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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Lori--

    I know how difficult using a wheelchair for your mom is. My Dad has regularly refused to use a wheelchair though he is getting weaker and more unsteady on his feet. Two weeks ago my Dad was scheduled to fly out for a visit since his first grandchild was getting married. I wasn't sure he'd make it here and neither was my sister who was flying with him. I gently asked him several times if he'd use a wheelchair in the airport and he'd say "no". About 2 days before, he said, "yes". Initially, I felt very happy about this because I knew he'd be much safer rather than trying to walk. On the other hand, I felt real sadness because I realized how weak and tired this fiercely independent man was feeling. Now that he has done it once (and unfortunately things did not go real smoothly since at the end of one flight, the airline provided 2 wheelchairs for 3 people!!!), I am hoping that he will do it again and not miss out on things he really wants to do because of difficulty with mobility.What I am trying to say in a long-winded way is that I hope your mom comes around too (I never thought my father would) and doesn't miss out on the things she really wants to do. There is an answer, for this, at least.

    Good luck.

    gail p-m

  2. Fay--

    So glad to hear that you're on the mend. I also hope that my card eventually caught up to you. Will continue to send prayers, don't you worry about that! As for you, solid food sounds good but I'm looking forward to when you can stop in Cindi's pub and have something R - E - A - L- L - Y good. Here's to a speedy recovery!

    gail p-m

  3. Jamie

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be such a shock especially with him doing so well with the lung cancer which was NED. I'm sure it was the last thing you were expecting. My sincere condolences.

    gail p-m

  4. Fay,

    Also sending mega prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Will be thinking about you with all digits crossed. I'm sure we'll get some updates from "contacts". You know how many of us are praying for you. Those prayers have to do something!!!

    gail p-m

  5. Welcome, Jenny. Yes, there's lots of hope here. It would be great if you could get your mom to "visit" us. Finishing the chemo certainly sounds like a good idea since it is helping her. Second opinions are sometimes really valuable as well.

    Will be looking for your updates.

    gail p-m

  6. My Dad was also on Carbol/Taxol and when we realized he was getting nerve damage to his feet, his oncologist took him off it. I believe there might be some meds to help "block" or minimize the neuropathy but they, themselves, have side effects too. When and if my Dad goes on another chemo, apparently there are some that don't have this side effect.

    gail p-m

  7. Sorry to hear the news hasn't been good for you. Prayers that Alimta is your "magic bullet". Do enjoy your much needed vacation. Vacations can work wonders for one's spirit.

    Let us know how the new chemo goes.

    gail p-m

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