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Posts posted by luvmydog2

  1. I was approved the first time I applied. SS goes back till the last date you worked. There is a 6 month wait period for benifits to start. Also, if you make less then 830.00 per month then you are considered not employed. You can also make this amount after you are approved and it won't hurt your SS benifits. Your medicare starts 2 years after your benifits do so make sure you have your insurance covered somehow. Feel free to PM me if I can answer anything for you.

  2. Thanks Connie. Didn't relize there was a shortage this year. I go see my doctor tomorrow and plan on asking for mine. If not then I'll ask my Onc. For those of you on Medicare, they pay for your Flu Shot and pneumonia shot if needed.

  3. From looking at your signature line, it sounds like it may be something that can be fixed. Perhaps there is a reason besides cancer. At any rate I hope your mother will talk to the doctors about it. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  4. Someone that will be there when you need them most. Some only come around when THEY need something and when you need them, they are nowhere to be found.

    Here is a quote that a friend gave me some 35 years ago....

    True friends are like diamonds; precious but rare.

    False friends are like autumn leaves; found everywhere.

  5. There are several reasons I come here. First of all, I hope to be able to give back what was given to me ...Hope. Second, I come to share in your laughter and third I come for the friendship of my "extended" family. I don't post a lot but I share in your success and cry with you when you are sad.

  6. You have got to remember that this "Roller Coaster Ride" is different for everybody. What is good for one may not be best for another. Sorry I can't directly answer your question. I do know that talking with other people, that most doctors will keep tring different treatments. Some may work while others won't. I think that it is up to the patient to decide how far to fight etc.

    Hope that this helps you some. Will be keeping each of you in my prayers.

  7. Frank, did you make that up? That is so funny.

    Frank may be smart enough to sell a little ole lady a "good" automobile but not smart enough to make something like this up. I bet he sold Hungry Jack's auto to Betty Crocker. :lol::lol::lol:

    Good one Frank.

  8. Pedro was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place.

    Looking up toward heaven, he said "Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday, for the rest of my life, plus promise to give up womenizing and drinking tequila."

    Miraculously, a parking place instantly appeared.

    Pedro looked up again and said,..."Never mind. I found one!"

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