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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Maryanne,

    You are right, more and more of us never-smoked "young ones" are being diagnosed every day. And because we "never smoked" and are "young" we are almost ALWAYS diagnosed at a late stage (IIIB for me). Our symptoms are dismissed as stress, a cold, an infection and we are told to go home, get some rest and we will be fine. I was even offered an anti-depressant. I had to practically demand that something else be done, I knew something wasn't right.

    As for what causes it, it must be a combination of things, I know I didn't inherit it, I'm the first one in my whole family line to be diagnosed with lung cancer. Environment plays a huge part, I am sure, and I truly believe that some of us are just going to get it.

    They are now finding that the cancer in young never smokers responds differently to treatment than smokers, which means to me that we have something in our dna that must be an open link for cancer. We are more suseptible for some reason and our bodies can't fight off the cancer.

    The first question I asked my oncologist is "Is this hereditary?" I was concerned for my son. He said, "no, absolutely not, there is no study that links lung cancer in families. Well our board has proved that wrong. What if his "make-up" is like mine. Couldn't he then "inherit" my "mutant gene" or whatever it is that made me become a cancer victim???

    Sorry that I've gone on and on, thank you all for letting me "think out loud". Thanks Maryanne for this thread.


  2. I'm curious too about why your doc doesn't want to try Tarceva. I've been on it for 5 months, I am stage IV with primary tumor in my right lung, malignant pleural effusion, nodules in the left lung, and mets to the brain. Tarceva may not have shrunk anything, but it has kept me stable for 5 months, and I'll take stable all day long.....

    Have you started the Alimta yet? Maybe you just haven't had enough treatments to show how you're doing yet.? Let us know.


  3. I am so sad to read about our Betty. She was always a positive and loving support for us and always had nice things to say and good wishes for all.

    She will be missed.


  4. CharlieD,

    As usual, you have given me a great "pick-me-up" with your positive post. Glad you are done with Alimta for a while, hoping the ct shows even more shrinkage.

    Are the fish biting?????

    It's those darn steroids that aren't letting you sleep and giving you those chocolate cravings. Hopefully you will be able to wean off them and feel more normal.

    Enjoy your "happy hourS" :D


  5. Brian and Pat,

    Take the time to enjoy this long weekend together. I had 2 different chemo regimines that I could not finish due to low blood counts, my doc also said the maximum benefit is usually received in the first 4 treatments, so he was never worried that I couldn't make it to 6.

    My prayers are with you both.


  6. Cindi,

    I haven't been online as much lately and I am so sorry I missed your post. As someone who has suffered from pleural effusions since diagnosis, I think I might be of some help, or at least a source of information.

    First of all, why are they not willing to do a thoracentesis? Seems like the logical first step, given your background of effusions resolving themselves.

    2nd - If you "let it go", you may have more trouble than you bargained for. I did this, "let it go" and the fluid totally encased my lung. They couldn't get a good view of my lung because it was "squished" like yours, so it was very hard to diagnose progression or shrinkage. If the fluid stays too long, there is a condition called "trapped lung" where they can no longer remove the fluid and your lung basically collapses from the pressure of the fluid. I have this condition on the lower portion of my right lung. (This is also where most of my pain is coming from)

    Now remember when I had that Denver Catheter??? Well it did a good job of removing the fluid, for a year now, but it is NO FUN. Ask your doc, or pulmonologist about a thorancentesis, ask how much fluid there is, ie: 1/2 way up your lung, to the top of your lung, just the lower part of your lung?????, you see the picture. (Or maybe you should see the picture - x-ray or ct scan)

    I hope this gives you some valueable information and doesn't scare you. Please let me know if I can be of any help. Don't wait too long to deal with this. VATS may be too invasive to go through if they can get the fluid with just draining. I guess your doc just wants to resolve the effusion issue all together.

    Put that box down! Get yourself in order before you worry about the house!

    Let me hear from you,


  7. Beth

    I am so sorry that I missed your party yesterday. Happy Birthday!!!! Hey Cindi, can I have that last piece of cake?????

    We love you Beth, glad you are here to celebrate your 38th birthday with all of us! And Many More!


  8. (((((David & Karen)))))

    You have been through HE**. I know how you must feel with the never ending pain, I am praying that they can get that under control for you. Stay strong my warrior friend, we are all praying for you.


  9. Sues,

    Welcome to our wonderful community. I'm sorry that you have to be here. Sounds like you are handling things very well, for just being diagnosed. I have not had stereotactic radiosurgery, but have had whole brain radiation. Sounds like they will be able to target your brain mets individually and zap them away. I'm sure you will hear from those who have had it.

    Wishing you the best outcome and please let us know how you are doing.


  10. Beth,

    Sounds like you haven't been having too much fun lately..Hopefully they can do it like Ry's surgery and you will feel much better. It's always something, huh?

    Chemo can really do a number on our veins. It's been over a year since I've had any IV chemo and they still have a hard time finding a vein. I think the port is a good idea.

    Good luck to you my friend,


  11. Frank,

    You are my hero. I hope your days are filled with doing whatever you want, eating whatever you want and drinking whatever you want. That your body is given new strength without all those treatment side effects and that you continue to lift us all up.

    That fat lady ain't singin anytime soon!!!!


  12. Yesterday's doctor appointment really surprised me. For the past 3 weeks I've been feeling worse by the day and my pain is increasing daily and getting harder to manage.

    My chest ct shows no change from prior scan 6 weeks ago and my brain MRI actually looked even better than the previous one. When I asked my doc if there seems to be no progression and my pain is increasing, along with my SOB and fatigue, then what is going on? He said that we usually scan every 3 months and this was only 6 weeks. Apparently IF there is progression it is very, very slow and therefore not showing up the ct scan yet. We have another one scheduled for 6 weeks again. He was surprised that I was having the symptoms based on the ct scan. I'm actually taking Lortab for the pain now, I usually just take Advil, don't like the heavy duty stuff.

    He said if my symptoms get worse before the 6 weeks we will re-scan sooner. So I guess I should be really happy about the results, which I am, however my body doesn't FEEL like the results indicated!!!

    Staying on Tarceva until there is absolute evidence of progression. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.....


  13. Beth,

    You have really had a rough time, I'm sorry you've been feeling so yucky. Hopefully it will pass and you will be feeling much better soon. How many more Alimta treatments do you have left? You've done very good so far, hang in there!


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