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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. Judy, join us in the boat, there's plenty of room, and river chocolate carries no calories, so Bud can join in, too. Heck, everyone can come! Physically, Eric, you are closer to Irish than the rest of us on this side of the pond! Personally, I am a blend of Irish, Scottish, English and German. That's a lot of good food, stubbornness, and one mean temper, all rolled into a bonny blue-eyed lass with blonde curls. Who'da thunk it? LOL **MI Judy, the word that escaped you yesterday, and NOTHING to do with today's visual exercise, is "diarrhea". LOL
  2. Where's our wee Irish lad to open the air this mornin'? 'Twould seem only right for Eric to welcome in the wearin' o' the green... The menu is set for tonight: corned beef and cabbage, carrot and taters. Yum-yum! KW Judy, you're in my thoughts and my dreams of chocolate have me rowing the canoe across the chocolate lake and you kicked back under an umbrella at the front of the boat, running ripe strawberries in the current and enjoying the super-size fondant bowl in which we float... And if chocolate ain't floatin' your boat, let's start the day with an Irish coffee followed by a round or six of Guinness until we have to be scraped off the floor with a shovel! Hugs! The first toast? May those who love us, love us. And for those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts. And if he can not turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we may know them by their limping. Anyone have a second? I have more, and they're not all clean...
  3. How would you get a Kerryman to climb on the roof of a pub? Tell him the drinks are on the house! ************************************************ Padraic Flaherty came home drunk every evening toward ten. Now, the Missus was never too happy about it, either. So one night she hides in the cemetery and figures to scare the beejeezus out of him. As poor Pat wanders by, up from behind a tombstone she jumps in a red devil costume screaming, "Padraic Sean Flaherty, sure and ya' don't give up you're drinkin' and it's to Hell I'll take ye'". Pat, undaunted, staggered back and demanded, "Who the hell ARE you?". Too that the Missus replied, "I'm the divil ya' damned old fool". To which Flaherty remarked, "Damned glad to meet you sir, I'm married to yer sister." ********************************************** She followed her husband to the public house. "How can you come here," she said, taking a sip of his pint of Guinness, "and drink that awful stuff?" "Now!" he cried, "And you always said I was out enjoying meself." ************************************** After the Britain Beer Festival, in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, "Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona." The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him. The guy from Budweiser says, "I'd like the best beer in the world, give me 'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser." The bartender gives him one. The guy from Coors says, "I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors." He gets it. The guy from Guinness sits down and says, "Give me a Coke." The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask "Why aren't you drinking a Guinness?" and the Guinness president replies, "Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking beer, neither would I." ******************************************** Patrick and Murphy out fishing and the motor packed in on the boat, Patrick says to Murphy, "What are we going to do now?" Murphy says, "We'll just have to wait for help." After two days they are 40 miles from the coast and come across a bottle, Patrick opens the bottle and out pops a genie who grants them one wish - quick as a flash Patrick says, "Turn the sea into Guinness," and of course the sea is black with Guinness. Murphy says, "You stupid fool, we'll have to pis_ in the boat." *********************************************** Seamus asked Paddy how he got his black eye. "You'd never believe it," said Paddy, "but I got it in church." He said he had been sitting behind a fat lady and when they stood for a hymn, he noticed her dress was creased into the cheeks of her bottom. "All I did was lean forward and pull it out and she turned around and hit me." Said Paddy. A week later Seamus was surprised to see Paddy had another black eye. "I got this one in church, too," explained Paddy. He said he found himself behind the same fat woman and when they stood for a hymn her dress was once again creased into the cheeks of her bottom. "My little nephew reached forward and pulled it out. But I knew she didn't like that, so I leaned over and tucked it back in." ****************************** Paddy was an inveterate drunkard. The priest met him one day, and gave him a strong lecture about drink. He said, "If you continue drinking as you do, you'll gradually get smaller and smaller, and eventually you'll turn into a mouse." This frightened the life out of Paddy. He went home that night, and said to his wife, "Bridget....if you should notice me getting smaller and smaller, will ye kill that blasted cat?" ************************************* The Mouse on the Bar Room Floor Some Guinness was spilled on the bar room floor when the pub was shut for the night. Out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse and stood in the pale moonlight. He lapped up the frothy brew from the floor, then back on his haunches he sat. And all night long you could hear him roar, 'Bring on the goddam cat!'
