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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. I also love seeing your face at last. I remember the back of the "hairless" head that you had as your avatar for the longest time --- and wondered what the other side looked like.

    Much more important, I am sending prayers for your comfort during this very difficult time. I'm so glad that you're able to keep in touch with us.


    gail p-m

  2. Fay,

    I'm so glad you found some people to be there for your children for the long haul. As a mom, I can totally understand how important that is for peace of mind. Obviously, from your comments, that gives you great relief. I'm sorry your tears of joy about this interfere with your breathing though!


    gail p-m

  3. Hi Fay,

    Good to see you post and still feeling the sun shine. I'm so glad you're with your sweet Houdini too. I also love my 4 legged critters deeply and they do know how we feel. My favorite 4 legged critter is a 13 year old "cancer pup" but that's a whole other story.

    As usual, lots of prayers being sent your way.

    gail p-m

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