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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Hi

    My Dad has been fighting lung cancer since he was 76 and now it's 5 years later. The cancer is confined to both lungs. You mentioned your Dad is quite weak and may not tolerate the chemo well. Has your oncologist perhaps suggested something like Tarceva. Tarceva is one of the "targeted therapies". It only goes after the "bad" cells and doesn't impact the "good" ones which makes it easier to tolerate for many people. To be honest, my father had a very difficult time with Tarceva and had to be taken off it. But many people on this board have met with success with Tarceva. It's certainly worth considering.

    Keep us updated.

    gail p-m

  2. Sharon

    Glad to hear your good news. It is warm and rainy in Vancouver -- warmer than usual. Our days recently have been about 10 or 12 degrees. It's raining on the North Shore Mountains and up at Whistler too. Doesn't feel like winter at all. But I'm sure you'll see plenty of snow in Edmonton and Happy Shopping there.

    gail p-m

  3. What I love about the season:

    Having my 4 kids all reappear at once from their various work/college obligations after having an "empty" house for some time. Love to watch them talk together, play games, bond again.... This year, I will also be getting to know my new son-in-law better too!

    gail p-m

  4. Fay,

    I don't know what to say anymore. I HATE your contractor and with all the "stuff" you have to deal with, you should not have to deal with him. It is NOT fair.

    Hopefully, you can enjoy the holidays with the family and somehow continue to count your blessings.


    gail p-m

  5. Interesting that we don't find many people over 65 with lung cancer posting on this site. I realize that many may not be connected to the NET; however, many caregivers post here and I still don't see many over 65ers written about here. Having an 81 year old dad with lc, I would be interested in having more contact with those caring for elderly or involved with elderly lc people.

    Just my ramblings for this AM.

    gail p-m

  6. Hi Debra --

    Just wanted to mention that I'm pretty sure that one of our members, Tiny, lives in Yakima too. I think she is an early stager and a non-smoker as well. Just wanted to mention Tiny to you in case you ever want to get together or whatever. Please keep us updated.

    gail p-m

  7. Oh Karen,

    I'm so sorry to read your post about your Dad's lc and his decline. It's so hard to watch this happen to the ones we love, even though they may be 80 years old. My Dad is 81 and is stage IIIb. I'm not full of suggestions either but some things do come to my mind as possibilities: 1. For weight loss, has your dad tried to drink Ensure or Boost. Those drinks have lots of calories in them and for many people are much easier to get down than a meal when they have little or no appetite. 2. Has your dad's oncologist considered Tarceva, the targeted therapy that goes after the bad cells rather than the good and bad ones that regular chemo goes after. My Dad went on Tarceva for awhile and it didn't work for him (too many side effects) but for MANY on this website, it has been very, very helpful. For MANY, it has had much milder side effects than chemo and has been helpful in slowing down or stabilizing the cancer. 3. Has radiation been considered at least to help with the pain? 4. Have you gone for a second opinion? You have nothing to lose by doing this. As long as your Dad still has a positive attitude and wants to fight this disease, I'd certainly look into a second opinion to be sure there is really nothing else that can be done for him.

    So these are my rambling thoughts. Please keep us updated and let us support you in any way that we can.

    gail p-m

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