  4. Eric, If you want to talk to EVERYBODY, you just post it as your status, instead of posting on each individual wall. You can edit lists and separate your folks by interests. For example, I have quite a few sub-categories, for friends from high school, friends from here, friends I have as neighbors on Farmville, etc. Then, if I want to update all my LC friends, but don't want the whole world to read what I post, I set the message to only be visible to that group. It would definitely be so much easier to sit over your shoulder and show you the nuances. One I haven't figured out is how people can type out someone's name and have it linked to that person's page. Drop me a PM with specific questions and I'll try to give you a hand. After all, with years as an administrative assistant with people "far too busy" to learn the technical aspects of anything (computer, cell phone, etc.), I've learned to give very detailed instructions... Oh, what a day, fly slaying again... Dang things! Discovered that the front door AND the storm door do not sit solidly in the sill, with a visible gap. Need to hit the hardware store and get some weather stripping before the skeeters hatch! The landlord will be recompensing me for that, as well as an oven knob and a part for the dishwasher. Wow, just thinking of all that work has tuckered me out, must be time for a nap!
  5. Welcome back, Judy! Cropped pants? I find those so hard to buy, they have to hit in the leg just right. Too short and I look like an Easter egg, too long and it looks like I just got carried away hemming my drawers... I'm glad you had too much fun to think about the virtual world. Did you gain ten pounds from the round-the-clock feasting? I discovered room service on the last night of my cruise, lol, had I known about it early-on, I'm sure I would have needed the crew to roll me down the gangplank or use one of those giant cranes to offload me! I have officially pulled Eric to the dark side, and am offering him up to others on FB. If you are my FB friend and I missed extending an invitation on his behalf, come on over and drop him a request from my friend list. Well, it's Saturday, and another day home alone. I'm getting kinda tired of all this alone time. Need to get a job so I can cut the chain holding me to the kitchen, as well! On the bright side, it appears there's a Ramsay marathon on today. Appetite suppressant, for sure!
  6. I didn't delete you, Katie. In all honesty, I don't know how! Nothing like being the hall monitor and not having a notebook... Eric, are you daft, man? You could have been killed! And in Sally's defense, what the heck could she have done for you at that point? I would have laughed so hard I would have had to change my drawers when I got home! By the way, I catch Gordon Ramsay on BBC-America. Normal house flies, everywhere. But hey, that's not the worst part of the day... Washing machine isn't spinning correctly, takes hours for one load. I'd do better to join my Amish neighbors at the wash board, take less time! Shoulda known how the day would go, I forgot it was garbage day and had to hustle it all around and out this morning instead of taking it out last night. Almost time for "Big Bang"...gotta warm up the TV.
  7. I have discovered a new way to save money. I LOVE eating out, full calories, heavy sauces, lots of butter on warm rolls...but since I started watching the BBC's reruns of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, I'm not so keen on getting out there... Stuff that hangs out in kitchens, old moldy food in the refrigerator, cockroaches, mice, inches of old grease caked on walls and stoves... Yeah, I'll just have a Pop-Tart at home. Not sure what's up in the house here, it's a plague of flies! We are the first renters, but the house is far from new. I'm not sure where the flies are coming from, since it's still too cold outside to open the doors and windows. No exaggerating, in just a few minutes yesterday, I killed a dozen in the bathroom, two dozen in the bedroom window, and almost that in the living room window. They're constant buzzing around is driving me nuts, and that's already a short drive! If I have this many flies, I fear for summer with the skeeters, they're smaller critters and I have no clue how the flies are entering... I have my vision back! Finally broke down and went to the salon yesterday. I now have bangs, and don't have to pull my hair back to brush my teeth! For all you people working M-F, it's Friday Eve!
