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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Oh Fay,

    Can't believe the situation with the contractor that you still find yourself in. I'm sure what you need is a good lawyer BUT you have to reserve your strength for your lc fight right now. What has happened to you is just not right, not right! And to be living in the conditions that you have to endure can't be healthy -- all that stress too. Is it at all possible for you to rent a tiny place right now, at least with a stove, oven, kitchen sink....?? Those costs can just go in the lawsuit later on but you need to have everything that you can going for you as you battle this lc beast.

    Prayers and ((((Fay))))

    gail p-m

  2. Oh Fay--

    You have had way too much to deal with and who needs a case of the flu on top of all else. I recall your post where you were so looking forward to Thanksgiving and wanting to make it memorable. Not FAIR!!! You deserve a break here -- and right now.

    I too would like to hear about the renovations. Is your kitchen usable or is it useable yet? I recall it was in a real mess.


    gail p-m

  3. Just want everyone to know that the cookbook is wonderful. I love cookbooks with recipes that have been used by "real people". I love knowing what most of the ingredients are. Sometimes in "store cookbooks", I haven't a clue what ingredients are and pass the recipe because of that. These are truly recipes that interest me. Now if I only had the time to make them!!

    Love Andreas idea of putting the recipe books in staffrooms to entice those at work too.

    Get your cookbook soon!

    gail p-m

  4. Ralph

    I'm so sorry for what you have gone through in addition to this awful disease. Do take Fay's advice and check with your landlord about this insurance.

    My prayers for you continue.

    gail p-m

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