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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Frances

    I'm sorry the Tarceva did not work for your Dad. I know my Dad had a rough time with the side effects and then we found out that it didn't work for him either. I hope the next chemo is the one that your father needs.

    gail p-m

  2. Hi Frank

    Too bad you don't live in Beautiful B.C. where spring comes earlier and some of those spring jobs are already done.. The deck has already been scrubbed, some of the lawn furniture is out, the lawn has been mowed and the tulips and daffodils are in full bloom. Some of the cherry trees have already blossomed too.

    It's a gorgeous sunny day here too and I love looking at the spring green color too. Enjoying my glass of wine as well but it's 5:30 PM!!!

    Take care and enjoy.

    Gail p-m

  3. So glad to hear that your treatments are going well.

    Your son's wedding sounded great! It is exciting to see a child get married. My first child got married last September and I, too, have no idea where all the time went. Sounds like you now have a "daughter" in your life too. Wonderful!!!

    Please keep in touch with us and update us.

    gail p-m

  4. I was just thinking about Lucie yesterday, realizing that an update was due soon. I am certainly sorry Alimta didn't work for Lucie. I send many prayers that whatever the oncologist has planned for Lucie next is the chemo that will do the trick.

    gail p-m

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