered me. I know they have my best interest at heart..however, had I a good enough argument I would not have so easily given in to even them.
  11. Bill, my sister couldn't quit right away either. She didn't want to. She said, "the damage has been done". I think what made her finally decide to quit was the looks people would give her when they saw her smoke. I got a few looks myself from co-workers after they found out that my sister has lung cancer. Also, her Dr. did tell her that her Chemo would be affected by cigarettes. It is hard, but so much harder if you aren't ready. This is my 1st time to seriously try to quit. I knew I couldn't do it cold turkey. My sister did it cold Turkey, and she said she may smoke 1 cigarette a month now..when she just can't deal with things, but she has not had a desire to pick up the habit again. Say a prayer for me; but if you do decide to quit..Try the patch. It is a real help for me, so far.
  12. Thanks Bill and actually I am doing this for myself. I think my sister's situation made me come to this decision. She quit about a month after she was diagnosed, and she is very happy now that she has. I had been thinking of quitting before all of this, but was never serious. The cons never outranked the pros for me. I never really believed that Lung Cancer was caused by cigarettes. I know the Surgeon General said it was..but I still never really believed it, or at least never allowed myself to believe it. Well, now I do and it scares the cr*p out of me. Anyway, I do wish you luck in your cessation and will look for your posts. It is always a little easier to quit when others are with you. Barbara
  13. Thanks for the encouragement, Jen. There are only so many loli-pops and jolly ranchers that I can eat. I found myself thumping my Tootsie Roll Pop like I would thump the ashes off of my cigarette. I am also noticing that my fuse is a little shorter lately. I just want to get through this without blowing my cool and losing my job or my kids. I can't imagine how I would be without this patch on. (Shudder)
  14. We ate Black-eyed peas and Cabbage. Maybe this is just a Louisiana thing. I think Cabbage is for Prosperity and Black-eyed peas are for Luck.
  15. Well, I am into Day 3. It really has not been as bad as I thought. This patch is really helping me. I do get an occasional craving..Like last night watching my Tigers beat Notre Dame..but I have been able so far to deal with it. I smoked for 27 years..at least a pack a day. I was just tired of cigarettes controling me. They are awful and they make people sick. After my sister was diagnosed with lung cancer, I started to hate cigarettes. I am praying to get to a point that I don't want one anymore. Good Luck, Linda and let me know how the Rx works.
  16. Thank you all for your support. I sure need it. I could eat a cigarette right now...but I am in this going on 36 hours now and I don't want to have to start over.
  17. OK..I have decided to stop smoking too. As of 1/1/2007..7pm, I became a non-smoker. Currently, I am using the patch to help me with the withdrawal symptoms. Does anyone have any good tips for getting through this? I have my Jolly Ranchers and gum, but still am struggling a little. I keep getting up from my desk to go smoke..and then I realize that I am not smoking anymore. Two of my friends were supposed to stop with me, but decided not to, so I am hoping others on this board are quitting also. Maybe we can form some sort of support group. I am almost desperate and I am not 24 hours into it yet. I asked a co-worker that smokes if I could just smell his clothes for a minute or two. Oh Well...Pray for me.
  18. Can anyone give me any insight as to what helped someone who was deeply depressed. My sister wakes up in the morning crying and has a really hard time trying to stop. She was given an antidepressant (Loxipro-not sure of spelling) and has only been on this one for a week, but is not helping a lot right now. She is hardly eating and does not want to do anything. Is this the norm?
  19. That news is great, Bill. I noticed that you started your chemo at the same time my sister did, and yours seems to be almost identical to hers. Her last PET showed the cancer was gone..all of it. Now they are going to do radiation on her..where the cancer was..to try and prevent any re-occurance. Have they mentioned Radiation to you? Her chemo was very aggressive also..she is doing 4 rounds for 6 cycles. I have not known anyone else to do 4 rounds per cycle, but it seems to work. Her only real problems have been fatigue and now depression. She finally called the Dr. and he called in Celexa(sp?) for her, so I hope that works. Anyway, I just wanted to say Congratulations. That is truly wonderful news!!
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