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Posts posted by TBone

  1. Hi Carleen,

    I don't know where to start with this.I have been having some of the same feelings that your husband is having.I sometimes think that my family would be much better off if I just threw in the towel.It is such a strain on us all.I have 3 young kids and this is just dragging out the enevitable.I have not given up but I have not felt good in a long time either.I keep praying for strength.They give me plenty of support.I honestly feel worse for my freinds and family than I do for myself and I wonder if Keith feels the same way.I am also a recovering alcoholic.I went to a 90 day treatment program in August and have not had a drink since.The past few nights I have dreamed that someone was trying to make me drink.To make me feel better.I am not going to do that but the dreams have been so strange.Maybe he got it out of him when he was drinking.It could have been that he just needed to say that and now he will regain his fighting attitude.I sure hope and pray that he does.I also suffer from clinical depression and had taken meds up until my diagnosis.For some reason I decided I didn't need them anymore and quit taking them.One of my sisters noticed a change in my attitude and suggested that I get back on them.I did about a week ago and my attitude is better and I am not depressed but I still feel like hell.Maybe you could check into some depression med for him.I am on lexapro and it works quickly.If it is going to do anything you will know within the first week.At least I did and I had tried many depression meds that did not work.I am rambling.I hope this helps.I just know exactly how he feels and I can imagine how you feel about not making it without him.I lost a fiancee in 1978 and almost took myself out when she died.It was hard not to.I am so glad that I didn't.She wouldn't have wanted it that way and I wouldn't have this wonderful family.Love and prayers to you both.TBone

  2. Hi,

    Although I had encouraged you to continue on with the last treatment I have to say that I was hoping that the docs would make this decision.Sounds like you need a break and you did get shrinkage.Keep your chin up and have fun at the soccer matches.We have school baseball starting here.Hope I get over this fatique so I can enjoy some of it.TBone

  3. Hi everybody,

    I went to get my MRI results today to see what whole brain radiation had done for me and it shows shrinkage in all 3 mets to the brain..The original scan was a CAT scan done at an emergency room at another hospital and my rad onc compared it to the MRI done yesterday.He did not have all the info from the other hospital that he needed as yet but will have in the next couple of days.He said that it looked like the big tumor went from 3cmx4cm down to 2cmx2.5 cm.This still sounds big to me but it is shrinkage and he said there is no swelling or edema so I take it as good news.I just wish I felt better to celebrate.He is going to continue with the chest radiation and I am going to try to get into a GVAX trial.Love to you all and thanks for your prayers.TBone

    I posted this under test results as well.Too lazy to do two posts.Shame on me.TBone


  4. Hi everybody,

    I went to get my MRI results today to see what whole brain radiation had done for me and it shows shrinkage in all 3 mets to the brain..The original scan was a CAT scan done at an emergency room at another hospital and my rad onc compared it to the MRI done yesterday.He did not have all the info from the other hospital that he needed as yet but will have in the next couple of days.He said that it looked like the big tumor went from 3cmx4cm down to 2cmx2.5 cm.This still sounds big to me but it is shrinkage and he said there is no swelling or edema so I take it as good news.I just wish I felt better to celebrate.He is going to continue with the chest radiation and I am going to try to get into a GVAX trial.Love to you all and thanks for your prayers.TBone

  5. Good morning,

    Yes,today is the day for scan results.Got my fingers crossed and praying.I will post results as soon as I can.On another subject I was just looking thru some old bookmarked web pages and found this one from a couple of years ago.I thought some of you may enjoy it.I found it comforting this morning.Wishing and praying for the best for us all.TBone


  6. Hi everybody,

    Thanks so much for all the support and prayers and concern.I think that my fatique is left over from the whole brain radiation.It seems to get a bit better every day.I feel better this morning than I have in a long time and I just hope it stays that way for a while.I don't know when we will get scan results but will post them as soon as we know anything.I am hoping for the best but prepared for anything and it sure helps a bunch to have all this support.Thanks so much to all of you and especially to my wonderful,supportive family who know just when to give me a shot of encouragement.Love to you all.TBone

  7. The people who are started college this past fall across the nation were born in 1984.

    They have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan Era and probably did not know he had ever been shot.

    They were prepubescent when the Persian Gulf War was waged.

    There has been only one Pope in their lifetime.

    They were 10 when the Soviet Union broke apart and do not remember the Cold War.

    They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

    Tianamen Square means nothing to them.

    Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

    Atari predates them, as do vinyl albums.

    The statement "You sound like a broken record" means nothing to them.

    They have never owned a record player.

    They have likely never played Pac Man and have never heard of Pong.

    They may have never heard of an 8 track. The Compact Disc was introduced when they were 1 year old.

    They have always had an answering machine.

    Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black and white TV.

    They have always had cable.

    There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea what BETA was.

    They cannot fathom not having a remote control.

    They don't know what a cloth baby diaper is, or know about the "Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial.

    Feeling old Yet? There's more:

    They were born the year that Walkmen were introduced by Sony.

    Roller skating has always meant inline for them.

    Michael Jackson has always been white.

    Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.

    They have no idea when or why Jordache jeans were cool.

    Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.

    They have never seen Larry Bird play.

    They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.

    The Vietnam War is as ancient history to them as W.W.I, W.W.II and the Civil War.

    They have no idea that Americans were ever held hostage in Iran.

    They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.

