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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. (((((Francine))))),

    Glad to see you are back with us! I am so sorry you had such a tough time but glad they were able to take care of things!

    Prayers are with you!

    God Bless,


  2. I wish I had the words to make it all better for each of you but there are no words. I lost my Mom to cancer in 1992 after her second round. She had actually died in 1987 and was very upset when the Dr.s "brought her back". She made us all promise then that when she went again we would do nothing to stop it. She told us had seen her father and mother and others who had gone before her and she wanted to be with them. Ever since then I have counted that as my PROOF there is more to come than this old world. I am in no hurry to leave here but when I do I look forward to seeing those I loved who are waiting for me to catch up.

    God Bless you all,


  3. Becky,

    If you are in Mid Michigan and I am in Missouri I guess we would have to meet in Chicago! I know some GREAT stores there that are having their end of season sales right NOW!!!

    I wonder if the "Windy City" could stand 2 cancer survivors on a shopping weekend??? They ain't seen nothing yet!!

    God Bless,


  4. Several years ago (18 or so) I developed the most terrible panic attacks. My Dr. at the time had no idea what caused them but started running every test he could think of. They finally discovered (after about 3 months) that my thyroid was way off. Once we got that under control the panic attacks stopped and I have not had one since. I can sympathize with your Mom because I had to go home or seek treatment more than once when I thought I was "going to die" right THEN!

    Prayers being sent your way.

    God Bless,



    To realize

    The value of a sister

    Ask someone

    Who doesn't have one.

    To realize

    The value of ten years:

    Ask a newly

    Divorced couple.

    To realize

    The value of four years:

    Ask a graduate.

    To realize

    The value of one year:

    Ask a student who

    Has failed a final exam.

    To realize

    The value of nine months:

    Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

    To realize

    The value of one month:

    Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

    To realize

    The value of one week:

    Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

    To realize

    The value of one hour:

    Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.

    To realize

    The value of one minute:

    Ask a person

    Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

    To realize

    The value of one-second:

    Ask a person

    Who has survived an accident.

    To realize

    The value of one millisecond:

    Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

    To realize the value of a friend:

    Lose one.

    Time waits For no one.

    Treasure every moment you have.

    You will treasure it even more when

    you can share it with someone special.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo!!!!! Not "Snowflake"!!!!! I'll eat, I swear I will!!!!! LOL. I can think of alot worse things than having Becky sicked on me, lol.

    Thank you all for the wonderful support you give!

    God Bless you all,


  7. Every one is different in what it takes for them to quit. For me the diagnosis of cancer did it and I have been smoke free since 6/6/03, the day I started chemo. I admit there are times I would like one BUT as long as I don't buy them I can't smoke them! It was easier to give up BUYING them than SMOKING them! I never was one to bum from my friends and I smoked menthol cigs for years which most folks don't so there was no one to borrow from anyway, lol.

    Stop buying them and see what happens. Put the money in a jar or something you can't open very easy and watch it mount up. Then take yourself out for a nice dinner or something with what you have saved!

    Prayers for success headed your way!

    God Bless,


  8. (((((Becky))))),

    Funny you mentioned shoes, lol. We were just laughing about the fact that my shoes are too BIG since I have lost weight! I didn't think I had fat feet but I guess I did! My shoe size has dropped by 2 sizes and my clothing size has dropped by 5 sizes! I am still losing some weight so I don't want to buy to many clothes yet but I really do need to get some new shoes!!

    God Bless,


  9. T Bone,

    First off, don't believe everything you read. Most of the statistics were done 10 or more years ago and things have changed since then! WE are survivors here and the stats don't mean anything!

    Radiation can (and WILL) help stop the mets! Prayers and good thoughts coming your way!!

    God Bless,


  10. I got my eyebrows and lashes back pretty quick after chemo was done but I am still waiting for some HAIR!!!!! I lost what little I had during PCI and I am starting to doubt if it is going to come back :cry: !!

    Good thing I like my wigs, lol.

    God Bless,


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