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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Hi Battle of Brooklyn,

    Was born there myself in the Flatbush area many years ago -- assuming it's Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Glad your Mom is back up battling. It is strange how we can "rejoice" about sticking poisons in those we love. But I do know JUST what you mean.

    My Dad did have Carbo and Taxol for NSCLC. After his 3rd treatment, we did notice some neuropathy in his feet and it was discontinued. Looking back on it, I think he had some evidence of this after his second treatment, but we didn't connect things then. So I would advise to watch out for this. My Dad describes the feeling as if he were walking on "pillows." He trips and has a strange sounding walk at times. It sounds more like he's stomping along than a gentle gait which you shouldn't really hear.

    Good luck and prayers for your Mom.

    gail p-m

  2. 50% shrinkage and the likelihood of surgery -- that really sounds good to me given the nature of this "beast"; And by the way, I can assure you that 59 is NOT and I repeat NOT all that old. I'll be there soon myself.


    gail p-m

  3. Tammy,

    I did reply to you on your first post and mentioned some thoughts about the medical system. Going along with that post and with what you have said on this post, I would certainly seek another medical opinion. I have been a member of this board for a couple of years now and have never heard of someone going through 5 radiation sessions. Something just doesn't sound right to me. Are you with your Dad now or are you overseas? It is awfully hard to deal with this if you're far away. Does your Dad have someone around to help him at doctor's appts. and to negotiate the medical system. That's important but I well understand the difficulties of living thousands of miles apart.

    I will keep your Dad in my prayers.

    gail p-m

  4. Sue,

    I'm so sorry things haven't improved for Mike. They certainly should have by now. There have been bits of good news interspersed with all the bad news lately and i certainly hope Mike is one of the good news people very soon.

    Prayers for both of you.

    gail p-m

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