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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Glad to hear that Lucie is doing better with her mouth sores. Also glad to hear that she was able to enjoy her granddaughter's birthday party. It's so nice to be able to do "normal" things.

    Keeping Lucy in my prayers.

    gail p-m

  2. Kerry,

    I was so sorry to read your post. I know you initially thought your mom had pneumonia and that can be dealt with. I believe my father is nearing where your mother is at and I am a long distance away and considering a leave of absence from work. Believe me, I know how hard it is. I'm so sorry.

    Sending prayers and hugs your way.

    gail p-m

  3. Shar

    I'm so happy to hear that your dog is home at last! i have thought about your post several times but was reluctant to ask about your pup, assuming that he had not returned. So I was very pleased to see your post today. Glad your Tarceva side effects are subsiding some too.

    gail p-m

    p.s. give doggie a nice rawhide from me and Jody and Otis (my old pups)

  4. Fay,

    It's wonderful to hear that you are out of ICU. I do hope that you're not sent home too early though. It's probably your bubbly personality, the energy you radiate and your optimism that's making them think it's time to send Fay home. You rest up, girl! So happy to see you post.


    gail p-m

  5. That is quite a week that Charlie has to go through especially on his birthday. I share in Katie's wish for Charlie. Please know that I am sending out extra prayers for Charlie and you this week and will be looking for Charlie's "healthy and happy" post on his 54th birthday.

    gail p-m

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