  8. Okay, so here's a true story. My son turned 19 Monday. That would mean Monday was his birthday. Lucky boy, had an appointment with the dentist for fillings. On the way home, I asked him to move his car in the driveway, since I had quickly backed it out of the way three weeks ago when we had the driveway plowed... Happy birthday, kid, the car won't start. Hubby goes out with the boy to jump start the vehicle. Still wouldn't stay running, so hubby explains about holding down the gas pedal a bit while turning the ignition. After the guys got the car to run, the son was to keep it running for a bit and then move it. I waited ten minutes and signaled him from the house that he could move it.... ....so he waves me over, yells that the car won't move. Slide my coat back on, walk out to him and ask him to turn down the radio and turn down the heater. Then, I try REALLY HARD not to laugh, since he's already having a bad day... His car won't move, because it's stalled again! I had him scoot out and move the car, had to hold the gas pedal down the whole time, the car didn't want to idle, but at least it's out of the way. We'll get it going again, but if he hasn't had anywhere to go in a month, chances are, he has no plans for the next few days... Did I mention that the boy is also blonde? LOL
  9. Well, crap, Ned! Glad you are so Johnny-on-the-spot and have your head right in the toaster to get rid of those pesky critters. My thoughts are with you, one step at a time.
  10. Boy, I've tried to type out a "whazzup" post and am just to b*tchy to do it today. Sorry, can't even type an abridged version without steam coming from my ears. Tried again, just can't do it...lol Let's give the weather a whirl. Rained last night, on the ice in my driveway. Slippery as all get-out, about plopped right on my fanny when I walked out to the car. Now it's snowing again, and a wet, heavy snow at that time. Looks like there may be a warm-up coming. Not looking forward to mud dragged in the house, but am SOOOOOO sick of snow! Off to the housework. Never ending housework. I'm thinking barbecued chicken for dinner tonight...and mashed potatoes, comfort food! Any takers?
  11. Eric, how do you get posts online if you're using a typewriter? Is it an electric typewriter and you plug it in to your CPU or what? Oh, Judy, I know EXACTLY where your spouse is, am there myself, having been unemployed over two years now! I'm finding that I spend more and more time mindlessly surfing the internet and don't even bother with simple housework any more. Need to get the place organized, we moved in back at Christmas time, and I still have tubs in the bedrooms to put away or pack in storage... Also, should flip down the treadmill. If I spent as much time on that treadmill as I do on my fanny, there'd be considerably less of my fanny! I sure hope Eric clears me up on the typewriter, I have an old one somewhere, I think. Sure would be cheaper than upgrading laptops!
  12. I have to start by opening the window and letting the air in. Had a domestic spell yesterday and made homemade spaghetti sauce, with some ground venison and spicy sausage. The sauce bubbled along the better part of the day, then it was time for the pasta and the garlic bread. We are living in a rented house, so the appliances are not top of the line and they are not new. The biggest issue are the knobs for the oven and the dryer. They're stripped. Had to grab a pair of pliers to turn on the oven, and have the boy standing on his head to see when the pilot lit the broiler... The beginning of the insanity. Put the garlic bread in the oven while boiling the pasta, no smoke, not even a puff, yet the smoke alarm went off, causing me to almost wet myself. Some genius installed it on the wall about three feet from the stove. Seriously. The boy grabs a magazine and fans the air away from the screeching detector, no smoke, nothing is burning. Moments later, the startling shrillness strikes again. This time, I took it off the wall and laid it on the bed. Problem solved, right? Not at all, a few minutes later, it's screeching again, as well as the one in the bedroom joining in - but it "talks". So there's the screeching and a computerized voice speaking "Fire.....fire......fire.....fire". Liar, there was NO FIRE, NO SMOKE, nothing. Boy is now totally disgusted, fans the air around the two detectors in the bedroom (the one on the wall and the one that was thrown on the bed) and yet, there's still a loud shriek sounding through the house. What the heck? Yeah, it's a THIRD smoke alarm going off in the hall. Three Alarm Spaghetti... ...and a very sarcastic teenager telling his mother (the one with the soiled drawers) that she should have shut the door to at least keep the bedroom duet quiet. Ahhhh, the excitement we have doing the simple things... Dinner tomorrow? A bowl of raisin bran! Enjoy your morning, I'm off to bed.
  13. "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." G. K. Chesterton
  14. Good morning all, it's FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY! Yep, that's it, all I have the brain cells for. It's Friday, almost. Will be Friday when I hit the submit button. For some reason, I'm extremely tired. Waited for hubby to get home from work, but that's about it for the night. I'll catch you all on the flip side, maybe I'll have some fun story to share, a freaky dream where I'm buying cat food and riding a tutu-wearing llama while I myself am wearing a kilt with no knickers. I hope I have enough money for a cab in my sporran - and some warm socks! Off to bed, I'm open to someone bringing me breakfast in bed, though...bed and breakfast fare would be nice, a quiche with fresh fruit and some hot coffee with real cream. Any takers?
