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Everything posted by Isunique

  1. Thanks everyone the place where I work is a hire at will fire at will. So she can let me go for no reason. I am going to try to stick it out and if push comes to shove I will let her fire me. With the price of gas and considering I have a 50 mile RT to work it might be okay. For awhile I really thought it was me, that I was messing up that bad, but the HR person just looked at me and said, you are not the problem, she is. No, they won't get rid of her, she kisses up to the big bosses good. I truly like where I work, I have met some extrarodinary people and they have taught me a great deal. I have met holocaust survivors and people that lived though the depression and such. they taught me how I want to age and given that chance I think I might be a pretty good old fart. A quote from Sandy, I haven't gotten that part down just yet She sure doesn't sound like a very nice person. I actually usually just feel sorry for people like that...honestly. They are obviously not very happy with their own lives and need to take it out on others. Thanks Sandy, I think you have hit it on the head. I am going to start to love the day and let sour people go ahead and be sour. and I will say it again. You are the greatest bunch of people that I have had the honor of knowing. Sarah Today's Message of the Day is: Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.
  2. Has anyone had to look for a new job while going through all of this. I don't think I will be at my current job for very long. Quick history. I got my DX in Feb 08 surgery Apr 08. In between I was going for tests, etc and trying not to think the worst. My caring boss wrote me up for poor work performance for the dates of 03/03 and 03/04, guess what I was having a FNA on the 3rd and had to take off the 4th, due to a small lung oops. I schedule transportation for the elderly residents at the apartments where I work. The mistakes were nothing major, some typos, a little close on times, etc. She wrote that she spent all day and worked late to correct my mistakes. Well, I know that is not the case, but I can't do anything about it. Of course the fact that I was dealing with a potentially fatal disease didn't seem to concern her. I had my surgery in April and returned to work on June 11th. I am now getting written up for things that were done by others while I was off. So, that brings me to the place where I have to think about that process of looking for another job, not fun. My boss is one of those two faced type of people one is all smiles and what ever you need things and the other is all I care about is my self, and you can frig off. After I was back for awhile I sent her an E-mail telling her that yes, I was having some problems with my memory, words and verbalizling, results from the surgery, the very next day she wrote me another one of those caring E-mails to tell me that I forgot to put a return time down on one of the schedules. The daily sheet that the drivers use did have the return time on there. I should also mention that she is the micro manager from ****. I have managed to deal with the DX of LC, major surgery, etc and still only take one dose of wellbutrin a day. I have had to increase that to twice a day because of the work stress. I keep thinking, why am I letting this BS get to me, it is not worth it, but I have this old fashioned thing with work ethics and having someone tell me that I am not doing my job right just doesn't sit well. I can't afford to quit. Okay, so that brings me back to my original question, Has anyone had to look for a new position after being DX with LC and has that been an issue with hopeful new employers? Thanks for letting me vent some. I have found that if I talk with someone or type out my problems they tend to seem a little smaller or I can just put them where they belong better. Have a great weekend and pray for all that are in the path of Ike. Sarah
  3. Welcome to the group of the greatest people around and the group that we all hoped not to have to join. I agree, 30 years that is an awesome accomplishment. Sarah
  4. Thanks everyone, those are fantastic suggestions. I have always been into knitting and crochetting, it has only been the last year that I am so focused on it. I guess I if I can't be employed doing something that I am extremely passionate about, I can at least have a hobby that I am passionate about. I am also doing a Lungevity walk in October. You know it is very weird, I had always donated before, but this time it is a personal thing. I did the Knit a thon to take my mind off my brother and father passing within months of each other. If anyone thinks of anymore let me know. I will forward the ideas on the the sponsors of the knit a thon so they can get the word out. It always helps to make something that is truly needed rather than something that will just sit there and take up space. Thanks again Sarah PS What about fingerless gloves?
