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Everything posted by laban

  1. laban

    3 Friends

    I too, Ginny know how you feel. From Sept 07 to June 08, eight family and friends died of lung cancer including Bill. Too, too many. I understand your feelings, oh so well.
  2. In most cases the heart stuff is way more fixable than the cancer stuff. Many blessings for a good fix.
  3. .......HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL DADS, GRANDDADS & STEPDADS.......hope all can enjoy the day with family and loved ones. Special attention to all we have lost. Attention all kids and grandkids, roll out the welcome and put your guys up on a pedestal today.
  4. laban

    Goals Are Good!

    Yes Cindy, there IS always something to look forward to. Susan, your Mom is awesome and seems to have a God given will to push through the tough times. Blessings to you ALL.
  5. laban

    Scan Time

    Yes, God is so very good.
  6. Bud I know all about hot summers, the humidity is stifling. I hope you and Bruce get to go fishing this weekend and are able to bring in a bunch to fry up. I'm missing those days. Randy, I hope you have a free minute to smell the flowers. Blessings to you all
  7. laban

    A survivor...

    We should honor every day to those we lost. Cancer is horrible. Bless you for acknowledging the survivor.
  8. Thank you for sharing.....God bless
  9. Good day all. Bill used to make things himself and post on the fishing forum @ the Sports Illustrated site. He had so much accumulated in the garage he always was able to find parts and pieces and build something. He also was a master at cooking on the grill and posted on another forum about ideas on grilling. I think he also subscribed to the Jeep forums. Sure miss those days when he was around. We had a very busy, active life. Judy in KW, do you have a date when you'll be back in Orlando?
  10. Eric, it was great. Almost like meeting you in person and yes, you got your point across. Thank you. Thanks too to Ned for posting the link.
  11. laban

    You can dance

    That was great, sure wish I would have seen Dr West....thanks for posting this
  12. Hi Muriel, I'm guessing the reason no one is on the computer is because they're all enjoying their lives. I certainly hope so. I hope they're all out having whatever fun there is to be had today. I've already had my fun this morning. We had "Church Pride Day" and I got to scrape up gum off the floors in the sanctuary, clean the kitchen, scrub the kitchen floor, vacuum and spray Round-Up on some outside weeds. Life is good here in Orlando. Blessing to everyone today.
  13. laban