  15. Hey, Judy, I'd ride along on your cruise, but it's Annette who is begging to go. Besides, Ann wants me to find that dang bus. I wish I had upgraded with a GPS to find it if stolen, just never though someone would want to steal that ol' eyesore! I dunno about sharing a bitty bottle of booze with Eric, either. In fact, not knowing how long I'm going to be stuck in the suitcase, I'll skip ANY liquid, thankyouverymuch. I was in no way letting two men I don't know in my house when it's just me and a sleeping teen. That's just crazy....I know they're up to no good, men don't know how to run vacuums, it's like asking a kid if they want some candy, please step closer to the van... Just didn't get a good vibe, and his box didn't seem heavy enough to contain a vacuum, just hoses. Just sayin'.... Two guys, driving a minivan and carrying a supposed vacuum. Sounding more and more like Ted Bundy working with an apprentice... Hey, could happen!
  16. Just when I thought I was having a decent day, there's a knock on the door and it's a flippin' Kirby guy! Boy, aren't they an insistent bunch? Does it LOOK like I can afford $2300 for a damn vacuum for my laminate floors? Seriously? They're like the guys at a bar at last call, desperate and not willing to take no for an answer! Sheesh! Found a part for the truck at a local salvage yard, just need to get there and pick it up. Make the man happy and life is so much smoother... After running errands, it's back to the grinder and making more deer burger. I could use some chocolate...glad there's so many of you hardcore healthy folks to exercise the guilt away! A Kirby...if I had a spare $2300, I'd be looking at slightly-used hot tubs! As if!
  17. Geez, MI Judy, you had me...I was quickly thinking two things and had "pass gas" and "eat crackers"...and was then adding more like "forget to lock the door with kids in the house" and trying to get it back to two! Point and laugh, though, would be the big ones...followed by, "Oh, isn't that CUTE?" Oh, Eric, in my previous positions in my career, I've been one to craft such letters. One of my supervisors traveled extensively, I put his face on a milk carton! His wife loved it... There goes the dryer, time to get back to the laundry. Tired of fighting FB and the out of sync issues and slow downloads. Enough already, time for some (extremely) fresh air and dealing with a bag of bloody bones. Hope the lid stays on the trash can tonight and the critters don't drag the carnage all over the yard. Later, kids. Play nice!
  18. I'm waiting for Judy to realize Eric was hinting that he was opening the air since his posting went after the witching hour. If I knew how to move the post, I'd do it myself, but fear deleting Eric's tome and having to re-type it from memory myself. Could be funny... The deer has had to wait another day. Snowflake is so very thankful for indoor plumbing, as the backyard is full of drifts and snow and fifty yards to the outhouse in her current state would lead to muddy snow angels and a whole lotta cussing... I believe my nephew passed on his flu Sunday. If I had known I was going to end up with it, I'd have snuggled with the little guy. Hubby is an avid Red Wings fan, he works through most of their games so he is currently watching Tuesday's game while I just free-style a post. My apologies for anyone looking for rhyme or reason, they won't be found here! I'm so looking forward to spring - until the pollen gives a full-on assault. Then I'll be looking forward to summer - until the humidity and heat about boil me. On to wishing for fall - until those autumn pollens attack. And then I'll be wondering where the year went, again. Took stock in two bathrooms used by two boys, and I have to say, these two are trained pretty well. My boy because he grew up with his mom, and hubby because he's the only boy of five kids. Nice to not be stepping in spots and puddles during the night, or falling in because the seat is up! (Habit here is closing lid and seat, too many things fall into open toilets.) Halfway through the hockey game. I should check the scoreboard and see if it's going to be a happy ending - nope, they lost. Great... You'll be in Pennsylvania, Eric? Historical tour? Taking in Washington, DC, as well? If you'll be in Michigan, give a shout. There's a few of us up here. Thinking of driving, did anyone notice that gas is up? It shot up to $3.40 here, and I think I saw a FB rumor that on the west coast it hit $3.80. Holy guano, Batman! More snow and cold in the forecast, I think I'm going to bed and sleeping until April. Bet I'll really need to shave my legs when I wake up! Enjoy your hump day, everyone. Friday's coming...
