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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. I have sleeping problems and wake several times a night. I try not to get up before 4:30 or 5:00 AM so I always am hoping that perhaps it's 4:30 or 5:00. Then I enjoy getting up reading the paper, walk the dogs... So I really hope for the alarm in a sense.

    gail p-m

  2. Leslie

    Just read your good, I mean GREAT news. That is certainly something to celebrate.

    Hoping the darn thing continues to get smaller though we all know that stable is good too!!!!

    Again, congrats!

    Gail p-m

  3. DISMISSED -- nice word for a lung cancer survivor to hear; also nice word for a TEACHER to hear too. It's one of my favorite words each day and I'd expect, you might like it too.

    gail p-m

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