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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. GRRRRRR! GRRRRRRR! I just can't imagine who would send you an email like that --- As others have said, you are a fighter, an inspiration to others, extremely knowledgeable about this disease.... You've been through HE_ _ and back on many occasions and keep on going and going. You have grit and determination to live no matter what is thrown at you.

    You just keep on being you. Don't you ever change and ignore that ignorant email.

    gail p-m

  2. Pat --

    Glad you're back safely but I'm so sorry things did not work out the way they were expected to. I'm continuing to send prayers for both you and Brian.

    gail p-m

  3. Uncle Doug

    I am one of those who missed your posts and I'm so glad that you're back with us!!! Not sure what your first career was but if you want a second one, take up writing. Also I was very happy to hear that you had your new teeth in place for the Alaska cruise and hopefully they helped you to put on pounds which is what cruising is all about.

    Anyhow, don't stay away so long next time!

    gail p-m

  4. Oh Pat --

    If anyone can beat this for the wedding day, Brian can! I'm not surprised that your kids focussed on Brian and not how things would impact their big day. That's just how well brought up and loving kids would be.

    Sending many prayers to you both.

    gail p-m

  5. You deserve to be very proud of the compassion and caring you have instilled in that daughter of yours. Yes, that hard work DOES pay off - although sometimes you have to Wait and Wait. Give her a hug for me.

    gail p-m

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