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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Oh Tammy,

    I feel your frustration with the medical system. I live in Abbotsford, B.C. and things are too slow when you have a serious disease. I really don't know what the medical facilities in Kelowna are but in Vancouver, I do know there are private clinics. It is "pay as you go" though, but my understanding is the service is fast. (A couple of years ago, my daughter had an MRI at a private clinic right in Abbotsford. We had a 1 or 2 day wait to get her in). At times, I've put myself on cancellation lists and that occasionally helps to move you up. Recently, I needed an ultrasound and when my doctor's office phoned to make the appt, they had just had a cancellation and gave me the appt. Maybe your Dad can find out when a good time to phone is... and phone each day when he's waiting too long for an appt. As far as chemo goes and the wait, I'd be sure that whoever organizes that realizes how long your Dad has waited and perhaps that could move him up on the list a bit -- if chemo is suggested (or radiation). Two weeks between CT and report seems like too much to me. (I know UBC has increased the size of its medical class to graduate more doctors which is something we need but that doesn't help BCers out for a few years). Keep in mind that Washington State and Idaho are to our south and maybe that would be an option but it will cost money. I'm sorry I don't have anything more concrete for you but I do feel your frustration keenly.

    I will keep your Dad in my thoughts and prayers.

    gail p-m

  2. Larry,

    I am so, so sorry that your wife is in so much pain. I have nothing concrete to help but I assure you that you and your wife are in my prayers.

    gail p-m

  3. Way to go Joanie! Perhaps you could walk to Cindi's Pub for some exercisse for a week and next week, you could jog there? Glad you're on the mend.

    gail p-m

  4. Ry and John,

    I'm so sorry to hear about John. I know Tarceva had been working so well for him and thought it would continue to do so. It seemed like John's magic bullet. Hopefully, Alimta will take over now for a good long time.

    You and John are in my thoughts and prayers.

    gail p-m

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