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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. My Dad had his 3rd recurrence of lc back in May, I believe. (I need to read his bio). At that time, he was coughing up some blood. A bronchoscopy and PET scan confirmed some new growth, although it did not show up on the CT. Coumadin was stopped due to the possibility of hemorraging.

    In early August, his oncologist put him on Tarceva. Within about a week's time, my Dad was feeling miserable. He seemed to sleep all of the time and still be tired. In addition, he lost his appetitel and started losing weight -- about a pound a day. He also got the Tarceva rash which was helped by some meds. but was still uncomfortable for him. While all this was going on, he became extremely depressed too. We (his family and oncologist) were all confused by my father's steady decline. My father became extremely weak too and it became evident that he really could not live on his own much longer. Oncologist said that the new cancer he had shouldn't be enuf to cause all the problems he was having; yet, oncologist also said that sometimes cancer cells get loose in the system and do cause the decline even though there was no medical evidence for it.

    Dad had a PET scan about 2 weeks ago. PET showed no change which meant either the Tarceva was holding the cancer "at bay" or hadn't done anything for him. Oncologist said that since Tarceva might potentially be interfering with my dad's quality of life and there was no evidence that it had helped the cancer -- all agreed my dad would go off Tarceva. Within two days, my dad had his energy back and was going out again. He was feeling so much better. He's not ravenous by any stretch of the imagination but he is eating again. He has actually put on a couple of pounds. (he had been down to 151 lbs, a man who was 190 before this awful disease struck). My father sounds cheerful and hopeful again and I am so relieved. Both my sister and I thought the end was nearing for him. I have no idea what we'll do if and when the cancer "grows" again -- Tarceva is not his "magic bullet" and at this point, he could never handle chemo. But I won't worry about it now. It's been a week or so since he is off the Tarceva and the change is unbelievable.

    I know Tarceva has been wonderful for many of you --- Fay, Mr. Ry, I can see her picture making fish faces but I can't think of her name ((oh, my memory)) and I pray it continues to be your "magic bullet". But i post this not only to update you on my father but in case any of you get a smilar reaction after starting to take Tarceva, this might be worth thinking about. It is a new drug and we are still learning about it.

    gail p-m

  2. Kim--

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe what you and your mom have been through in the last week. As you well know, it is time to go "doctor shopping", difficult as it is at times.


    gail p-m

  3. I wanted to become a teacher and would line up all of those "plastic" charms that I got from the charm machine and they were my class-- can't remember if you put in a penny or nickel for those. My favorite one was a little yellow dog named Dory. Currently, I'm a Grade 3 teacher. If only my "kids" behaved as well as the "plastic" charms. But I do enjoy what I do. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. By the way, I have 2 dogs too!

    gail p-m

  4. Independent people having their independence taken away is a real tough one to handle for all involved. Fortunately your FIL will regain that independence to drive again. But when it comes to a safety/insurance issue, they really don't have much choice. Glad you were there for him. I'm sure your FIL won't be angry with you for long. Deep down, he knows you were right.

    Glad there's a plan in place for your FIL's treatment.

    gail p-m

  5. You have my admiration and thanks. I do donate to some wonderful animal groups and when I retire, I will be volunteering for animals in some capacity. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

    gail p-m

  6. Joyce,

    I'm so sorry to read your post about Steve coming to the end of his journey. I'm amazed that you can offer such kind words at such a difficult time. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

    gail p-m

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