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Posts posted by Jana_W

  1. Hoping for a miracle. If that can't happen, hoping you all find the strength and love within you to help at this most difficult of times. I am so sorry for this. It just isn't fair.



  2. Hi

    I am not sure what Larry is referring to as "standard acceptable treatment". If this is simply surgery, chemo and radio, which I know gives my Mum a 5 year survival I would rather not think about, then why wouldn't we all be looking at what different options there are out there? I believe standard, acceptable treatments for a great many late stage lung do not offer all that can be done in terms of survival and a cure. If they did, then surely there would not be so much research into new treatments?

    I am really sorry to read about you brother in law Larry. That sounds like a horrible situation. I would never suggest to Patti, or anyone, that they should follow a "miracle cure", and only use that one treatment and ignore all others. However, most so called "alternative clinics" do not advocate that. They recommend an integrated and holistic appoach to treatment, based on both scientific research and alot of anecdotal evidence.

    I do not know much about laetrile, except to know of it's controversy. I also know that as well as the negative and dangerous reports pertaining to its use, there are also the positive reports. This is the case for any type of treatment. We should think about how many negative reports there are out there pertaining to chemotherapy. I think the side effects of chemo hardly make it what one would consider a walk in the park, or without risk. Also these side effects are tolerated in an effort to gain a marginal survival advantage. I would not call this a "proven treatment" for late stage lung cancers. I am not suggesting one should not have chemotherapy or other conventional treatments, but perhaps they are not the only and best option. I do think that there is much more out there. I do think it is wise to research with a critical, yet open mind.

    with best wishes



  3. Hi Ben

    I am sorry to have to meet you this way, but your post showed a great deal of love for your Mum so you have come to the right place for support.

    It is a horrible time when going through a new cancer diagnosis. I had to go through it about a year ago when my Mum was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC (adenocarcinoma) and felt much like you in that I count my parents as amongst my best friends and have never really had to endure any tragedy or loss. I now realise that I had been so lucky to have lived 32 years of my life that way, and that many people face the fear of loss at a much earlier age than me.

    You asked about symptoms. I guess everyone is different so I can only relay to you my Mum's experience. Take heart, as my Mum is pretty much symptom-free one year after being diagnosed. She had secondaries in her mediastinal lymph nodes and rib. The rib was removed for histology. She still gets some pain in this area. Celebrex is apparently good for bone pain, so you might want your Mum to mention that to the onc. Mum also gets a bit short of breath and anaemic whilst on chemo, with slight nausea as well. However, once she stopped chemo these side effects stopped. It really was the chemo that made her more sick than the cancer (but hopefully it was killing the cancer at the same time!!!). Mum also gets a bit out of puff now, but she never really was a racehorse anyway. Otherwise, she is all good. She goes about life just the same as she used to. I hope this helps to give you some idea (and also some hope) about things.

    You mentioned that the onc things there could be bone mets. Is your Mum scheduled to have a bone scan? From my understanding this is the best way to determine if there are bone mets. This is what my Mum had after her first PET scan showed suspicious "hot spots".

    There is alot of treatment available out there so my best advice to you is to read as much as you can, do not have a closed mind to anything that might work, and love your Mum as much as you can. Please let us know how the appointment goes on Thursday.

    with best wishes



  4. Hi

    Like everyone else has said, I am sorry you had to find us but glad that you did. The people on this site are an amazing support and wealth of information for anyone whose life is being affected by lung cancer.

    It does sound like there is a good game plan in place to treat your Mum's cancer. The next few weeks will certainly be an emotional rollercoaster as you try and get used to all of this. There is alot to learn so take your time sifting through all the information you have and trying to absorb and understand it all and get used to the "new normal".

    Wishing you and your Mum all the very best



  5. Hi

    I am sorry to read about your husband's diagnosis. As I live in Australia I have no experience with the Mexican clinics although I have read about many of them. If Iwas living in USA I would hope my Mum would consider them. I wish that the whole cancer community and medical community could cease thinking of treatments as being either "alternative", "complementary" or "conventional", and just consider them all on their own merits before placing them into a category that comes with its own preconceptions.

    I wish you all the luck in the world in your research and hope you find some people who have experience with these clinics. I am sure there must be some resources on the internet for this.

    with best wishes for you and especially your husband



  6. Carleen, I just read thist post. Sorry my wishes are a bit late but I am thinking of you and Keith and hoping for good results from the pancreatic biopsy. What a hard time you are both having at the moment. I am so sorry.

    with love



  7. Thank you for this Elaine. I think it is good to read as much as we can about all the things being taken. There is going to be studies which show positive results and studies which show negative results or harmful side effects, so it is always good to know about as much as we can.

    with love



    PS: I take spirulina as a general tonic, and the website mentions that some tablets have been shown to contain hair and insect fragments. Eeewww!!!!!!

  8. Ginny

    You have been blessed with the most amazing and beautiful heart and also strength of spirit. The love you and Earl have for each other is just so obvious. I am so sorry that this is what you both have to go through, but I hope you manage to still find some good times and create some more beautiful memories.

    with love



  9. Tracy

    I am so sorry to read about the latest turn of events for your Dad. You are right that he is to young to lose this fight. Have they discussed what treatment options they are proposing for you Dad, or is this waiting til after the CT scan? There are plenty of things that can be done, so don't lose hope.

    I will be thinking of you and your family, especially your Dad. Please let us know how the CT scan goes.

    with love



  10. Becky

    Whoa! :? Sounds like you are going through rather alot at the moment. I am sorry I don't have much to offer on what you are describing (although at times I think I suffer with brain farts myself, but I have no cancer to attribute it to :D !!).

    But please know I am thinking of you and sending you lots of love and warm wishes. Take care of yourself, don't drive, and let us know how things go.

    with lots of love



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