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Posts posted by Jana_W

  1. Oh Julie, I could feel the heartache in your post. I am so, so, sorry for what you and your Mum are going through at the moment. It is a terrible thing you are going through. I know part of how you feel as my Mum was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer (Stage IV) last July. You asked for some positive stories............well, my Mum is one of them. According to the statistics she had a very slim chance of being around even now, but she is still here, symptom free and ablebodied 100% one year later. :D:D Julie, please hold on to hope. There are many stories on this website of people surviving what many others consider the "automatic death sentence". It is not that. I do not understand why your siblings are not being more supportive though Julie. I feel it isn't fair that you have to be solely responsible for all of the care and support. It is a draining thing to do. I hope you are taking the time to look after yourself as well. Is there any one else who lives near your Mum that could help with things? A nurse who could come in and check on things, or suchlike?

    You are not alone with your emotions Julie. There are 1200 other people here who will always listen to you and be here for you, and who understand what you are feeling. And if we don't understand, we'll certainly try. You have just become part of one huge family, so you now have family to talk to. Please keep in touch. Let us know how you are, and how your Mum's results in a couple of weeks go.

    I will be thinking of you and sending you and your Mum all the positive vibes in the world.

  2. Hi Tina

    What you wrote made complete sense. I remember when Mum was first diagnosed they had been discussing doing a pneumonectomy and trying to remove the positive lymph nodes as well. But before they could do this they had to confirm if the "hot spot" on the bone scan was cancer or not. So Mum had to have a thoracotomy and have her rib removed, which which a pretty big operation in and of itself. Unfortunately this came back positive for cancer, but I remember thinking to myself how horrible it would have been if she had gone through the pneumonectomy only to find out shortly after the cancer had spread, and she only had one lung on top of that. Mum is doing pretty well one year later with no symptoms still, so I hope that Charlie has the same result.



  3. Oh Tina, I am sorry to read about the scan results :(

    I hope you find a fantastic clinical trial for Charlie to be enrolled in. Please keep us posted on what treatment he is going to have and how you are going.

    with love



  4. Ginny

    I am sorry that you've been going through so much. But it sounds good to me that the doctor has encouraged Earl with the WBR. As for the pesky doctor not calling you at 8pm because he was walking his dog with his daughter.............that sucks! He KNEW you were expecting his call at 8pm and if he couldn't stick to that time he shouldn't have given it. But, without dwelling on that, I hope you are finding the strength you need to take on this next stage of treatment. With every breath, there is always, always hope.



  5. Hi Jane

    I just sent you a PM, but wanted to also write again that I am thinking of you alot and hoping that the steriod clear up these polyps! Please tell your lovely husband he is also being sent zillions of positive thoughts.



  6. Oh Kelly :cry: I am so sorry to read about your sister. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I, too, have a beautiful sister and would be utterly heartbroken if anything ever happened to her. Wishing you strength for the coming days, weeks and time ahead.

    My sincerest condolences, and please, now that you've stopped lurking please keep in contact and let us all know how you are going.



  7. Fay, you pointed out something that I hadn't even though about . Ooops. :oops::oops: Katie and Rick would have been getting those emails on Father's Day and that is just absolutely disgraceful. We all had read about how Katie felt about that impending day. I am appalled at this even more than I was before.



  8. Oh Jane, you are such a special and amazing person. We always knew that, but now we know what an amazing and special person your husband is as well. Of course that shouldn't be surprising. Please, please, please can you thank him on behalf of all of us here at lchelp for his generosity. I often think of what the two of you have done, in your darkest of hours, and it never ceases to send a shiver down my spine. We are blessed to have you on this board and in our lives. You are a gift to all of us.

    Take care sweetie



  9. Geeze, Fay, what a total pain in the a**e regarding the radiation onc. not being able to use your other scans. Sorry to hear it all made you so sick, but soooooooooooo pleased to hear you are feeling a bit brighter.



  10. Cat

    I really don't know what to say to you except I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. I, too, am scared by what you write.

    I am thinking of you



  11. Hi all

    I know that everyone is always very busy with lots and lots of people to be thinking of, BUT I am going to impose on you and ask you to please add my Mum to your list of people you are thinking of.

    Mum has finished 6 cycles of chemotherapy and is continuing with various alternative treatments. She has her CT scan coming up on Monday and appointment with the onc. on Wednesday. Mum is doing pretty well. She says she has increasing pain in her rib cage (on the same side as where she had a cancerous rib removed to diagnosed her as Stage IV), and she feels pretty certain it will be a metastasis. So we are all a bit anxious, but am just trying to wait and see what the scans show.

    Karen or I will let you know of the results after we get them. Thanks for your help.

    Wishing you all well



  12. I find this truly unbelievable. I really can't even talk about it as I have ZERO comprehension of what sort of people would send hate mail to Rickey and Katie. I am sorry for them that they had to read it though and just wanted to also add my thanks for this site and all it does. I care about all of you (not too sure if that includes the senders of hate mail though!!!!).



  13. Wow! What a week. I am sorry to read about your Mum but it sounds like she is an old hand at getting rid of those pesky cancer cells. Sounds good to me that she had a clear colonoscopy three years ago too.

    Was thrilled to read that David's problems look like being an infection. Phew!

    Hope you are finding some time to relax, sleep and eat (but it doesn't sound like that would easy to do at the moment).

    Take care



  14. Oh no Ginney. That is not what we wanted to hear. I am so very saddened to read what the doctor has told you. Your pain is so obvious and it breaks my heart. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. I also agree that if Earl has hope and wants to continue the fight, then it is not right for that to be taken away from him. And besides, as long as there is breath, there is hope. Miracles do happen. We've all seen it before from stories posted on this website. I don't know what else to say. I am so sorry.



  15. Hi Nina

    Sorry to read you've been sick with bronchitis. As we are in Australia I am not too sure what time it is over here when it is 3pm for you, so I'll just think of you all the time and hope that the x-ray continued to show good news.

    Wishing you well



  16. You can count me in. I'd like to donate $5 a month to LCHELP. Now I just need to figure out how to do it!!! :D (I am sometimes technically challenged), and also live in Australia, so not sure how that all works.



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