  5. Hi all I know that J-me is getting suggestions for a new patient comfort bag, but I need suggestions for the person already DX'd and going through treatment. I participate in a Knit a thon, we make caps etc. I am looking for ideas of things that can be knitted or crocheted, or even woven for the comfort and ease of anyone going through treatment. I will E-mail the ideas to the folks that put the Knit a thon on. Actually, it is because of the Knit a thon that I went to the docs, long story, but knitting quite honestly saved my life and continues to help with my sanity. Okay, maybe the last one I still need some help with. Thanks to all Sarah
  6. Sandra, that is a very touching and honest post. I am only 5 months out of my LC DX, so do I think about the cancer, how about 24-7. Will it lesson, I hope so. That was the case when I was DX with Gallbladder cancer. I had 16 years out from that DX. But, of course with that one I didn't say to much because you just didn't know that much about Gallbladder cancer, and to be very truthful I really didn't want to scare anyone with a gallbladder issue. Some people deal with a bad gallbladder for years, and gallbladder cancer is rare. When the doc told me that they saw a spot on my lung I knew that I had cancer. My only problem was that they thought that the LC was secondary to a pancreatic type cancer, whoa. Well, they ruled that out and the LC was the primary. The boards have been very, very helpful and have given me hope. I am old school and when I was first told that I had LC I thought I was dead meat, to put it bluntly. I try to keep my hands and mind very busy, I still work and I usually have a knitting project in my hands when I am not working. Trying to keep my mind off of the cancer and smoking at the same time. I quit 6 weeks before my surgery. Thanks to all on this forum, you have made a difference Sarah
  7. Linda Welcome to the board. I am fairly new here myself and you won't find a better class of people. They have made me feel very welcome. I am praying that your family gets some answers. I also took a mini tape recorder with me when I went. My husband went with me but for some unknown reason we each heard things different that what was really said. Plus, sometimes just hearing the doctors voice is reasuring. I will be praying for you Sarah
  8. This is very interesting http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4401751n
  9. The more I read the more I realize that I have been extremely fortunate. My PCP believes in yearly C x-rays for all of his smoking patients. He actually found two of us the same week, and we ended up going to the same surgeon. The gym where I go has a RN as an owner and put me in touch with the best thoracic surgen around. They found mine when it was still 1B. I will continue to pray that we find an method for early detection. Take care Sarah
  10. Shrimp First of all welcome to the most fantastic group of caring folks that you will ever find. I will be saying mega prayers for you and your family. Please give your dad a hug for me. I lost my Father in Dec 07 and miss that part. He didn't pass from LC, leukimia and old age (90). Take care and remember to step back from all the medical from time to time to talk about stuff not related to the cancer. Take Care Sarah
  11. Welcome, sorry you have to be here. The folks on this site are great. Sarah
  12. Congratulations on the 18 days. It is hard but the Chantix does make it dealable. I had some pretty cool dreams as well. Keep up the good work and remember to pat yourself on the back everytime you resist that urge. Yes, even wanting to go an grab the smoke out of the hands of the smoker in the car next to you. That is when the urge hits me the most, long commute and smokers in car next to me. Good luck with the DH. Your both in my prayers Sarah
  13. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sarah
  14. Thanks guys Since finding this site I have felt much better about things. Coming here is like going home, simple, comforting and an all around feel good. When I see all of the survivors it really makes me feel good inside. It is a tough road to hoe, yet it means we have made it thus far. I remember a story about an old man going to a nursing home and being en to his room. The aide was trying to describe it to him, but her told her he knew that it would be beautiful and he would love it. She said but you haven't even seem it yet. He replied I have made up my mind to love it and so I shall. I have been working on al ot of these issues and have decided that no matter what, I still love my life. My cancers while hard to take mentally, have made me a better person and a much sronger person, though it doesn't always show. I will be fine and we all will be fine, just have to keep remembering that. Yes, I know about the drugs, but I have never had it last this long. Thye still haven;t decided what causes his seizures, it is going on 4 years now, but we will keep trying to find answers. Patti, I kint and crochet pretty much anything. I do a knit a thon where we make chemo caps. Right now I am working on my Christmas gifts. I started when I was home everyday with pretty much nothing else to do. Thanks again guys I like the hugs You are all in my heart and have made my heart much warmer and bigger.
  15. Welcome to the site. I am fairly new here as well, you won;t find a greater bunch of people than right here. Take Care Sarah
  16. Thanks Sandra. If it wasn't for my knitting I think I would go stark raving mad, and I do mean they "would" notice a difference. Have a great weekend Sarah
  17. Okay, my mind wanders quite a bit and I can't keep focused. Now it isn't bad and I have been fortunate not to go through chemo or any other treatment. I had surgery and decided to opt out of chemo. I was staged 1b, so not bad for LC, not the greatest but compared to others I have a cake walk (at least right now). I returned to work after 2 months and it has really been weird and more stressfull than before. My boss isn't the best, etc and the stress level is right up there. Not is it just the fact that I know I have lc or is it different because they know that I have lung cancer? Sometimes I think that it would be great to stay home from work and try to enjoy my life. Alright, I would really have to win the mega or super lotto to do this, but I think it might be worth a try. Would I be happier staying at home, I'm still young and need all of the bennies that come with working, paycheck, health and life insurance, etc. What I am getting at does anyone going through this feel like you are looking out and not seeing the same things that everyone else sees? Has anyone that has had a lobectomy had problems with keeping your thoughts focused and not forgetting words etc. I am 4 months out of surgery and I still have issues with forgetfulness, ets. Oh, and I am having to cope with a husband that suffers a seizure disorder that the doc's can't figure out why and where they are coming from. He has had over 15 of them in the last 2 1/2 years. They behave just like a mini strokes, he forgets who I am and who he is, etc. Okay, enought of my rambling tis a Friday night and I should be out drinking and carousing, oh well I think I will go watch TV Sarah
  18. Okay here goes, I started out as a carhop (no roller skates). Time off for kid. Worked with the school system in a variety of jobs, school bus driver, custodian. Off work because of injury on the job. They didn't want me back, oh well their loss. Went back to school to pick up some paperwork for the PC knowledge that I had. MOUS Certified. Working at the present time at a senior apartment complex. Very interesting, there are holocaust survivors, I can listen to the stories for hours. Office work and accounting. Sarah
  19. Thanks guys, it sure did feel good to hear that all clear. I work at a senior apartment building and was talking with the son of a resident. She had a lung removed back in the 60's. She is 98 years old and still kicking booty big time. So there is hope for all. Take care
  20. Sorry for your loss Christine. it sounds like you and your Mom had a special bond. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sarah
  21. I got the results back and I am clean as a whistle. Next hurdel will be the full CT and the blood work. I think I will do fine if I just study hard and keep my nose to the grindstone. Take care all
  22. Okay, I gotta add this, I made it through 3 teenagers and a 3 year old in the same house at the same time(or as we called them the brady kids from he**. Oh, and can you count growing up wih 6 brothers and 1 sister.
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