    They don't know who Mork was or where he was from. (The correct answer, by the way, is Ork)

    They never heard: "Where's the beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel," or "De plane, de plane!"

    They do not care who shot J.R. and have no idea who J.R. was.

    Kansas, Chicago, Boston, America, and Alabama are places, not bands.

    There has always been MTV.

    They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

  8. Add me to the mess list cause I got that nickname in the delivery room I think.I feel so sorry for those who cannot find a way to laugh during this ordeal.Laughter is the best medicine at times.When I get depressed I can come here or find another funny page somewhere and drag myself back up again.When I first signed on to this board and read the posts about the wakes I almost died from laughing I think.I knew right away that I was in the right place.Keep those jokes coming.And the next time you are down in the dumps.Pick me up a tire.TBone.

  9. HI Dean,

    It is good to see you posting again.The wet weather has me all blue and down too and I am not immobile.I can't imagine being "trapped" for a few days like you have been.It is supposed to be sunny here today and tomorrow.I plan on spending some time out in it to get a refill of that natural Vitamin C too.I hope they can give you something to ease your leg pain.Keep on smiling.Keep on scooting.And keep on posting.I hope you have a wonderful weekend.TBone

  10. Colleen,

    Words cannot express my sorrow for you and your family.Try to find some solace in that he was at peace and you were holding him in the end.If I have to go I want it to be that way too.My God bring you and yours some strength,serenity and peace in this time of turmoil.TBone

  11. You could say.You think I'm skinny?You should see my pigs.I have to tie knots in their tails to keep them from going thru the slats in the fence.hehe.Must be the water.Really I think most people that make comments like that are not paying any attention to what you say anyway.I just always ignore ignorant remarks.No sense in letting them get you down.Take care.And I love for people to vent on here. Hope you feel better now.TBone

  12. Hi TAnn,

    I have not had any chemo yet but whole brain radiation made me have more bad days than good and I know how you feel.I see some very positive things in your signature though.You do have shrinkage.You only have one more treatment.And you have that wonderful family keeping house and pulling for you along with all of us.I hope and pray that your next and last treatment will not be as bad on you.Keep your chin up.TBone

  13. lt is so nice to see you again Norme.I know you are still grieving as all of us are over Buddy's passing.For you to be here now helping others is just amazing to me.I know that I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.You have been so inspirational to me and continue to be.Thanks a whole bunch.TBone

  14. Hello Dean,

    Are you out there?I know the weather had ya down in the dumps on your last post.I hope things are clearing up and things are getting better for you.I miss your posts.Take care and I am praying for sunshine and happy days for ya.TBone

  15. Hi Dean,

    If the weather people out there are as good as they are here you may have more sun in the forecast than they predict.They are terrible at guessing here.I sure hope you don't get soaked in for a while.That drives me crazy with or without the mobilization problem.

    I live near Columbus,Georgia and I noticed that the transit system there has a special bus to pick up scooters and chairs at their houses during inclement weather.I imagine you have checked into that but just thought I would mention it.Take care.TBone

  16. Hi,

    Thanks for the replies.I feel that I know a little more of what to expect from the chest radiation now.

    Good to hear from you Howard.I know you were having a hard time the last time you posted.I hope things are better for you and pray that they stay better.I was never bothered by the hair loss.I have been mostly bald since I was 25 and it never phased me.I wasn't one of those to let the sides grow out and comb it all the way over my head.I have seen some doozies that tried that.I like the zero maintenance too.Take care.TBone

  17. Hi all,

    I just wanted to post my experience with whole brain radiation so as to compare it with those of others and hopefully provide some info for those that may be faced with it in the future.

    I completed 15 rounds of WBR on 2/3/04.I had no side effects whatsoever until the 10th treatment.On that day I lost all my hair.Within a couple of days I developed blisters on my ears and peeling on my forehead but controlled it with a cream and it was not bad.I felt fine.Approximately 7 days afer the last treatment I started feeling terrible.I lost appetite,developed what seems like a sinus problem but will not respond much to meds.Feels like I have fluid on my ears all the time.This causes headaches.I have no sense of taste.When I lean over it seems like a river is rushing to my head.None of these symptoms showed up until a full week after the last treatment.Up to that point I had felt fine.

    I think that these bad symptoms are slowly disappearing as some days I wake up feeling fine.Instead of good days and bad days,though,I have a good few hours and then can start to feel bad real quick.I will go sleep for a couple of hours and usually wake up feeling better.I never know from day to day what I will feel like when I wake up.I did not develop the fatique until a week after the last treatment either.Does anyone else have the good hours/bad hours syndrome?

    I went to radiation onc Thursday and he marked my chest to begin a series of 18 radiation treatments to my chest that will begin on Monday.The tumor there is interfering with my voice.After that I will begin some sort of chemo.

    I will get a scan to check on the effectiveness of the WBR on 3/1/04.I sure hope it did something.I am praying that it did a whole lot.Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement.Praying for us all I am.TBone

  18. Hi Berisa,

    I posted a question about sleeping on Jan 15 in the Welcome forum.I got some good replies.Maybe you can go back to that post and find something that will help your Dad.I sure hope so.Since then I have had whole brain radiation treatments and now I sleep too much.I think my biggest problem when I could not sleep was decadron.When the doctor reduced my decadron I slept better.I hope this helps.I am praying for you both.TBone

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