  19. Okay, you guys...the deer is NOT protesting, she is dead. She, as explained to me, because SHE has no antlers (could be a boy that's lost them, but...), SHE has no hangy-downy-things, and SHE had two little ones inside. That was sad, they were about the size of chihuahuas. She did, however, have a last supper. She was crossing the road at a corn crib, coming from, not going to. Hubby and my boy were joking that there was already corn to add to the stew... We can put her in a tutu, but I vote the llama gets the tutu since it can dance much better than the deer... I need to get the front quarters finished, but have a helluva migraine today. Not just my head is involved, have a roiling tummy, as well. Took drugs, but nothing is touching it. Sure hope I don't have to go down to the hospital and get a couple of hip-shots to solve my head pain. If it hadn't gotten so cold again, I'd think it was allergies, but with such a cold snap again, I doubt it's allergies, and usually an allergy headache doesn't bring nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Bruce, don't know if my freezer would hold a roadkill moose, don't know if the truck would have lived through being t-boned by a moose, either. The deer weighed about 150 pounds, dented the truck but didn't knock it off the road... Having spent a few years in the interior of Alaska, I've seen what a moose can do, and know that in Alaska, you don't keep the roadkill, either, it goes to a food bank. Anyone want to come over for venison steak? I'll have hubby cook it...
  20. LOL - Judy (MI), I'm not vertically challenged, I'm 5'5", about average, but hubby is 6' and son is taller than me, meaning both of them have a wider wing-span then me, so they do the reaching and smooshing of spiders on the ceiling. Oh, we could so do "the world is my urinal" comparisons, Judy. May have to PM you some of 'em! Never buy the cute little rug that goes around the toilet - or maybe you should, since you can toss 'em in the washer! We spent the morning grinding deerburgers. Still have about 30% of the deer to process, just took a while to get it skinned and quartered yesterday with the wound it received when it side-swiped the truck. The left side of the rib cage looked like it had taken cannonball fire, hard to skin with bone fragments, etc., everywhere. The boy and I will be doing the two front quarters, hubby is working, yesterday being his first day off in a while. Snow ain't dumb, had the man do the bigger quarters, and the one with the most damage so I didn't hear about salvaging (or not) meat that should have been dumped. ...and I am no longer even "in like" with snow, it can stop until Christmas Eve, I'm good. Sad state of affairs, I was thinking if I caught the flu the world seems to be passing around, I'd have a jump start on a diet and could then continue... I really need to go to Bud's house and borrow a cup of ambition. I have a treadmill, can see it from here, and there it sits! Same with the Wii fit. Ready for spring, spring, spring! Tired of wearing a coat, jacket is fine, coat is getting heavy...
  21. Eric, PA is the state of Pennsylvania. I'm surprised there wasn't a big arrow to the state but you could find cities in other states - crazy! Judy signs KW, for Key West, but it's in the state of Florida (FL). The other Judy is in MI, Michigan (like me). There's more, give a look-see: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0110468.html I hit a bird once, Kasey. It got caught in my bumper, made my heart hurt. I knew I'd hit it, was looking for damage, not the poor battered body of the little thing.
  22. Judy (KW) - It wasn't a car full of girls, we had a full view of the side of the car when we got to the second stop sign from our house upon first leaving. It was a single man. Andrew has his posse of girls, none of them would pull that kind of stunt that late, they would have been here earlier for snacks and movies, that's just how he rolls... Judy (MI) - It is concerning, and I am out in the boonies, but far from helpless. Anyone who's been on here for a while knows that I have a Louisville Slugger used for beating the monsters back under the bed, but I don't think hubby would mind if I dug out the rifle if I felt I needed it. Annette - Sounds like your nephew needs help, not necessarily tough love and being locked up, but some in-patient facility to deal with depression. Losing his mother had to have loosened some screws, just glad he popped pills and didn't chug drain cleaner. Also good that they weren't BP pill or something that would have worked far more quickly. Bud - Leg cramps? My diagnosis is lack of potassium. I'm prescribing a banana split to get rid of that problem, in fact, I'll even take your medicine for you... Eric - Are you only hitting Montana or just more interested in Big Sky Country? I drove through the state over a decade ago. It's beautiful, but everything is so spread out. It's probably perspective, but the sky really does look bigger there, the blue is so bright. I'm enjoying the little streams in my yard where the snow drifts are melting from the top down and the bottom up. Not looking forward to the onslaught of pollen, but spring is more than welcome!
