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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Wow!! Loved that post. I felt as if I were right there with you hearing the nosie of that crowd cheering you on and on and on. I still hear them and I'm sure you do too. They won't stop that noise until NED shows up too. Keep up the fight. You have an amazing spirit.

    gail p-m

  2. Dee

    I remember you too. I recall thinking how lucky claire was to have a friend like you. With that said, I am so sorry to hear about Claire's passing and how quickly the turn around was. Please accept my sincere condolences.

    gail p-m

  3. Ginny,

    I remember vividly when you posted about waiting for that doctor's phone call because I could not believe the callousness of that man. My heart broke for you and Earl then just as it does now. Some things you never forget ---

    gail p-m

  4. Was a very interesting letter. As i was reading it, I realized that i need to send it to my son who is in medical school. I believe medical education is trying to address these sorts of issues these days as they should be ---

    gail p-m

  5. Cindy

    I'm so sorry to hear of the unexpedly sudden turn of events with your Dad . I know how hard it is and wish I had the words to make this journey easier, I, all to well, know the problems that distance puts in the way of this too. Hopefully, hospice will get the pain under control quickly.

    Sending prayers to you and your family.

    gail p-m

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