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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. My Dad has been having a very difficult time of things lately. He went on Tarceva for his recurrence of lc. However, since going on it, despite scans which say he is stable, he is always tired and has lost a great deal of weight. I noticed that someone just posted the same symptoms in Ask the Experts. Dr. Cunningham, like my Dad's oncologist, suggested that depression may be a cause for the symptoms. However, I am wondering if extreme loss of appetite and extreme fatigue are being reported by many on Tarceva. After all, it is a new drug i.e. is it the drug or depression. Maybe we should get him off of it though he certainly is not a candidate for chemo in his current physical shape.

    gail p-m

  2. I've learned so much from the people on this website about this disease. I've also learned not to believe the statistics. Most important, personally, I've learned a lot from the positive attitudes and the fighting spirits so many of you have. You just keep up this battle, no matter what is thrown at you and most of you are successful at LIVING with cancer. What an incredible bunch of people. Like Andrea, I feel addicted to this site and go through withdrawl when it's down.

    Thanks Katie and Rick

    gail p-m

  3. Way to go, Katie!!! I am a caregiver who lives a distance away and I don't know what I'd do without the knowledge this site has given me. Even from 3,000 miles away, I have made some contributions (significant, I'd like to think) to his care with the help of this site.

    Thanks for all the work you and Rick do.

    gail p-m

  4. Fay,

    That's awful. I would have thought you'd hear from them by now. As others have said, things are still a mess down there and your uncle and aunt may have tried to communicate with relatives and thought that they had. In the meantime, I will keep them in my prayers.

    gail p-m

  5. Fay,

    I just have to smile at what constitues good news sometimes. Isn't life strange?? Do I say congratulations on your New Primary. I don't think so; something doesn't sound right. But I do know you're a great responder and you with your fantastic attitude, you will beat this one too. You know we're all sending our prayers out to you too.

    gail p-m

  6. Fay,

    Glad to hear the Tarceva is still working for you but sorry that you have to go on a new chemo; hope your healing picks up some speed-- I know what you mean about this aging process slowing us down. I'm sure you've found some good pursuits to fill your time while you're healing.

    Continuing to send prayers your way.

    gail p-m

  7. Oh Cindi!!

    We all know that Friday afternoon iis the most worst time to get "news" and to be left hanging. That weekend can seem awfully long. I think you should open your pub, have a good "stiff" one, watch several videos and try to enjoy the weekend the best you can.

    I'll add my prayers to the many others that I'm sure are coming for a good report.

    gail p-m

  8. Curtis

    Thanks for catching us up on you and Katie. May I just say one thing as a Grade 3 teacher -- occasionally, there are parent-teacher interviews where I will say to a parent that they are doing a wonderful job with their child and I don't have any further suggestions except to keep up the wonderful things that they are already doing to contribute to "X" being such a fine student.. I'm not a real "easy-going" teacher so if that comes from me, believe me, it's genuine. I used to hear similar things about 2 of my 4 children and I couldn't have been more honored or proud. Teachers usually had suggestions for the other two though!

    Anyway, it was good to hear from you again.

    gail p-m

  9. Sharon

    That's very exciting news -- your becoming a grandmother and even being invited for the birth. I also agree that you look way too young to become a grandma.

    that was also an interesting story about your daughter having fertility problems and then when your dad passed.... it does make you wonder.

    thanks for updating us.

    gail p-m

  10. Marilyn,

    it was nice to see you post again. I'm glad that things seem to be going well for you and you sound like you're enjoying life again. Glad to hear it.

    gail p-m

  11. Jim

    Sorry this trial wasn't the one for you. But I'm sure your onc will keep on looking until he finds the right trial or chemo for you. In the meantime, as others have advised, go fishin' for awhile. Sending my prayers.

    gail p-m

  12. Sorry to hear there was bad news along with all that good news. However, you have a plan and best of all, you will keep on fishin'. I hope you continue to catch many as you conquer those "nasties" in your body.

    gail p-m

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