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Posts posted by Barbb

  1. Kasey, I named her after Kasey Kahne the Nascar driver!! When she's in trouble I yell "Kasey Kahne you get over here"! I have also been known to call her " Zwingy", with a "hard" g sound. Rod used to use that word! So that will be her name. I'll try to add a photo, she's lovely.


  2. No matter the child's age it is devastating to lose a parent. My daughter was 27 when Rod died. She will not talk to me about it

    but she talks to her therapist. Someone "outside" and with that training is more able to help Nick. He must be hurting so much. I'm with the others, this is the right move. You will get your son back.

    love to you, Barb

  3. Chris,

    I am so glad you posted to tell your story. Rod and I had talked about getting Directv but never did. He loved Nascar and we always watched it. I got Directv this year and my plan has Speed channel, he would have LOVED that channel, but now I can not watch Nascar. I tuned in for the Daytona 500 and just about lost it. I understand...


    PS I would give everything to hold him one more time, I never knew how strong that need could be. Cancer does indeed suck.

  4. Jude,

    I just loved Don's postings. He was a wonderful person and the picture of the grandkids was my favorite on here. I llove the "big eyed" one, he's too adorable.

    My husband died Nov. 07. I planted a "Rod Garden" last summer in the place he always planted tomatoes. I put in flowers and grasses we never had before and it was a good place to work when I felt particularly down, um, every day. I used the tomato "stands", the things he built to hold up the plants, to put the birdfeeder he built outside the living room window. (He worked at a steel fabricating shop, everything he built will last forever!)

    I find that some days are smooth water, some are a little rough, and some are rapids with white water. Nov. and Dec. 08 were so bad I thought I was stepping back a year, but they passed. I know the days I can go outside are always the best and this year I started volunteering at the Humane Society since I am not finding a job, and not to unhappy about that. I walk the dogs, and they love me 8) My friends I used to work with still include me in outings, and they are my kids ages! I also still see my therapist monthly. The only advice is as the others say, keep very busy, the months pass and eventually you won't need so many tissues. Life gets a little softer.

    If you want to email, please do.

    With love and warm thoughts,


  5. Thank you to everyone for holding my hand through this long year, I don't think I would have made it without having this place to pour out my anguish. You are the most compassionate people I have ever "met". I don't post alot but I come here often.


  6. After spending an afternoon in town, I got home, unloaded the car and sat at my desk to check caller ID. My dog was barking at something in her, "check it out, mom" voice and staring right beside the living room door. Behind the fire extinguisher was a snake :shock: Fortunately I don't pick up after myself very often and there were a pair of gloves nearby. When I picked it up, it was whipping around,for some reason that was very intimidating even though it was no longer than 2 feet long. But just a garter snake. Creepy but not harmful. I have picked up baby ones to relocate or just mess with, but this was like picking up a huge snake. Not cool. And not "Just For Fun". A short time later I took my blood pressure and it was the lowest it's been in weeks!!!!


  7. Don,

    I always look forward to your posts, you are one of my original friends here and have been so encouraging. I am praying you have peace, comfort and the love of family and friends surrounding you. You have mine.


  8. {{{{{Patti}}}}} I am so sorry to read this. You are so entitled to a good long whine, you are always so upbeat and fun, we are here for you. I can't believe your doctore said 6 weeks, how tempting to just follow him into that room and say, "I don't think so Doc". You took care of it yourself tho, good going.


  9. This morning, our daughter and I took Rod's urn to the cemetary. It was time to have it out from behind the entertainment center. I emptied the ashes from the baggie they had stuffed into the urn.The bag was too large to get out of the urn so I had to fiddle with it with one hand to get it flipped upside down. It was really heavy, too. I got it emptied but put just the tiniest bit onto the part of the garden he always used for his veggies. (I planted my Rod Garden there this summer.) I thought the internment would be really hard, it was harder for Lacy. She felt like he was just "away" all this time but she said it made it final. We stayed in town to shop a little and have lunch. I'm glad that is done, it was time.


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