    Birthday Wishes

    Happy Birthday Katie............I have one tomorrow
  14. laban

    dropping by

    Yes Lily, I understand
  15. Good Morning, It's beautiful here in Orlando. Mid 80's and a nice breeze from the ENE. OK, that's all I can offer meteor-logically. Went to church, great service, great book study after. Stopped at a roadside produce stand (yes they have them even in Orlando) Got some yummy peaches, tomatoes and a watermelon. I have sand hill cranes that walk through my yard, almost daily. Right now, Mom and Dad have two chicks in tow. It's so neat to see Mom or Dad (don't know which one) scooping up a worm or bug and transferring it to the open mouth of the chicks. Even though these birds wreak havoc to the yard, they're still fun to watch. Judy in MI. I'm anxious for my trip in late summer/early fall. I'll be traveling from Muskegon up to Kingston Ontario so I know I'll be fairly close to you. I can't wait to experience the beauty of your state. Not much happening today. Will sit back and read. Hope you ALL have a glorious Sunday.
  16. Good Morning All, 72 degrees and sunny. It's a beautiful day, again. This morning I'll pick up some friends to take them to the airport. They're flying to Minnesota, taking a bus to Iowa to pick up an RV to drive to Alaska. Sounds like a great trip. I'd love to be going along. Then I'm off to work at church for the day. After church I'm going to visit my sister who is about an hour away. We'll go to an Antique & Flea Market Extravaganza in Mt Dora tomorrow, which is one of my favorite things to do. They have tons of antiques and I love seeing ideas for decorating. Hoping you all have a great TGIF and can enjoy the weekend, stress free, pain free and happy. God love you all.
  17. Hello All.... It's 66 degrees now, will get up to 88 and our humidity is coming back. We had several days of high pressure and it was near perfect. So happy to wake up this AM and see that Randy's sister, Heidi is cancer free. Thank God. Yesterday I responded to the "Air" and when I pushed the submit button I was brought back to the site and saw that Judy in KW was doing it at the same time. Does anyone know where the posts go that get lost in cyberspace? Today Bill would have been 63 and we would have been married 13 years. Happy Birthday Bill, I know you're having the time of your life "up there". Can't wait to see you again.
  18. So happy to hear the B9 news. Rest well Heidi, you are blessed......and Randy, now you can breathe again.
  19. Hello All, I know it's a little late for Monday's Air but it's been another busy day. The weather here is perfect. Mid 80's, breezy and very low humidity. Hello Crowley, TX. Can't even imagine how you can stay on the road with 30 mph winds-hope they weren't that high this am. So sorry your shingles are still giving you trouble. I was fortunate to have a shingles vaccination last year. Donny, I'd so love to smell those lilacs-I have such wonderful memories of growing up in Wisconsin and smelling them. I have several gardenia bushes in full bloom right now and they're wonderful too. Heidi, so glad your Mother's Day was simple and sweet. That's what motherhood is all about. Judy in KW. Yes Judy, I'll be here until Aug 6th. We'll definitely do something. Drive to the coast or do lunch. I'd love you to come to my house too. By the way, your coach is beautiful. Bill and I always said when we grow up we'll get a pusher. I guess we never got to grow up. Judy in MI. I see you're a church lady too. I love it. Glad to see your staying busy. It will surely keep you out of trouble (unless you get that sporty new ride, that is) My Mother's Day was wonderful. Had a houseful of women, family and friends. Champagne brunch........presents....just plain fun. Hope you all have a wonderful week.
  20. I'm pretty confident that prayers and luck aren't even in the same category. Heidi will be in my prayers and I'll continue to pray for you and your grueling work schedule. So happy to hear it was caught early.
  21. Happy Mothers Day all, you too Eric. We had a lovely brunch here at the house. There were 10 of us. Yummy food, yummier mimosa's. What a delight to have all the women I love here with me. I am so very blessed. It's a beautiful day.
  22. It's almost Saturday and I finally am able to read the air. Busy day....Judy, I hope you enjoy your time with your son and his family and they keep you so busy that you don't have time to worry. Ned, a vacation in Waikiki sounds like heaven, let us know how it goes. Donny, glad to see you're getting out and about and yes, nice to see the snow is gone, for now. Eric, I wonder what you'll be judging tomorrow. Randy, how long can you keep up with hours like that? Hoping you all are able to enjoy your weekend (except Randy) he'll be working like a dog. Night, night
  23. Good Morning All, It's 74 in Orlando and a bit overcast. Had rain yesterday in town but out here, we're dry as can be. May has come in with the heat of summer and we won't see the 70's again, during the day, until late October or early November. Donny, I see snow and sleet in Wyoming. I guess you just never know what you're going to get up there. Judy in MI. Hope you're feeling better today and you got through the night without too much spasm/pain. Today is the day I'm meeting Judy in KW. We're meeting for coffee @ 10. Woohoo. I've been looking forward to this. Hopefully this trip to MD Anderson will be a productive, good visit with good results. That's all for now, I'm pretty new at this "Air" thing. Have a good day, all.
  24. Judy in KW.......so happy I got a chance to finally speak with you. Sorry about your eyes tiring quickly. I know the computer wreaks havoc on mine sometime. Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday. Judy in MI.......too bad you didn't have some kind of a solution by now. What do they have in mind if it's neuropathy? Have you tried Neurontin?
  25. Good Morning, Absolutely beautiful day in Orlando. All the windows are open and the breeze is blowing through the house. What shall I do today? It's a perfect day to wash windows but I'm afraid I'll have to be a tad bit more motivated to get that accomplished. Judy and Eric. Bill and I too, traveled in our RV from 2002 to 2007. We traveled throughout the US and Canada missing only 5 states. We LOVED it out West. The whole US is so beautiful. I have always been amazed at the different landscapes encountered while traveling into a new state, especially in the West. I loved traveling through small towns and meeting people in local shops and restaurants. I really miss those days. I have a big trip planned for Aug to Oct. Looking forward to that. Hope everyone's day is good today. Looks like it's pretty cool up North but we're enjoying a low humidity day. WooHoo!!
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