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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Sorry the chemo didn't improve things but glad to hear that things did not progress either. Hopefully, Alimta will be helpful to Lucie and she will tolerate it well.

    I will continue to hold Lucie in my prayers and thoughts.

    gail p-m

  2. Eppie--

    Glad they found out what was wrong with your Dad. Where does he live? I know it's not easy to be far away when you have a sick family member -- I seem to feel guilty no matter which end I'm at -- not being with my Dad and/or not being with my husband... at home. It's tough.

    Hope things continue on a smooth course.

    gail p-m

  3. Oh, I like this one!

    1. Quit my job

    2. Money to lung cancer research and other lung diseases.

    3. Money to dog related charities -- I want to help these innocents.

    4. Money to my 4 kids.

    5. Update my house.

    6. A vacation fund.

    7. Invest the rest so that I don't regreat #1.

  4. Beth

    I'm so sorry for all your Dad (and your family) has gone through. At least now that they have found what is making your Dad so uncomfortable, hopefully, he will get some relief. Don't blame yourself for the doctor's slow response. You tried your best and it sounds like the nurses couldn't get the doctors attention either. I just don't know why these things happen but they do. A chest xray would have been so simple ---

    And please vent away when you need to. That's why we're here.

    Let us know how your Dad is doing.

    gail p-m

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