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Posts posted by luvmydog2

  1. I had my left lung removed 6/2003. I tried climbing stairs to the 2nd floor after 3 months. I found out that it was not possible. I can pretty much climb all the stairs I want now....slowly but I can do it. It does take time to heal. I get extremely winded while doing certain things. Taking a shower is bad for me. I need to sit down as soon as I get dried off. Also after carry a box in the house from the truck.

    What I am trying to say is that after 2 1/2 years you will never be 100% again. Some people are different then others. I would highly recomend physical therapy. It did wonders for me. While never going away, the SOB will get better as time goes on.

    BTW, if I had it to do over, would I have lung removed? You betcha. I have been cancer free for 2 1/2 years now. Good luck and stay here with us and we will help you on this journey.

  2. I have not had to go through the chemo route but I sure can relate to the balance problems. I get dizzy standing up. I have fallen several times also. Bad part is I don't remember falling. Sort of like I just blacked out. Have talked to my doctor about it and my MRI last year was clean.

    Hope you can get the problem licked soon.

  3. Got the results today. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. Dr said there was no change since last visit. As far as the cold it was just that. I took a few antibodics and it took care of that. I suppose that I can rest easy for another 3 months now. I think I might head to the mountains for a few days before long.

    One thing that did not look or sound too good is that I have lost another 16 lbs in 3 months. I was down 9 last time so that is a total of 25 lbs in 3 months. He wanted to know if I tried to do that which I did not. Another CT Chest/Ab/ Pelvis in 3 months. If any further weight loss by then (or earlier) then more test are in order. Maybe I should plan on eating more turkey, ham and goodies for the holidays.

    Sure sounds like fruitcake time to me. Maybe I'll bake one and take to the mountains with me.

    Thanks again for lending the ear everyone.

    BTW....Still working part time so maybe that is part of weight loss. good possibility.

  4. Thanks to everyone. You all sure picked me up again. That's what makes this board special. Will post Monday to let you know what the results are. Was supposed to know yesterday but Dr had to be out of office. :x

  5. CT scan today. As usual I am nervous about it. Am 2 1/2 years from surgery now. Been feeling down for a few days now. My wife says a cold. I say no. I have been spitting up the yellow junk. Just paranoid I guess. Will post results when I see Dr Friday...or tomorrow if I call him.

  6. I would have to say yes. As a child I would try to repair things. I remember 2 specific things I tried to fix. I never owned a bicycle. There was one sitting at the school where I attended. It had a flat tire and needed a tube. Now being from a poor family and not having any money, I took the bicycle. I loved putting model cars together. I took some model car glue and tried to glue a patch on it. I forgot to mention that the tube was split and not just a puncture. What I did was cut the tube completly and slipped one end in the other. It held together and I was proud of myself for taking nothing and making something out of it.And now as Paul Harvey says "Page Two."

    I put the tire back on the bike and started pmping it up. The tire got larger and larger. All at once I heard air.....Now you know the rest of the story.

    At age 6 or 7, I got my first pair of PJ's for Christmas. Two or 3 days before school let out for the holidays, a boy in my class got burned with hot water.He went in hospital. He had no pajamas. Well, he got my new pair.

    At age 12 selling cards door to door. Anyone remember that? At 14 I was delivering newspapers on foot....still no bicycle. Walked about 4 1/2 miles per day. Bought my first car and paid cash for it.

    So yes, my life turned out about the way I thought it might. I am pleased....Hard worker who believes in repairing what can be repaired to save someone a buck.Still trying to help the other person as I did with the PJ's.

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