  23. Oh, it's Friday, happy, happy Friday! Got a call from Larry close to the time he usually gets here. I guess he decided to go grocery shopping, called me to let me know that after being teased for the last few months, a deer finally hit him. No, he didn't hit the deer, the deer hit him, passenger side of the truck. Nice dent in the door, and the tail light and housing will need to be replaced, for starters. He called the county sheriff's office and the nice deputy shot the still breathing deer and wrote him his permit so he didn't get a ticket for pouching. Instead of kicking back and watching an hour or so of TV with him, I had to meet him at the kill site and follow him to his parents' barn where the guys (him, his dad, my son) hung and gutted the mother of twins. Ewww... Since it has to hang for a while and Larry's working a 12-hour shift on Saturday, looks like I'll be butchering a deer on Sunday. I so thought the second week of November was the end of that, crap! Not totally complaining, venison is expensive. All things considered, after paying the deductible, this bit of deer meat will be around $7/pound. Best thing about venison over beef? Larry cooks the venison... On our way out to meet Larry, Andrew and I passed a suspicious vehicle. I didn't see it on our way back through, and after the carnage, I told Andrew he could take my car and go home, I'd ride with Larry. The suspicious vehicle was back, and kept turning around to stay on the same road Andrew was on. Time to get a dog... Along with our homicidal streak, one mouse is now a memory, head crushed in a trap. Sure looked small, though, the one that was hiking around the dining room appeared twice the size, highly probably we have more than one critter in here. Will have to get some styrofoam and fill up the holes around the sink pipes. Always something. Off to bed, I hope. With weirdos in the neighborhood, I may not sleep yet again tonight. What's for dinner where you are?
  24. JUDY! (MI), I was crying about mid story, I was laughing so hard, and the cops to top it all off? You really should send that story in to the Blue Collar boys, maybe they'll pay you for usage... "If you've ever been called onto the porch by a SWAT team for shootin' a dang coon, you might be a redneck..." Sooooo many critter stories: Years ago, my aunt lived in a big farmhouse, the kind with the creepy cellar with the access being the big double doors outside the house going underground. One night, she heard a noise in the cupboard under the sink, and being someone with experience of mice, thought it sounded a bit bigger than that. She opened the cupboard door and slammed it shut, having come face to face with a hissing possum! She yells to my uncle, he loads the shotgun and shoots it, right there. What a mess! You would think that after the bat, she'd know better than to ask his help, they had a bat flying around the living room and my uncle discharged the shotgun (into the walls) three times to kill the little guy... ...and then there's the skunks... Eric, you really need to take a side trip and make sure you go to a zoo while you're here and check out the native species. OMG, STILL laughing, Judy! Too bad it wasn't caught on tape for "Cops"!
  25. Rousing possum stories yesterday. Eric, after talking to my mighty hunter husband, he has seen a possum play possum. At another time, he must have caught one in a foul mood, as it hissed at him and bared its teeth. Living in the country or not, it's always surprising to find a bit of nature on the porch. One night, before the possum scare, I brought home my boy and dog after work, in the dark. We all were in the house when we heard a crash at the back door - where the dog's tie out was. We (well, just me, I made the boy stay in the living room and the dog decided to "protect" him) went to see what the noise was and I saw the biggest raccoon I have ever seen in my life on the deck, staring back at me. My poor dog missed her 'before bed' trip outside that night, I didn't want to worry about a coon attack on my girl... She sure was ready to go out the next morning. Do you have raccoons where you are, Eric? They're cute little monsters. I have been advised to keep my dogs away from them and to never let a dog chase a coon into a pond/river/lake as the coon will get on the dog's back and force its head under water, drowning the dog... I really miss that dog... It's supposed to be in near or in the 50's tomorrow. Bring on the spring! Downside is the pollen...I love spring, but spring hates me.
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