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Posts posted by Jana_W

  1. Hi

    WBC can vary quite alot due to a variety of different factors. I will try to find you a reference that is good (I am a laboratory scientist), but please know there are many, many reasons for a raised WBC. How high was it? Bacterial infections are one of the most commong causes for a raised WBC.

    I will try to find a reference for you now, and post it later.

    Thinking of you



  2. Margaret

    I cannot answer your questions I am sorry, but please know I am sorry about this turn of events. I am anticipating you will get the treatment to fix this though.

    Sending you lots of love



  3. Hi Kim

    I am sorry to hear things are not going great, but am hoping that the CT scan shows some better results. I suffer with panic attacks myself, so I can relate to that. They are not much fun at all. I am thinking of you and your Mum and hoping for good news......

    with best wishes



  4. Aha!! That explains it. I do not understand why it would have offended anyone in the slightest.................oh well........

    I certainly am not an authority on the questions you raised, Larry. From my understanding the inheritance of the Aboriginal race is the same as for any race. So, if your parents are half European and half Aboriginal you would be born half of each. The colloquial term for that is "half-cast", meaning you are not full Aboriginal Cast nor full European Cast,

    You also asked about the religion..... I do not know alot about it, although my husband is about one/eighth Aboriginal. I would suggest you look up Aboriginal Dreamtime on the Internet. There certainly is alot to their spiritual beliefs and I would not like to suggest I knew more about it than I do.

    My love to you all



  5. Jane, I am so sorry sweetie that you are feeling this way. Of course you are missing Alan. It was obviously his time to go, but that does not mean that you were prepared for it. I am certain, without any doubt, that he is in the heaven that you have always believed he will be in. The fact that you miss him so much is always a testament to how much you loved him, and although that will never change, perhaps you will get used to his new home.

    I wish I had more to help you with, but the truth is I don't. But the other truth is that I love you and care about you very much.



  6. Karen asked me to put a message up because she is having some trouble with her computer. So there are twice as many wishes being sent your way from over here in Australia. Keeping everything crossed for some good results.

    Jana and Karen


  7. Hmm....Larry, I cannot remember my year 12 Human Biology that well, but I think it is something to do with this......I think it's more that modern day apes and humans have a common ancestor. That we splintered off on the lineage somewhere and homosapiens evolved slowly over a long period of time to become what we are today. Apes stayed as they were. I'd really need to read up on this again to be certain though. Maybe someone else could shed some more light on this. You have prompted me to read up on this again though, so thank you for that




  8. Hi all

    It seems that there has been alot of ups and downs on this board this last week. I guess this just reflects what life is like, and that any group of people will not always be able to agree on things and really there is nothing wrong with that. But when we discuss things on email it is sometimes different from discussing them in person and things can get mixed up.

    I would just like to thank everyone on this board for any support and encouragement they have ever given to me, Karen (my sister) or Karel (my Dad). It means alot to all of us to be cared about and have support and encouragement given to us in a way that means something to those providing it. :D

    I wish all of you a wonderful weekend. I hope you all find a special moment in it.

    Sending you all love



  9. Ok. Time for my two cents worth. It's pretty simple really.........if you were Aki, how would you feel being discussed and dissected like this. Supported? I think not. :(

    I don't get any of this at all. Aki, if you read this, I am sorry that you had to. That isn't fair.

    Take care



  10. Oh Cat

    I hadn't been on the board for a couple of days and was so dismayed to read this thread. My heart is breaking for you and the pain you are going through. I really don't think I have anything else to add as there has been so much good advice etc already. I double ditto what Karen said and strongly urge you to keep looking at alternatives. As long as there is life, there is hope sweetie.

    I wish I had more I could say to help things. But please know I am thinking of you and sending you strength and positive thoughts and energy.

    with love


    (and I am so sorry it's taken me so long to reply)


  11. Hi Luannie

    I think I may have met you on another site and suggested you come here. If so, glad you found us, and if not, still glad you found us but sorry you had to.

    I hope the treatment goes well for your Mum. My Mum only had chemotherapy so I can't answer your questions, sorry. I know how hard a time this can be. Please feel free to PM me any time you like.

    Wishing you well



  12. Thanks Larry and Cat for your encouraging words. We will keep up up the fight. I am lucky I have such an excellent sister batting with me!

    Wishing you all well



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