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Connie B

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Posts posted by Connie B

  1. My suggestion is, you and your brother have each other to lean on and if it were me I would do so. This IS a family disease and sadly enough it very well may be hard for your mom's sister too. I don't know your family's ins and outs. None the less, this is a very emotional time for everyone and emotions run hot and cold. Try not to judge anyone at this time. Everyone handles things differently.

    Find someone who gives you comfort and try and stay away from the negatives. Not all family members are supportive. It is what it is.

    When I went through this with my mom, SOME of her siblings were only worried about who was getting what household items when she passed away. :roll: I just rolled with the people that gave me support and comfort and I stayed clear of those that didn't.

    Consider this a growing lesson for you. Shocking but I've heard worse!

    Good luck.

  2. Don, you've been the glue on so many occasions that held this family together through some very rough times. Please know I am here for you during this part of your bumpy ride. I hate that this is happening to you. I hate cancer. I am saying prayers each and ever day that they find a cure.

  3. ((((((((((((RICH))))))))))))))))) AWE RICH, it won't be the same at LCSC without you!

    You have been our ROCK and such a wonderful friend all these years. My prayers are with you each and every day. God watch over our Rich Please?

    You WILL be missed.

  4. Wow Carol, I remember when your journey began and how scared you were my friend! Isn't it GREAT to see things do a 180 right before your eyes? I am SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!! This really is AWESOME, FANTASTIC NEWS!

    Go Celebrate. Way to go GIRL!


    Peace be with John and comfort of his wonderful memory be with you and your family at this time. May it pass softly for you.

  5. This really is GREAT NEWS! Way to go Colleen!!!!!!!! You GO GIRL!!!!!!

    Way to kick some cancer *ss! I LOVE IT!

    Well JB, you'll just have to try and find some NEW kind of fun over the next three months! :wink: Time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!

  6. CRAP!!!!!!! BUMMER!!!!!!!!! POOH!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN-IT!!!!!!!!!!!! #(O&((#$^&*%#!!!


    Well, it's not over till the fat lady sings my friend! So, lets just keep thinking POSITIVE!!!

    Sending you TON'S OF HAPPY THOUGHT HUGS!!!!!!

  7. This is not uncommon if his blood counts are down. They HAVE to do this for safety reasons. Chemo is VERY POWERFUL and to much is NOT a good thing. I know it's scary, but honest they have his best interest in mind. Take it one day at a time. It's better to do what ever it takes if it gives him a longer life. Turkey days come and go, just be patient.

    Best wishes and try and stay positive.

  8. Hey Friends!

    Wow, what a bunch of awesome loving caring supportive friends I have here at LCSC.

    I LOVE YOU ALL! BUCKY, thank you my DEAR FRIEND for calling me and for cheering me up. That was AWESOME! :wink:

    Thank you ALL for your kind words and your love and support. It honestly did me a lot of good to vent it out and leave it behind.

    Most of the time we all know the logical way to handle things, and we know all the right ways to deal with the ups and downs, We honestly know all the right answers, but sometimes those ways just don't work when your heart is bigger then your brain or when we just don't want them too. I told my Doctor's nurse yesterday that I know all the right ways to handle things but then my brain committee gets to working and all hell breaks loose and I can't sleep, I can't think straight, I can't eat, I cope an I don't care attitude, etc., etc. She said she totally understood what I was I saying. (thank God)! And then I must not be saying things correctly or politically correct because people misunderstand what I mean to say or what I THOUGHT I said. I don't know, maybe it is me! It very well could be. So, I have to really start thinking and being very careful as to what I say and how I say is. Sometimes I think just being alone with our thoughts is needed and I've kind of done that the last few days. I was on a POOR ME kick for a couple of days, but I ditched that and things are better.

    Anyway, It's just been crazy stuff going on,(and a LOT OF IT) and I always try to be there for others but sometimes (not often) I need someone to be here for me. I don't always need answers, but I do need to vent now and then and by golly it did help to vent here. SO THANK YOU ALL again for letting me get it out! I know how to put things in prospective most of the time, but sometimes I'm just not ready to do it at that time. Does anything I am saying make sense?

    Well, I'm not cranky anymore, my cold is NOT better, I am on meds for it. My cold settled in my chest and my Pulm Doc today told me NO MORE of that. From now on, when I feel a cold coming on, he want's to start me on antibiotics. He and I both know after my last heart surgery my lung is not as strong as it use to be, so he is concerned about me getting pneumonia. All these years we never really worried but about that, but now it's a number one issue. BUMMER! They really beat my lung up on that last surgery I had. So, now I have to be extra careful he said when it comes to colds.

    Also, my Ct scan showed my nodules (one of them) has grown from 7mm to 1.6x 1.2cm. Going from a mm to a cm is concerning. So, my Pulm doc said he was very concerned with that growth. I have 3 nodules, and 2 of them appear stable since the previous exam the end of April, but the one decided to go haywire on me.

    He stated I could NOT have a biopsy because of the fact that I only have ONE LUNG. It would be to risky to do one for fear it could collapse my lung. But he did talk about gamma knife (IF) this turns out to possibly be cancer again. I will go back in 5-6 months for a CT scan again and we'll see what it shows.

    NOW, I also made mention to him that this might be enlarged due to infection from my cold as well Right I said???? And he did agree that it COULD be that also. So, we are going to try and think positive. So, that's, that!

    As for my Aunt, what a ride that has been!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is meeting with a surgeon as I type this. Her PET scan showed 2 masses in her left lung. One on the top of the lung and the other in the middle. Her biopsy showed she has NSCLC and that was from the upper mass in the left lung. They are not clear as to if the mass in the middle of her lung is cancer or not. This whole ordeal has been so half-assed I am just frustrated. So, today my Aunt, Uncle and my cousin are at the surgeon's office and my cousin will get things in order here and we'll know more after today. My Aunt and Uncle don't hear things the way they should and they relay them even worse then the way they hear them so this has been craziness to say the least. However, my Uncle is 85 and my Aunt is 73 and I know she is in complete denial, not to mention really really really really pissed!!! So, it's been crazy! And I know there are things I don't have control over, but things just bug me sometimes. Logically I know I don't have control over a lot of things, but they still bug me now and then. Sometimes I just want to scream and by golly I just might do that too!

    Well, I guess I have babbled long enough. My Love and Support goes out to you ALL!

  9. Dear Lillee,

    I am so sorry your dad is nearing the end. No one here can tell you how long he may have. I wish we could. You need to be talking to the Hospice staff. This is there job and they will guide you through.

    Prayers for you and your dad.

  10. Hello to all my grandma's friends,

    I am Ashley,Austin's big sister. I'm 9 years old. I enjoy playing piano.

    I'm sorry you all have to be on a lung cancer board. :cry:

    My grandma say's your all very nice people & she worries about everyone here. I wish you all were cured from lung cancer forever. We hate lung cancer.

    Take Care,




  11. Have you talked to Hospice? Those are the people that should be guiding you.

    I agree with it being congestive heart failure. This is common in the late stages of our cancer journey and it can cause feet and hands to swell. My mom's feet turned blue, but she was in a coma hours before she passed on. She too died from congestive heart failure due to lung cancer they stated on her death certificate.

    Please talk to Hospice. God Bless you and your dad.

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    Wishing you all the best.

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